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Dumdumgirlsbeeep t1_je7dvrh wrote

Right. He’ll walk completely if they can’t prove this.


Vuedue t1_je7myhp wrote

They have to have some form of evidence that they have which led them to make this charge. If they did not have that evidence, they would have gone with a manslaughter charge.


Dumdumgirlsbeeep t1_je7o5xl wrote

I just think how they over-charged Casey Anthony and she walked.


Vuedue t1_je7of2e wrote

That’s completely fair. We just have to hope they have the evidence to back this up. They apparently believe they do. As for Anthony, that woman still retains my hatred to this day.


Dumdumgirlsbeeep t1_je7oua9 wrote

Same here. A painful & debilitating disease is too good for her. But one can hope 😊


onetwentyeight t1_je8ygb2 wrote

Or they could turn a blind eye to it like every traffic fatality involving a car and a pedestrian or bicyclist.

Nothing beats the ignorant rhetoric of: "It was the pedestrian/cyclist's/apple customer's fault for not being safer around cars."