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justforthearticles20 t1_je0o6dv wrote

After that, the mass die offs from Heat, Drought, and Famine will sharply reduce the population, and that assumes no big wars over water.


TupperwareConspiracy t1_je14nmu wrote

Not at all...

The issue is fertility rates in the bulk of the northern hemisphere are already on the decline - those women having children, most are having 1 or 2 which isn't nearly enough to maintain population #s ... extreme examples include Japan, Norway & Russia (even before the war in Ukraine) which are net negative now and will continue to lose population baring substantial immigration.

China has peaked and the United States would be right behind if not for immigration keeping numbers up.

The only substantially growing population is in Sub-Sahara Africa / without that world pop would be on the decline


justforthearticles20 t1_je1hxbg wrote

What you say is true, but humans are actively and knowingly creating an extinction level event that is going to bring the population down fast, and there will be wars over water, possibly in our lifetimes.