AintThatJustADaisy t1_itdnr63 wrote
Reply to comment by ForcefulBookdealer in A common respiratory virus is spreading at unusually high levels, overwhelming children's hospitals. Here's what parents need to know | CNN by SovietSunrise
For real though, kids are always sick. You go to work unless there’s something serious going on.
RSV wasn’t something the general public heard about until it became a problem post Covid and that’s largely because of an immunity gap from people not having their sick kids around each other all the time, as they did previously.
My kid is either on his second round of RSV or has something else this time, everyone at the daycare had it. I’m not happy about it, but daycare isn’t going anywhere, and avoiding it creates immunity gaps.
Spazmer t1_itdrbde wrote
And by the time there are symptoms they've already been spreading it the day or two before it showed anyway. Then when it starts you don't know if it's a minor cold, since 1 year olds are boogery for their first year of daycare, or if it ends up being something worse.
The kids in my home daycare were all sick on and off for all of September (verified it wasn't COVID), all have older siblings in schools and inevitably germs will make their way down. Each had different problems, in one it settled into his lungs, another had a double ear infection, I brought my 11 year old to the doctor for her sore throat to check for strep and was told it's just viral, wait it out. My 15 year old and I both lost our voices for most of a week. She said it was worse than when we actually had COVID, and I agree. It all sucked but there really is no other way around it. If they have no fever, not barfing, parents can't take a month off of work.
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