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kalidorisconan t1_je368x5 wrote

Because of course they are..


Fynn_the_Finger t1_je37fct wrote

First steering wheels, now seat belts. I wonder if there might be systemic quality issues... shit, I just got banned from twitter for some reason.


pomonamike t1_je3901d wrote

Teslas have had quality control issues since day 1, but we all gave them a pass because it was a new car manufacturer and they were doing some neat things with EVs. That was years ago though, they should be judged like any other car now, and they sure are looking like the quality of 1980s-90s GM.


fullload93 t1_je3c02s wrote

But 80s-90s GM didn’t have steering wheels coming lose right?


Outlulz t1_je3pr5n wrote

And these are still the same models they’ve been selling for years and they STILL can’t get it right. Eventually they’re going to have to do what every other manufacturer does much more often and release a refreshed body and interior design and start this thing again from square one.


asdaaaaaaaa t1_je4bo0x wrote

That's the thing, had they actually addressed or fixed the quality control issues, I wouldn't have minded so much. Still wouldn't be buying one, but I'd respect that they at least solved the problem. I just don't think they can sell Teslas at a competitive price without cheaping out on something, and I'd imagine some of that is labor/quality control.

They're still an incredibly new player to the market, so would make sense that anything they try to do would be as expensive, if not more than their competitors who can scale a lot better and have longer relationships with other businesses. Letting build quality go to shit isn't the correct way to keep prices competitive IMO, especially with a 2-ton moving vehicle.


hpark21 t1_je3fjn8 wrote

I don't know.. So many cars have massive issues all the time and looks like Tesla seem to get more attention.

GM had burning battery issue with their BOLT.

Toyota had wheels falling out issue with their BZ4X (stupid name - assuming Subaru also had the issue but it is same car)

Honda recently had to recall 200k+ cars for the side view mirror falling off issue.


mheffe t1_je4msdm wrote

All 3 of the brands you're comparing Telsa to are technically above industry standards in terms of reliability across all their models.

Tesla is below average, 5th lowest.

As you pointed out, all manufacturers have issues, that's why they (J.D. power) rank the manufacturers based on how many issues they have per 100 cars made.


TbonerT t1_je5dtjq wrote

JD Power sells awards. They don’t mean anything other than a company paid them money.


Novel-Jackfruit-369 t1_je3f37j wrote


honeybooboobro t1_je4yudf wrote

Active in Denver, Teslamotors, UFO and Aliens. Ok, bud.


Novel-Jackfruit-369 t1_je50ldb wrote

So? Is that a sin? Is that supposed to make me feel bad? Does that invalidate the information I have provided that refutes the extreme claims?


jd52995 t1_je37qw7 wrote

They banned my Twitter for refusing to disable my two factor authentication, and refusing to pay for it! 🤣


kindrudekid t1_je3ihy4 wrote

You can still use 2FA, just not via sms.

TOTP, yubikey etc are still free.

Edit: those down voting me, as I say in my job, RTFM or in this case the entire email/page about this notice.

You can still use authenticator apps and/or security keys for free. Here's how to do it:


adreamofhodor t1_je5gvl6 wrote

So Twitter took away a service they offered? Sounds like a bad deal to me.


kindrudekid t1_je5nx1s wrote

No they still offer the 2FA service.

Previously they offered it via SMS, TOTP based Authenticator Apps (Google Authenticator, Duo Security, Authy etc) and Security Keys (Yubikey)

SMS based 2FA is weak and been vulnerable for almost a decade now. NIST sent out an official notice back in 2016. Google and Apple phased it out completely too.

So Twitter just disabled the shitter, weaker, more vulnerable SMS based 2FA is not available. Not only is it bad from a InfoSec perspective, it is also a line item in capital expenses from a business perspective.

I do agree that the phrasing from twitter was shitty and instead of asking users to fork over money, they could have guided them to the alternatives.


kalidorisconan t1_je37v13 wrote

I just thought I would get back on with a vengeance but then i see the stupid shit they fuck up with the code and go… nah.


royalbravery t1_je5e0vi wrote

It’s fine, teslas never crash. They don’t really need seatbelts.