srandrews t1_jeacu5d wrote
I think we need "no active shooter" news flashes and headlines.
MachineElfOnASheIf t1_jeaeote wrote
But when would we use them?
No___ImRight t1_jeagcsh wrote
In cases where the first statement from police is "there wasn't an active shooter"
Like in this case.
[deleted] t1_jebq1ar wrote
shit-thoughts t1_jeafous wrote
Spring break and summer holidays?
Pickle_Slinger t1_jeai4wz wrote
Sadly Spring break is just when the shootings move down to Florida for a week.
[deleted] t1_jeb383k wrote
[deleted] t1_jeaf2m7 wrote
b33r_engineer t1_jeaymq4 wrote
In the very brief interludes between mass shootings. Like 5-6am, there’s usually not too many going on at that time of day.
srandrews t1_jeagdlr wrote
To know that school shootings are beginning to let up.
slamdanceswithwolves t1_jeah24u wrote
Days Since Last Active Shooter: 0
[deleted] t1_jeapoh8 wrote
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