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Chippopotanuse t1_jbhz0ec wrote

> The two officers then talk with other police personnel, joking about how easy the pursuit was. Stoll later says, "I threw the meanest f******* hook." Mundson responds, "I didn't get a single lick in."

Absolutely disgusting that this is how cops think. Time to fire them all and start over.

I’ll take my chances with random criminals if it means I don’t have to cower to power hungry cops.


PoignantOpinionsOnly t1_jbi9fon wrote

>By the time the officers got out of the car, the individual was already lying facedown in the street. Both officers and a third officer approach and immediately start beating the person. They are then placed in the back of a police cruiser. Homan can be heard on a body camera saying, "Nice little ass whooping." Woods responds, "Shouldn't have resisted."

Even more proof that them yelling "stop resisting" is just an excuse to brutalize people.


Deranged40 t1_jbi3gs8 wrote

Honestly, this is the help that we're supposed to expect out of them?

Quite honestly, I do know crack heads that can solve problems better than this, and that I frankly feel considerably safer around.


Teresa_Count t1_jbmga99 wrote

Why would you be expecting them to help you in the first place?


bewarethetreebadger t1_jbjbtz4 wrote

This is how cops have always thought. This is very human behaviour in a system based on the doctrine of “might makes right”.