Submitted by DavidofSasun t3_1263zjc in news
pegothejerk t1_je7izfl wrote
Russia been barkin mad today
MSeanF t1_je7nejf wrote
The crippled bear is lashing out.
[deleted] t1_je7q1in wrote
[deleted] t1_je7qn9b wrote
DigitalSteven1 t1_je7sfhc wrote
Russia doesn't have the resources to retaliate.
2ndtryagain t1_je7tb0h wrote
This is really bad news for Putin that Armenia is even thinking about it.
[deleted] t1_je7yqum wrote
[deleted] t1_je84o0y wrote
HorsesMeow t1_je86i8z wrote
If Russia is no longer an ally to Armenia, other counties may do the attacking, in certain contested locations.
BuffaloInCahoots t1_je86ypq wrote
Is there a country Russia hasn’t threatened in the last few days? If there is I’m willing to bet China picked up the slack. I know this is mainly for their own people but how do they not see that it makes them look weak and scared. Like that dog acting tough behind the gate but once it’s open he calms the fuck down real fast.
VictusVersant t1_je889l2 wrote
More like Cocaine Bear....
W0666007 t1_je88t0n wrote
Lol, Russia is some great ally. CSTO is doing great.
Glacial_Self t1_je8e8vb wrote
Can we buy russia? It would be the louisiana purchase of the 21st century
bleucurve t1_je8f8k7 wrote
They are like the Black Knight in Mony Python at this point with no arms or legs. "Come back ill bite your legs off"
[deleted] t1_je8fdx9 wrote
abbeyeiger t1_je8h2gc wrote
Russia: we will attack you, and you, and you, and even you over there!
Also Russia: why does everyone hate us? It must be an American plot to make us look bad!
fkmeamaraight t1_je8hfwe wrote
Armenia surrounded by countries who want to destroy it : azerbaïdjan, turkey and now russia. Poor dudes can’t catch a break.
I suspect this is first strep in a push to join NATO after Russia failed to support them against Azerbaijan. People would leave them the fuck alone if they did.
[deleted] t1_je8hgue wrote
Cranktique t1_je8jjr5 wrote
“What are you going to do? Bleed on me?”
LeX420 t1_je8n0uk wrote
When you spend all your time threatening everyone, for anything with everything from pouting to nuclear bombs: Nobody takes your threats seriously anymore.
You can almost tell just from all these dumb threats that Putin has just been hiding in a bunker. Scared like a little girl that his reign is about to end and with it, his life.
LeX420 t1_je8n5pd wrote
Russia barely has the ressources for a 92 Civic.
DJHellduck t1_je91sxw wrote
Why would we ever want to get involved i the Caucasus? That whole region is a shitshow as it is, and there is no way we’d be able to conduct operations there anyway.
[deleted] t1_je940bb wrote
[deleted] t1_je9ack1 wrote
[deleted] t1_je9be9v wrote
[deleted] t1_je9c3jl wrote
someoneexplainit01 t1_je9czjf wrote
Armenia asked for help from Russia in the new skirmishes with Azerbaijan, Russia said it was too busy to bother helping them.
This is the obvious response.
[deleted] t1_je9ex49 wrote
[deleted] t1_je9gvdu wrote
dvowel t1_je9ys5q wrote
"Tis but a scratch"
[deleted] t1_jea1mil wrote
[deleted] t1_jea2xvy wrote
Minute-Plantain t1_jeae0mf wrote
How much can one giant spoiler cost?
fkmeamaraight t1_jeat83p wrote
Who is we?
burrito-disciple t1_jeawq10 wrote
Armenia was/is a member of the CSTO, Russia's answer to NATO. When Armenia was threatened by Azerbaijan recently, Armenia tried to activate the CSTOs equivalent of NATOs Article 5 collective defense clause. No one was willing to help, including Russia.
If anyone needs to see a demonstration of the importance of such a clause, and why it's credibility is so important to all parties involved, this is it.
Moepsii t1_jeb7fmu wrote
You better stop doing that or we will kill more of our men
littlebubulle t1_jec7twh wrote
Krokodil Bear?
littlebubulle t1_jec84b9 wrote
That is offensive to little girls and bunkers.
Mah_Nerva t1_jedd53i wrote
Spoiler alert: more than Russia can afford
Minute-Plantain t1_jefvkds wrote
Well then what about wheel spinners? People will see them spin at intersections and think the wheels are still moving, which is important for psychological impact.
ejsandstrom t1_je7ievt wrote
“Just watch out. After we are finished getting slaughtered by Ukraine we will come over there and shed more Russian blood.”