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westplains1865 t1_jals80h wrote

As much as it's frustrating to see these turds live full lives before getting caught, I hope stories like this strike fear into every similar turd with terrible skeletons in their closet. I want them to think of their victims every time they hear a knock at the door, never knowing if it's the police with an arrest warrant.


24_7_cat_party t1_jalv9nh wrote

1994 wasn't 43... Was it 43 years ago? What year is it?


wavehandslikeclouds t1_jamdphh wrote

The long arm of the law and all that… I’m glad they solved this case after all these years.


kstinfo t1_jamnowv wrote

This article reminded me of an incident more than 20 (I have been corrected. Should read 10) years ago. The New York Post dedicated a full front page to a story about a murder linked to the Occupy Wall Street protests. A DNA sample was retrieved from a lock broken at a subway gate and it matched evidence from a Long Island killing a year or so prior.

It finely emerged that (1) the sample had been compromised by a lab technician and there was no match and (2) New York city had a backlog of 500 untested DNA samples from rape cases.

The city, in an OWS witch hunt, had gone to the trouble and expense to pursue a minor breach over 500 felony cases. The Post never issued a retraction. Exposure, however, did force the city into dealing with the backlog.


shirts21 t1_jan5s75 wrote

badly written title. but thats not surprising i guess.


The Muder was in 1979.
There was a rape in 1994 where they got DNA.

was able to ID body in 2015

then just recently tested the DNA FROM 1994 This year 2023 or Last year 2022. and it was some 63 old man in Spokane Wa. they have arrested him btw


Jesus. Thats fucking awful. he was 20 when he killed her.


ADarwinAward t1_janm2w8 wrote

So they could have put this guy away in 1994 after he raped someone else, and they never tested it so he walked free for 43 years instead of 15 years.

Wonder how many others this predator raped in the last 43 years.


ThisSiteSuxNow t1_janmspa wrote

No shit I'm correct.

And you aren't informative or amusing.

Edited to add: being snide may be something you find amusing, but it would have been far less annoying if you simply corrected your error(s) and sourced your bullshit.


ThisSiteSuxNow t1_janp6te wrote

Sorry bud but no you're not.

And if you're reading comprehension is so bad as to not know that I was obviously correct about when OWS happened (and that you were obviously incorrect) then I'm definitely wasting my time trying to converse with you.

Get your head out of your ass, quit trying to be funny, and accept and correct your mistakes when you're called on them.

It's not hard.
