Submitted by oldschoolskater t3_126162i in news
Simon_Jester88 t1_je9e3sd wrote
Reply to comment by all_of_the_lightss in Fetterman will return to Senate the week of April 17 by oldschoolskater
??? The person didn't say anything about Trump, or Biden...
Ok_Mathematician938 t1_je9tzr5 wrote
Best I can tell is that this was more of a response to the other user's comment/post history.
ImpressiveScience856 t1_je9hq6k wrote
Yeah I don’t know how there isn’t a more mutual understanding online that both parties absolutely suck…. I can’t call out one party without someone pointing at you and calling out the other party like somehow my constructive criticism immediately meant I’m on the opposing side. They have us right where they want us though….
Simon_Jester88 t1_je9ihf9 wrote
I'll straight up say I think one party sucks a lot more then the other. Doesn't change the fact that lobbying, term structure and fundraising through this two party monopoly is just absolute trash and both sides try to keep it in place.
all_of_the_lightss t1_je9jc73 wrote
We don't get to snap our fingers and make new rules.
Like it or not, there are 2 parties and one of them is led by Donald Trump.
It's not the same as the Democrats and nothing you can say will prove otherwise.
ImpressiveScience856 t1_je9jynu wrote
And this is exactly what I’m talking about 😂 exactly we can’t snap our fingers and change it because it’s a show! Both of these presidents have been an absolute disaster. And even so the sad thing is trump passed more gun control than biden ever will I’m sure nothing will be done about it hasn’t yet why would it now it’s all talk and banter to keep you acting just like this. Not necessarily the topic we are on but just an example. But that’s all I’m gonna say because I’m not gonna be apart of exactly what they want.
all_of_the_lightss t1_je9k6s7 wrote
No. You fall for tricks of con men like Trump. Who want you to think they're "the same".
Literally not dude. Get a grip. Trump passed nothing to improve gun safety. He called the pandemic a hoax for 6 months.
Stay ignorant
[deleted] t1_je9khou wrote
Simon_Jester88 t1_jeblumk wrote
Trump banned bump stocks after the Vegas shooting. Was the right move but just a drop in the bucket for what's needed in America.
Countless common sense laws could be implemented but they should be done through Congress, I don't think this is an issue that should be handled through the bully pulpit.
[deleted] t1_je9sgsl wrote
[deleted] t1_je9kuw9 wrote
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