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katsukare t1_ituxp4d wrote

Not surprising given their lackluster testing for covid.


Themicroscoop t1_ituxwtg wrote

Most US Labs wouldn’t. We would refer the samples to the state laboratories in consultation with local health authorities.


radicalelation t1_itv0yrl wrote

I, for one, want all US labs to carry resources for every disease and virus they are unlikely to ever encounter.


tricksterloki t1_itv8b64 wrote

Anyone that remembers the Ebola outbreak during the Obama administration, is aware of the ongoing increase in outbreaks and other tropical diseases, read The Hot Zone or Clear and Present Danger, or is currently having validation of their previously thought irrational fear.


Eliju t1_itvc1n8 wrote

I just looked and didn’t realize there was such a big outbreak at that time. I guess I vaguely remember it now. But it’s been pretty calm since then for the most part.


mces97 t1_itvca83 wrote

Fauci. Maybe not Ebola, but I remember people saying how did he know Trump would face a pandemic if he wasn't involved. Uh because since 2000 there's been like 4? It's kinda is job you know? And when Ebola was going around in 2013, 14, or 15, forget the exact year, he treated the doctors and nurses at the NIH personally. They all lived.

I'm editing this because I shit you not when I was browsing Instagram a few minutes ago, I saw a video of Fauci talking about a surprise pandemic most likey will happen during Trump's term. And of course 90% of the comments said because he planned it. 🤦🏻‍♂️

I just copied what I said earlier. Why do people not believe anything anymore. It's ok to distrust and question the government. But not EVERYTHING is a made up conspiracy.


pegothejerk t1_itvcyu4 wrote

BSL4 labs, the labs that can safely contain samples from pathogens that are high risk, cost hundreds of millions of dollars each to build. There's not enough money to convert every lab into a site that can test and accept such samples.


Eaton_Rifles t1_itvmro9 wrote

Ebola and Covid decide to merge, now that would be a World problem...👍


reddrighthand t1_itw2ilg wrote

Fuck. The Hot Zone. It's an entire book of clickbait.

Edit to double down, fuck that book and its exaggerations:


The man exaggerated the symptoms. He misled people about airborne spread. He described it moving "decisively.,"

Fuck that book.


tricksterloki t1_itw38c6 wrote

Given when it was written Ebola wasn't known to the general public (1995) and it has good information, it's good for what it is. It's also proven relevant, because of current events. For a lay person, The Hot Zone is fine.


Odie_Odie t1_itw6ni2 wrote

Utterly predictable. Ebola and Coronavirus will emerge anew again, it shouldn't surprise anyone.

Same reason we take avian and pork flu seriously every time their is a major outbreak in the respective species.


tricksterloki t1_itw823d wrote

Hopefully no one in the US general population needs to get it. As for the other strains, this is where mRNA vaccines will shine. They're quicker to make and development can start as soon as you have the virus's genetic sequence. Also on the upside, we have a president that was involved in the previous Ebola outbreak.

All these tropical and emergent viruses are time bombs. That monkey pox, a virus we were watching, managed to become endemic the world over and that we lucked out noticing that, signals the countdown has started.


TheApprentice19 t1_itwm5nd wrote

This during the same week they found 31 million tons of gold there, coincidence?


Avulpesvulpes OP t1_itwn785 wrote

So as I understand it, the outbreak started around that new mine since a lot of forest/natural habitat was probably destroyed by workers and brought them into contact with mammals that are the natural reservoir for Ebola


WrathOfTheHydra t1_itxkl5x wrote

I am so absolutely glad I didn't watch this until Covid hit. There hasn't been a movie that dropped my jaw like that in a long time. It's basically alternate-universe Covid. The few things they got wrong were either incredibly forgivable or simply for dramatic effect. What a movie.


dat_GEM_lyf t1_ity7a2f wrote

Bio Safety Levels involve a set of criteria that can be used to assess the safety needed to work with biological agents. BSL4 is the highest level and requires not only a very specific type of facility but also requires a good deal of money for upkeep. There are few BSL4 labs in the world and Ebola is a BSL4 pathogen. So most labs can’t work with it.


captcraigaroo t1_iu2sq44 wrote

Back in 2014 I was working in Angola out of Soyo. Came back home to the US, spent a night at home and then started driving 10hrs to my parents house. I started feeling like shit 45min in, worst I've ever felt in my life, thought I had malaria. Called hospitals to see if I could get tested and they asked why I might have malaria..."I just got back from West Africa" was NOT the right thing to say and none said they could test me. 3hrs into the trip I stopped in Charlotte and went to an ER. I said the same above and got taken into a room, had blood drawn and told it'd be a while. They came back an hour later saying the CDC cleared my blood sample after looking at it over...ebola had just started to blow up while I was over there and I didn't even think of it