Submitted by Additional-Force-795 t3_11tx0yr in news
sirpoopingpooper t1_jcmzae4 wrote
There's a key piece of info left out of this article (to be fair the article itself cites this problem because no one's released the details!): Where in east Palestine were the samples taken? Since dioxins are combustion byproducts...were they taken at the burn site? Away from the burn site? If they were in the residential area of east Palestine, that's really concerning since those areas are generally upwind of the burn. If that's the case, theres probably a cone of dioxins going outwards from east Palestine in out to the point that all of Pittsburgh should get tested...
NorthernPuppieEater t1_jcn4msn wrote
Exactly, it seems there were only 4 samples collected, we can’t draw any conclusions on 4 samples and hence cannot in any way say if residents are safe or not. A sampling grid needs to be set to cover the entire impacted area, including below the plume trajectory and systematic samples need to be collected to validate the concentrations over the entire are.
sirpoopingpooper t1_jcn51cp wrote
And even moreso - were these 4 samples taken in the burn trenches or miles away or something in between? LOTS more sampling needed!
AWrenchAndTwoNuts t1_jcoqsy7 wrote
To be honest, testing Pittsburgh would likely be a joke.
With the regions history of steel mills and chemical factories as well as the Coke works and Shell plant spewing shit on a daily basis, that testing Will come back positive for something or everything.
vahntitrio t1_jcnwzmk wrote
Exactly. If they are all within 100 feet of the burn area they can probably remove and quarantine the soil.
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