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17times2 t1_jdx949c wrote

> A defensive driving course would make everyone safer than OSHA 10.

Do you have a stat for this, or are you just continuing to minimize the efforts of workplace safety? There's a big difference between idiots on the road you have little to no control over, and say, an exposed pump with moving parts that has been reported 3 times to management until Phil got too close and it pulled his hand in and now they finally put a metal shield over the damn thing. Although I guess Phil's wasn't a fatality so he doesn't count against workplace safety...


persolb t1_jdxagd7 wrote

You are arguing a straw man. I never said we should ignore safety, I said safety wasn’t number 1.

If safety was number 1, we’d all refuse to drive to work.


17times2 t1_jdxej30 wrote

Then by that logic, all of us should stay and hide in bed because there's danger outside. Congrats, you win the useless pedantic argument award.