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DeficiencyOfGravitas t1_jegs83f wrote

Every gun you receive is assume loaded until you check it yourself. There is no trust system in firearm safety. Only Hollywood operates with the "Bro, dude, I totally checked it, just point it at her and pull the trigger, bro, it's safe" system.


Rnevermore t1_jegz4xn wrote

Standard gun safety rules do not apply on a movie set... This should be REALLY obvious. Movie sets use a completely different set of rules, and they seem to work fine because Hollywood has a much lower than average rate of incidents.


Medievalhorde t1_jegsq5w wrote

You have to convince twelve other people to think your way and if most are not blaming Alec Baldwin before the trial, I don't see a snowball chance in hell of twelve people aligning that way either.