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Jyorin t1_jbz0yui wrote

I know the UK and Germany are different, but when I went to a DoDEA school in the UK, our busses were not the same as the other school busses / busses used in the area. It was many moons ago, but we had a charter bus for high school. But neither our middle school nor high school bus had a little hammer to use, just emergency doors.

I’m assuming theirs didn’t either it they may not have known.


d01100100 t1_jbz4tub wrote

The overturned bus in the article looks more like a charter bus than a commuter or school bus.


DreamsAndSchemes t1_jc0eo2s wrote

That’s the school buses there. The big yellow school bus isn’t a thing in Germany.


Jyorin t1_jc0esyr wrote

Looking at it again, yeah, it looks more like a charter. So it's probably that (unless this is something specific to Germany) it doesn't have an escape aid (hammer).


rafe101 t1_jbz596w wrote

Looks like a regular charter bus here, too. I'm not sure if there's a regulation about the hammers here. Could be. And maybe none of them ever noticed them or knew what they were. Pretty conspicuous: bright red, hammer-shaped, molded grip with a handguard, ground steel point; I just took it for granted people knew what they were. I think there's usually a decal in the corner with a pictogram showing where you should hit it. It's been a while since I was on a bus

Edit: correcting the autocorrect


katikaboom t1_jbzahh1 wrote

Also went to a DODEA school in the UK in the 90s, they were using charter busses then, too