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Nick_crawler t1_jcfhzvg wrote

Appreciated, but I hope the second time actually put in the effort to make little straps instead of tape. I think the pigeons would appreciate looking more fashionable.


birdlawprofessor t1_jcfxoq3 wrote

But the backpack does have tiny shoulder straps. They’re just tucked under his feathers so hard to see. Taping drugs to birds is a horribly inefficient way to traffic narcotics. Ask me how I know…


[deleted] t1_jcg4wju wrote



ICBanMI t1_jcidwez wrote

That person has a PHD in Birdtapologigy. They are also wanted in 9 states for animal cruelty for taping birds to furniture, houses, buildings, and just about any other large object. They have indisputability proved that a pigeon can not be use as a pack animal, construction equipment, and wall dressing.


mces97 t1_jci20rd wrote

Well I won't ask, but for large scale operations sure. For a tiny amount to get into a prison? I'm not in support of drugs being flown into prison, but I gotta give credit for ingenuity.


hsizeoj t1_jci0u2f wrote

I was also saddened by the backpack. Idk why I was expecting tiny jansports