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Lord_Sports t1_jd6finb wrote

Dude is guilty as hell. Lock him up already so we can continue without his Cult behaviors. He’s a Trader of the worst kind and if this was anyone else they would be in jail 10 times over already. Dam there’s enough proof to lock him up for good and I bet he won’t do a single day in jail. Sad really but I’m done hearing about this loser and his cult followers.


Hopeful_Hamster21 t1_jd6hn6h wrote

A Trader? Like the Day kind? Or the Joe kind? /s


onetwentyeight t1_jd6n18u wrote

He's a Ferengi


BrillWolf t1_jd8hamx wrote

That's doing the Ferengi a disservice. I'd say he's more a shitty version of the Changelings running The Dominion.


onetwentyeight t1_jd8ii1l wrote

Explains the droopy-goopy attempt at looking human.


BrillWolf t1_jd8irqa wrote

Could he possibly be one of those green army men that went through the microwave and has gained semi-sentience?


SOUTHPAWMIKE t1_jd8z35n wrote

Wonder if that goes for Giuliani, too. We all thought that was sweat and hair dye, but maybe he was having issues maintaining human form.


bluemitersaw t1_jd87yhu wrote

Don't be ridiculous. The Ferengi actually believe in something.


Girth_rulez t1_jd7dyev wrote

He is a trader of his dignity for sums of cash and the attention of low people.


babysinblackandImblu t1_jd7fp5s wrote

Speaking about Trader Joe’s. Avoid any frozen strawberries from there because they’ve been recalled.


bejammin075 t1_jd7hhng wrote

My F5 finger will get a workout this week for sure. I've kept my expectations for justice very low, especially since Mueller wimped out. But perhaps, finally, this time, the walls are closing in on this guy. Rational me says to still keep expectations low but emotional me can't help but be excited there might finally be some justice.


Maplelongjohn t1_jd7jjjz wrote

Mueller handed over facts, it wasn't his job to prosecute.

Barr is the real traitor here....let's not forget that.



DrummerGuy06 t1_jd89cs0 wrote

Mueller was essentially told in the beginning he wasn't allowed to find Trump "guilty," so all he could say is "he's definitely NOT innocent; quite the opposite."

He won't ever see jail time because we're too feckless and cowardly to actually put a treasonous former President in jail for actually inciting an insurrection. They'll at-most sink his Presidential campaign and basically make him sign something that says he'll never run for office again if he wants to remain solvent.