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stanleythemanly85588 t1_jd2xfgp wrote

several Russian POWs have been convicted of war crimes in Ukrainian courts of war crimes


TogepiMain t1_jd48ozu wrote

Why would any country try their own soldiers for war crimes? That's not a Russian problem you just described


TerryWogansBum t1_jd6lwrt wrote

The US does it selectively. They literally sanction outside parties even looking into their war crimes. The war crimes the US acticevely punishes to a decent extent are convenient ones. My Lai? Couple of years house arrest for ONE guy. Abu Gharib? Extremely light sentences. Eddie Gallagher? Presidential pardon.

If you'd ever seen the aftermath of what they did at My Lai that "punishment" should sicken you. Hundreds of children raped and mutilated. An entire village massacred out of sheer bloodlust. And a couple of years house arrest (which caused outrage among the US populace, not the leniency but that any punishment happened at all)


penguiin_ t1_jd55yz8 wrote

Because real life isn’t call of doody where you kick your feet up on the presidents desk after he brought you out of retirement for one final job

If you kill a civilian in a war zone even accidentally you can be facing decades in prison. This is something those Russian apologists and whataboutism masters seem to forget every time they bring up the US invading Iraq. Oh, and military prisons don’t let you serve part of your sentence last I heard too


TerryWogansBum t1_jd6lzr0 wrote

My Lai, Abu Gharib.


penguiin_ t1_jd6mkyv wrote

yeah they fucked up on those to be sure, and theres still tons of stuff still ongoing like guantanamo bay for ex. but whataboutism is really stupid and doesnt actually really work as a comeback the way these russian apologist bots are trying to use it as


TerryWogansBum t1_jd7d5wo wrote

I agree there at least. Russian warcrimes are happening RIGHT NOW so of course they're the primary concern. But the US are pushing themselves as a white knight in this situation so it's important not to forget their crimes just because there's something more current.