[deleted] t1_jap3jga wrote
[deleted] t1_jap5npd wrote
TriclopeanWrath t1_jap7z7t wrote
Oh shit it's Pete Buttgiegs buddy.
edit: Why is this getting down voted?
TheWicked77 t1_jap8sfo wrote
Agreed but of all things child porn. That's the lowest of the low.
MrFuzzyPaw t1_jap9mlj wrote
(E: IF) I had a buddy that murdered his kids. Does that mean I'm a murderer by association?
[deleted] t1_japa2mr wrote
Oh shit, for once it's not a republican.
[deleted] t1_japaa9p wrote
bouldersizedboulder t1_japb95l wrote
Well yeah if it was a Republican they wouldn't get arrested they'd get a promotion
shaniusc t1_jape54v wrote
Not a good look for him and his platform 😕
Spicy_Lobster_Roll t1_japegy1 wrote
AirBnB certainly thinks so.
firem1ndr t1_japge6w wrote
eh probably not that’s just the ones you hear about
[deleted] t1_japh74j wrote
Yeah, but considering it's a democrat, odds are they'll get ousted same as de Blasio.
Not that I'm suggesting a difference in response to sexual misconduct between the two parties has led to one developing a culture of sexual misconduct and a consequential greater likelihood of committing such acts. Both sides, am I right?
TriclopeanWrath t1_japhmlb wrote
No. Why are you getting defensive?
ChangingShips OP t1_japjkar wrote
That's quite an extensive list. Holy moly.
[deleted] t1_japk9sm wrote
Richanddead10 t1_japkb4j wrote
It’s Maryland, it’s really not unusual for a mayor to be arrested before they complete their term there. Seriously.
[deleted] t1_japlyv7 wrote
[deleted] t1_japm1m1 wrote
[deleted] t1_japokir wrote
ninjadude93 t1_jappg4j wrote
Its getting downvoted because you've made what seems like a poor attempt to imply buttigieg is also a pedo by association and I assume the intent is to slander all democrats as well. Whatever the case its irrelvant to the issue so you're getting downvoted
[deleted] t1_japqbj5 wrote
[deleted] t1_japs6a1 wrote
pk10534 t1_japs875 wrote
Is anyone gonna talk about the fact that after his arrest, the city council thanked him for his service…? Like what? I don’t care if he built the city from the ground up, why tf would you say that to somebody who just got indicted on 56 counts of CP possession??
[deleted] t1_japsxoj wrote
[deleted] t1_japtus5 wrote
Monterey-Jack t1_japuwso wrote
AND distribution, that's a big one.
[deleted] t1_japux0p wrote
[deleted] t1_japvtck wrote
[deleted] t1_japwgz0 wrote
[deleted] t1_japxlg5 wrote
[deleted] t1_jaq1e84 wrote
> edit: Why is this getting down voted?
I dunno. Why's your first thought with this story to try and link it to a prominent gay politician? Why're you linking to a writer for the Post Millennial, a right wing publication that's playing into the moral panic over drag queens? Why's this addon mark your account as LGBT-hostile? Why's your whole post feel like it's leaning into the right's ongoing campaign to pedojacket the LGBT community? Why's it feel like you thought you were being slick, but when people saw right through you, you figured you'd act taken aback, and the hope is people who're none the wiser'll think the downvotes're an overreaction if not an active attempt to cover something up?
fullload93 t1_jaq3g5u wrote
I understand exactly what you’re saying. But the rule of “innocent until proven guilty” still stands true. The city council is not going to slander and say shit about him cause if somehow the police fuck up the investigation and he gets off free, then they set themselves up for a civil lawsuit for defamation. Again I’m not disagreeing with you. I think they could have left the “thank you” part out.
[deleted] t1_jaq57ka wrote
[deleted] t1_jaq5gr7 wrote
[deleted] t1_jaq669a wrote
Squirrelfishing_Guru t1_jaq6ah2 wrote
Because he was fired and arrested?
[deleted] t1_jaq6nj9 wrote
[deleted] t1_jaq70cb wrote
[deleted] t1_jaq80xv wrote
[deleted] t1_jaq8h0q wrote
asdaaaaaaaa t1_jaq99xo wrote
Agreed. I'd imagine it's like everything else where you're really only hearing about a very small subset of the actual problem, and only the dumbest/most careless get caught.
pk10534 t1_jaq9fgf wrote
Oh no I agree! I’m not saying they need to lambast him but thanking him for his service seems a bit unnecessary too lol
[deleted] t1_jaqb4te wrote
[deleted] t1_jaqbcjz wrote
[deleted] t1_jaqbyhr wrote
420ipblood t1_jaqeb8g wrote
So you don't agree but you say you do?
pk10534 t1_jaqeelb wrote
I literally just said all I wanted for them was to leave the “thank you” part out, which is what your last sentence said? What do I disagree with you on?
tinnylemur189 t1_jaqgmmj wrote
They should just say nothing then. Both positive and negative statements have huge downsides so just let him silently leave without singing his praises.
[deleted] t1_jaqilke wrote
Gloriathewitch t1_jaqnqsj wrote
Every large enough group of human beings unfortunately contains some small percentage of pedophiles.
This isn't a party thing, this is a he's human waste thing.
thejoeface t1_jaqqmx2 wrote
This is a different person than the one you agreed with.
TriclopeanWrath t1_jaqqnqp wrote
I google searched for more info on this guy, and found that Twitter thread. The fact that this is a politically connected pedo seemed newsworthy l, so I added it.
I have no idea what the fuck 'shinigami eyes' is or what it has to do with a reddit account. You'll have to walk me through that one.
'pedojacket' lol.
If pedos are exploiting kids, they should be exposed. If those pedos are politically connected, that should be explored. It shouldn't matter if they belong to a group you consider to be 'your team'.
TriclopeanWrath t1_jaqqt9g wrote
"Pedophile had close relationship with prominent politician!"
"Pedophile had close relationship with prominent Democrat!"
cricket9818 t1_jaqsmfq wrote
It’s literally the only thing OP is implying lol
cricket9818 t1_jaqsorx wrote
Because you’re doing that thing where you’re hoping like minded lazy people like yourself will see this and think “see democrats are pedos too!”
[deleted] t1_jaqt5x7 wrote
Saint_Buttcheeks t1_jaqtcvp wrote
What a ridiculous correlation. That’s like If your best friend gets busted for CP, we all go, “Oh shit! It’s TriclopeanWrath’s buddy.”
xzombielegendxx t1_jaqvo7b wrote
Pedophiles can be anyone, anywhere from your local shopkeeper to even a Sheriff, it could even be your family or an Italian mafia boss. You will never know until they’re exposed
[deleted] t1_jaqwcvd wrote
Witchgrass t1_jaqwoea wrote
Does that mean they are unusually corrupt or that they don’t stand for corruption
[deleted] t1_jaqwter wrote
[deleted] t1_jaqxocb wrote
fvb955cd t1_jaqznzi wrote
Yeah I woke up one day to a bunch of state patrol and a big "cyber enforcement division" truck outside on a neighboring street. Turns out a guy got busted for possession and distribution. It got maybe a paragraph from the local news blogs and another after conviction. Not a whole lot to say about it, the guy was a nobody. I'm sure that's not unusual that it just goes on in the background and most folks don't notice.
Bitter_Director1231 t1_jaqzyg0 wrote
Ugh, not so much he had it, but the fact he had that much makes me ill. That means it's child sexual assault is happening alot more than we think.
You cant possess that much unless it's going on repeatedly most of the time. These mother fuckers need to just be put on a remote island far away and left there.
Need to not only go after him, even the ones that got it through his distribution
[deleted] t1_jar0f1c wrote
fvb955cd t1_jar0tlr wrote
And despite it showing what the offense was, half of them will claim they were totally just peeing behind a bar.
fvb955cd t1_jar0wiu wrote
They're usually Baltimore mayors and they always love them some corruption.
13thmurder t1_jar1vr1 wrote
They actually tried that remote island thing a bit back, it didn't go well.
[deleted] t1_jar28fv wrote
[deleted] t1_jar2lsj wrote
lewoo7 t1_jar2y1d wrote
Biased? You haven't been paying attention. Many of these stories dont include party and especially if the person's office is non-partisan. I've read so many posts where commenters complain they had to google to find the porn dude was GOP
[deleted] t1_jar329r wrote
ninjadude93 t1_jar34tu wrote
Whatever, you asked why you were getting downvoted either in bad faith or because you can't self reflect on your own actions lol
ChiralWolf t1_jar4mzi wrote
Plus people in authority make a much better story than some random dude no one's heard of. Just happens that in America thanks to decades of sexism, etc. that those positions of authority have been overwhelmingly filled by old white men
CarltonSagot t1_jar5o59 wrote
"Our people will get more from the idea he represented than from the jelly bean he actually was."
[deleted] t1_jar8bgo wrote
[deleted] t1_jar8j0m wrote
[deleted] t1_jar9xvt wrote
[deleted] t1_jaram8z wrote
prailock t1_jarbmrs wrote
Yup, used to defend these kinds of cases in the public defender's office. Never had a high profile one. It was pretty much run of the mill kind of people; tech support, mechanic. Normal every day kind of jobs.
[deleted] t1_jare17r wrote
AppleAtrocity t1_jarjqss wrote
The thing people say when it's a Republican is "I didn't even have to check" which means party affiliation is left out of the headline most of the time, right?
walkandtalkk t1_jark0ur wrote
It's not really newsworthy.
Could you link to your post about former House Speaker Dennis Hastert (Republican) recently being convicted of child molestation, or of any of his associations with current Republican lawmakers?
walkandtalkk t1_jarkaap wrote
You seem terribly defensive. Is it projection?
[deleted] t1_jarkaop wrote
walkandtalkk t1_jarkgp2 wrote
He's the mayor of a town. He's not Senate majority leader.
TriclopeanWrath t1_jarlid1 wrote
Some are, yeah.
Pointing out the power relationships of criminals is important. If those was a story about Roy Cohn, would you get pissy when I point outhewas Trumps close friend and political ally?
[deleted] t1_jarm4ua wrote
TriclopeanWrath t1_jarm4y7 wrote
No, because I didn't make one. If I go back far enough into my post history, though, I can find posts about the Republican call-boy White house scandal, (repuplican) Lawrence Kings Savings and loan scandal, Roy Cohn's special relationship with Trump, etc...
Should I stick to ONLY pointing out Republican-afffiliated pedos, and avoid the Democrat-affiliated ones? Would that make you happy?
TriclopeanWrath t1_jarmj5y wrote
My action was pointing out the political connections of a child pornographer. If he was Republican affiliated, would your reaction be the same?
[deleted] t1_jarn7l7 wrote
[deleted] t1_jarnl0u wrote
StringerBel-Air t1_jarsbq6 wrote
13 mayors since 2021 for child sex crimes. They're trying to overtake teachers and priests as the lead occupation for kiddie diddlers.
whynotjoin t1_jarseo9 wrote
“Politician was close to another politician” just isn’t as salacious huh?
That seems like a far more likely connection point. Bet you could dig up all sorts of Republican arrestees associated with prominent national Republican politicians. But that’s never been newsworthy either.
[deleted] t1_jarsoff wrote
[deleted] t1_jarsre5 wrote
[deleted] t1_jart8hc wrote
StringerBel-Air t1_jarubjr wrote
"That bar just happened to be next to a day care i swear!"
ninjadude93 t1_jarvtmc wrote
Yeah if he was republican affiliated I still dont think it would matter to this discussion. Theres plenty of examples of sexual abuse from people in power regardless of political leaning seems to be a common theme among the ultra rich
CedarWolf t1_jarw8te wrote
When and where?
13thmurder t1_jarwn3n wrote
Not sure where, but a lot of rich people liked to vacation there.
CedarWolf t1_jarx521 wrote
Oh! Right. Epstein's island.
I thought you meant they'd stranded a bunch of criminals on an island somewhere like a penal colony, and I couldn't figure out which country you were talking about, because that happened several times in history.
[deleted] t1_jary2n1 wrote
[deleted] t1_jaryckw wrote
[deleted] t1_jarzuyj wrote
KennstduIngo t1_jas2kt2 wrote
Fucking Australia
vanillabear26 t1_jasby2v wrote
*speaker of the House of Representatives
[deleted] t1_jaslwld wrote
oh-propagandhi t1_jasq1ty wrote
You seem to miss the point. If a guy who works with you, whom you go out for beer and wings with, turns out to be a pedophile, that shouldn't reflect on you at all should it?
oh-propagandhi t1_jasqdjh wrote
His platform doesn't seem to be supporting or defending him in any manner so unless your point is that party affiliation makes other individuals complicit...somehow.
raider1v11 t1_jastzae wrote
Yep. Super weird.
Miami_Vice-Grip t1_jasvxm0 wrote
Of just that city??
Crazyhates t1_jaswldc wrote
Well you can still do your job and be a criminal. They're not mutually exclusive.
Ok_Storm_8533 t1_jasymny wrote
I was doing research! Just like Pete Townsend. Yeah, that’s the ticket!
StringerBel-Air t1_jasyzdh wrote
No in the US
[deleted] t1_jat1a3q wrote
apcolleen t1_jat2dgc wrote
What's the body count on that so far?
rpoliticsmodshateme t1_jat2eor wrote
People should be more suspicious of child pornography charges, especially involving people of political importance.
It’s not well known, but there are people on the dark web who will “contract” services such as planting illegal content on a targets computer and then alerting authorities. Basically instead of assassinating someone directly, you “assassinate” their character. Child porn is among the worst things someone can be associated with, and no one is going to risk defending someone accused of having it by digging deeper.
Now there’s no way to know if that’s what actually happened in any particular case, but it does happen and it’s not something the general public is aware of.
easy_Money t1_jat2gjf wrote
The part of this I find most shocking is that College Park has a mayor.
apcolleen t1_jat2nyy wrote
Please post a supporting link when you make statements like this.
[deleted] t1_jat6at8 wrote
[deleted] t1_jatlrxk wrote
[deleted] t1_jatmqlr wrote
[deleted] t1_jato3vs wrote
[deleted] t1_jatot6q wrote
[deleted] t1_jatp5m2 wrote
[deleted] t1_jatr3mg wrote
[deleted] t1_jau52tt wrote
[deleted] t1_jauotje wrote
[deleted] t1_jauoxu3 wrote
[deleted] t1_jauvsfx wrote
[deleted] t1_jauyqm7 wrote
[deleted] t1_jaws35c wrote
TriclopeanWrath t1_jax4s9m wrote
If I had a very high level security clearance it most certainly would
oh-propagandhi t1_jayycef wrote
1.3 million people have top secret clearance. There's statistically some creeps in that pool.
Induane t1_jb20mb6 wrote
If he used a torrent site then sometimes the distribution charge is an artifact of that tech rather than intentional distribution.
Of course I'd he was just spreading it around on purpose then extra extra extra F him.
[deleted] t1_jb5sea0 wrote
lordfuckwad89 t1_jb6a64h wrote
Big surprise, a politician turns out to be a piece of shit...
Roundaboutsix t1_jbbs22k wrote
Pete Buttigieg’s good buddy. This guy should call in PB as a character witness at the trial. Reminisce about all of the good times they used to have. (Do wonders for PB’s next Presidential run showing his appeal to all kinds of people.)
emporerpuffin t1_jap2vip wrote
You just never know! It could be anyone, but seems to usually be a man is some sort of position of authority.