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pegothejerk t1_jea51fn wrote

I'm guessing these guys are smarter than posting their evil plans in email and on social media these days, unlike our politicians.


ATMbappe t1_jea70wb wrote

and this is legal how? oh right they posted record profits this year. carry on everyone


MeatsimPD t1_jeaw2un wrote

Burn down the planet and poison the air for profit


JackedUpReadyToGo t1_jebdxtw wrote

Every day we more closely resemble the cyberpunk future we were promised in the 80's... so why don't we ever get any of the COOL bits? It looks like fixer/Mr. Johnson is becoming a viable career path, but where are the fucking body augs and implanted sunglasses and virtual reality? I never asked for this.


kstinfo t1_jebj5tg wrote

WSJ is an Exxon apologist.


danmathew t1_jec27n5 wrote

WSJ regurgitates climate change denialism.


MeatsimPD t1_jeck755 wrote

Let's be real, Democrats aren't going to stand up against fossil fuels in a meaningful way right now. I mean I'm all for them compared to Republicans because they don't want to build gas chambers for trans people and illegal immigrants but still


thenord321 t1_jee49p7 wrote

>Sub Title: Charity of Rockefeller heirs among groups targeted by hackers; oil giant not accused of wrongdoing

Of course they can't accuse them of wrongdoing, when they're paying to infiltrate and subvert citizens trying to exercise their rights to a livable planet.