Submitted by ethereal3xp t3_11y4lg2 in news
[deleted] t1_jd67zpn wrote
Sleeper28 t1_jd6853e wrote
Totally irrelevant. If the CCP walked in and said, "Give us all the data!" What are they going to do, say no? They'll be arrested on the spot.
GiantRobotTRex t1_jd6886o wrote
Welp, I've never heard of a CEO lying. Case closed.
Koilosarx t1_jd69jex wrote
I doubt he's in any position to do anything but deny it.
[deleted] t1_jd69qma wrote
srandrews t1_jd69qqc wrote
Complete bullshit. If you can already pick up everyone's identity from the cumulative breaches, imagine what happens within a company. As it is, all of this data is even collectible without TikTok. It's just the icing on the cake: It's a training corpus for AI audio and video and other useful intelligence like measuring US sentiment towards China. The number of uses is endless. On the bright side, we're gonna get great English instructions included in the products we buy going forward.
TheTerribleInvestor t1_jd69rsm wrote
They would probably just do it, its not like normal people will be able to find evidence of that event if they kept it between each other
[deleted] t1_jd69vor wrote
[deleted] t1_jd6afyl wrote
pegothejerk t1_jd6ammy wrote
Chinese law stipulates that all tech companies must give data to the govt upon request and the request must be kept secret. That’s all you need to know, that’s an unacceptable risk for national security.
[deleted] t1_jd6an8j wrote
[deleted] t1_jd6aqlc wrote
Coyote65 t1_jd6b61s wrote
Valid point.
'Taken' and 'shared' are not the same.
[deleted] t1_jd6baxw wrote
Coyote65 t1_jd6bb3d wrote
> On the bright side, we're gonna get great English instructions included in the products we buy going forward.
That's going in the "Maybe - but doubtful" pile.
livingfortheliquid t1_jd6bplv wrote
Sure, and cigarette companies didn't know the affects of smoking
bigjojo321 t1_jd6bs6g wrote
If they share it with or give access to Bytedance then this is likely accurate, because Bytedance legally has to turn over said data, doesn't make sense for them both to turn it over.
FirmestSprinkles t1_jd6c2zc wrote
i thought the ccp owns part of this company.
[deleted] t1_jd6c7gc wrote
"The Chinese government has never asked for US user data. They've demanded all user data."
Ottobahn- t1_jd6cgja wrote
Same way the Chinese government never ran over students with tanks?
[deleted] t1_jd6cqn4 wrote
twirlingmypubes t1_jd6e2kb wrote
They just shared it with the local Xi-eese monger.
[deleted] t1_jd6f1ez wrote
elJefedcog t1_jd6hzjx wrote
Sacklers, "our opiates aren't addictive."
[deleted] t1_jd6ib7n wrote
[deleted] t1_jd6ibov wrote
[deleted] t1_jd6jwx7 wrote
[deleted] t1_jd6k8ab wrote
[deleted] t1_jd6k8nu wrote
PixelBully_ t1_jd6ko8w wrote
Shared? No. Taken? Without a doubt.
wobbly-cheese t1_jd6m1gd wrote
the app didnt, the company owning the app did. is this their first rodeo?
[deleted] t1_jd6m6xh wrote
[deleted] t1_jd6mtqs wrote
jaydpuppycat t1_jd6s5ng wrote
They sure are making a big deal over an app that a lot of other govts chose to ban from govt devices... like it impacted them beyond the normal.
honeybooboobro t1_jd6tucm wrote
Today we were checking traffic in our guest wifi, seems like Huawei phones use Chinese DNS servers, despite them not showing anywhere in the config on the phone itself. Winnie the Pooh wants to know your kinks.
impy695 t1_jd6zfc6 wrote
A CEO who answers to the Chinese government to be specific.
EvangelineOfSky t1_jd6zl6p wrote
Canada banned Huawei from our cellular networks, surprised other countries haven't
honeybooboobro t1_jd71t5b wrote
Our state intelligence service released a public warning, but it's up to the other state institutions and private companies to act upon it. We have company policy against it as well, that's why we only found out by checking guest network, which is walled off.
[deleted] t1_jd72qp0 wrote
[deleted] t1_jd72sax wrote
[deleted] t1_jd72u3n wrote
[deleted] t1_jd72wq0 wrote
[deleted] t1_jd74sg3 wrote
cwn01 t1_jd75fwc wrote
Never shared, it’s exclusively going to China?
[deleted] t1_jd76jmy wrote
eniteris t1_jd76mma wrote
Isn't that exactly the same in the USA under the FISA and the Patriot Act?
[deleted] t1_jd7b6s1 wrote
gizmozed t1_jd7e0tl wrote
Now there's an assertion that's worth a bucket of warm spit.
KickupKirby t1_jd7ehdz wrote
If CCP walked in and said, “Why are you suddenly crying? You’ve been selling your data to us for years!” I’m sure some politician would pop up and say, “but not like this!”
TheTabman t1_jd7facq wrote
Just as petrol companies never knew they were a major climate change contributor.
Fragrant_Spray t1_jd7g2rl wrote
Of course he’s lying. He’s as credible as the CEO of a US company saying they never shared data with the US government.
[deleted] t1_jd7gyz4 wrote
[deleted] t1_jd7l3vx wrote
Trugdigity t1_jd7nc6k wrote
Breaking News: Jeffery Dahmer states “I’ve never tasted human flesh”
dwitman t1_jd7ne85 wrote
US. Has basically the same law.
Edit: due to the patriot act passed hastily after 911, if the NSA tells a company to turn over data they have a documented way of doing it in which the company is never allowed to say it happened due to national security concerns.
That’s why there used to be a line in terms of service of various companies stating this had never happened. These lines functioned as a security canary, meaning if they were deleted that could mean the NSA did one of those requests and the company was forced to hand over some or all of its user data. This very site use to have such a canary. It no longer does.
So that’s some additional context. Kindly now resume the downvotes.
cold08 t1_jd7owfj wrote
Facebook doesn't disclose who the sell their data to either. If China wanted US user data they could just buy it. We need better data privacy laws in this country.
[deleted] t1_jd7q502 wrote
pegothejerk t1_jd7t8e6 wrote
The US relaxed it’s gag orders in 2014, and there’s a process for requiring that data that leaves a paper trail, which can be studied by courts. It’s also from the US, and not by a competitor nation known to steal intellectual property, a nation state that you can’t touch with information requests about what data or investigations they have on you at all. Am I thrilled what the US has done and presumably will do? Definitely not, but there is a huge difference between the interests and problems between which nation gets data on which citizens.
Syringmineae t1_jd7v7et wrote
Don't care. Give me my silly little videos.
[deleted] t1_jd7vu40 wrote
[deleted] t1_jd81mix wrote
[deleted] t1_jd83m0i wrote
[deleted] t1_jd86pae wrote
65a t1_jd880ma wrote
Data privacy is a red herring for TikTok. The risk is manipulating the public. The same reason most western apps are banned in China.
ObjectivePitiful1170 t1_jd890zv wrote
CCP owns part of every company in China.
UnhappyHighlight644 t1_jd8qggk wrote
Yeah this is why I don't understand the push to ban Tiktok. The data can be sold and there is nothing stopping the chinese government from posing as a different entity to purchase data.
[deleted] t1_jd8vhgj wrote
[deleted] t1_jd8vw66 wrote
JustAKeyboard t1_jd95p4z wrote
Anyone dumb enough to use tiktok deserves to have their data collected by the ccp.
[deleted] t1_jd9p62b wrote
GossipOutsider t1_jda8a71 wrote
Well.. It's either answer to Pooh or disappear for a year and get everything taken away.
platoface541 t1_jdacb4w wrote
If I’ve learned one thing about tech CEO’s and their promises about data is that my asshole hurts
peakaugeek t1_jdbdgbb wrote
Of course they didn't share it. That implies they didn't own it in the first place.
Traditional-Effort20 t1_jddsqyy wrote
Better not be on any other website then. 🤡
dariadarling t1_je2haif wrote
The Restrict Act has terrifying implications for our freedom of the internet:
[deleted] t1_jd67y7b wrote