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Daylightsavingstimes t1_itbkpc9 wrote

I know this article focused on community viral spread that's making it's way to hospitals, but there's been something going around at my area schools too. Could be the flu, but it would be unusually early for that.

In any case, I've taken to masking up whenever I feel off somehow - be it a sniffle, scratchy throat, or persistent sneezing. Don't wanna spread whatever I could have to others. A simple courtesy.

Edit: A correction.


HoopOnPoop t1_itblzt6 wrote

Spent a couple days the hospital 2 weeks ago with my toddler on oxygen and IV fluids. Her fever spiked up to 105 and oxygen (which should be close to 100) dropped to the low/mid 80s at one point while she was there. It's no joke.


cuntnuzzler t1_itbmzhl wrote

My kid is just getting over this lucky we caught it early enough that it did not progress to needing to go to hospital


Then_Campaign7264 t1_itbn52v wrote

The article provides a link to a publication in the Lancet explaining what is meant by an “immunity gap”. An NPI is a non-pharmaceutical intervention:

“Although many infections and their associated morbidity and mortality were prevented by NPIs, decreased exposure to endemic viruses created an immunity gap—a group of susceptible individuals who avoided infection and therefore lack pathogen-specific immunity to protect against future infection. Decreases in childhood vaccinations with pandemic disruptions to health-care delivery contribute to this immunity gap for vaccine-preventable diseases, such as influenza, measles, and polio. The cumulative effect of new susceptible birth cohorts, waning immunity over time with decreased exposures to usual endemic viruses, and lagging vaccination rates in some settings widens this immunity gap and increases the potential for future outbreaks of endemic viruses.”



cuntnuzzler t1_itboej6 wrote

Well we loaded up on Mucinex and albuterol breathing treatments also started him on some amoxicillin until we were certain it was a virus. By about day five he stopped sounding like a barking seal and his coughing is now producing


Thenerdy9 t1_itbp5q2 wrote

yeah. it was spreading through our daycare. got it right after hand foot and mouth disease. somehow missed out on the stomach virus that sounded pretty awful. all we got was pretty mild.

but the daycares asked us to stay home for 1-2 or more days. the director struggled to really get better guidance. the health department was too strict and ODJFS recommended kids return after fever resolved because "they're all gonna get it anyway".

Meanwhile, at my hospital, there wasn't enough backup care to go around and clinical nurses had to call off with no fault (something about FMLA protection). I had a similar problem with HR. but I'm on the research side....

so I'm just thinking, can't we get a second readout from the PCR test that indicates level of contageousness to inform when kids should stay home and when they can go back to school all snotty and crusty? lol


Major_Act8033 t1_itbpm58 wrote

Did doctors not expect this, or did we just decide to prioritize elderly over the young?


rains-blu t1_itbqlkx wrote

October begins RSV and Influenza season in the northern hemisphere and it runs until April. Doctors recommend getting a flu vaccine in mid-September so antibodies can kick in by October.

Viruses can affect anyone of any age but the people of extreme ages have the most difficult time. Premies, infants and toddlers and the elderly but also people who might have health conditions where they can't fight off a respiratory illness very well have a harder time.


googlyeyes183 t1_itbuvx2 wrote

My 2 year old would cough until he threw up for almost a week. It was horrible. He was out of preschool for almost 2 whole weeks until I was sure he wasn’t going to spread it. At the wind up, only 3 or 4 out of 16 kids his age didn’t get sick.


Discoveryellow t1_itbv4r6 wrote

CNN site is such a dumpster fire, keeps reloading itself making reading impossible on mobile. Can someone share key points?


BasenjiBob t1_itbwpj8 wrote

My sister is a pediatrician at a hospital in Chicago. According to her there isn't an available pediatric hospital bed in the entire state of Illinois.


Flynn58 t1_itbyosi wrote

> Doctors recommend getting a flu vaccine in mid-September so antibodies can kick in by October.

LMAO Ontario doesn't make flu shots available until mid-November.


QuintonFrey t1_itc22yy wrote

I hate to admit Republicans are right about anything, but broken clock and all that. Admittedly they were right about this, but I don't see what we could have done differently without putting kids at needless risk, so...let's say they were half right.


neridqe00 t1_itc35xo wrote

For discussion sake, could you share or link any relevant information in regards to "masking ruining common antibody build ups"

And just to touch on it a bit further, could you explain what common antibody build ups are specifically?

I appreciate your time and sharing of info.


hgaterms t1_itc4ywj wrote

> so started him on some amoxicillin until we were certain it was a virus.

Its not a good idea to just abuse antibiotics like that. This is how you develop super bugs.


chartreusepapoose t1_itc62be wrote

I noticed a lot of absences on Monday (5/12 kids out) at my kids preschool and by Thursday my toddler had a terrible cough, fever, and a double ear infection. Her cough and congestion is only getting worse. It's only October 😩


Muted-Cherry5007 t1_itc637z wrote

I’m wondering if this is covid, also but so as not to cause panic and outrage they call it an upper respiratory infection, instead.


Then_Campaign7264 t1_itc7plg wrote

While this immunity gap was anticipated, the risk to both children and adults when Covid was ravaging the world and no vaccines were available for children, it made sense to continue to protect children from all illnesses. It took time for medical researchers to understand how to treat and mitigate Covid. It took time to understand what the long term impact the virus might have on infected individuals of all ages.

The pediatric and adult intensive care units and emergency rooms were overburdened. Medical staff was pushed to their limits. Parents were unable to be with children in hospital. That was not the time to take chances with a child’s health.

What is emerging now is never desirable; but, the chances of recovering from the respiratory viruses that are now impacting children are much greater now than they were when the health care system was dealing with the worst of Covid. Children can now be vaccinated against Covid which should mitigate the health challenges facing pediatric care.


D4RKNESSAW1LD t1_itc8z6m wrote

N95 work just fine.. cloth masks didn’t do much. Covid particles are smaller than others giving it a better shot to move through these masks more so than other viruses.

So tell me… why now are these viruses spreading like wildfire and putting people especially children into hospitals?

Antivaxers? Or lowered immunity.

I wore a mask and I’m vaxxed. I’m not against it, I just don’t believe they did all that much. Numbers clearly show the virus continued to spread. While other viruses were low in transmission. Even masked, Covid spread like crazy.


tricheboars t1_itca3e7 wrote

My family is on day 19. Got a five year old on the mend, a sick 10 month old and a still sick wife. I like my son am on the mend but this has all been pretty miserable.

Started with a scratchy throat and swollen lymph nodes


Yurastupidbitch t1_itcfs31 wrote

Yep, we’re seeing a lot of cases in the community clinic - it’s very concerning, especially with the flu season just starting and we have new variants of COVID starting to creep up.


ForcefulBookdealer t1_itcj9a0 wrote

And people who know better continue to take their sick kids into public and daycare.


Grouchy_Occasion2292 t1_itclxl0 wrote

I wouldn't trust the lancet they routinely publish studies that have been debunked and called out by peers. The PACE trial study being one of the most famous. Even though the GET/PACE study has been proven to be factually and scientifically inaccurate and not based on the scientific method it's still up and they still stand behind it. Don't trust the lancet.

News article


dins3r t1_itcm65m wrote

Glad y’all are ok.

My wife and I had twins on 7/25 and both of them caught RSV from their older brother after 6 days of being home. One spent 30 days in the NICU at Children’s hospital... the other, 14 days. Oxygen and a feeding tube. What sucks is there’s no medicine for it… they can only treat the symptoms. So it’s a hurry up and wait type of deal and it wrecks infants.

Luckily both my boys are good now and doing well but it was dicey for a minute there.


shaka893P t1_itcmbf4 wrote

It's not, COVID prevented natural immunity to a lot of viruses because we stayed home. A lot of children didn't get exposed to viruses and bacteria because we were locked up. It's expected, viruses that were considered mild before might hit them harder


Grouchy_Occasion2292 t1_itcmz1p wrote

It's probably a combination of several such as COVID, flu, rsv, and noravirus. I know that I got COVID just recently and so did my kids. I know someone whose baby was just hospitalized for RSV. And a few who have been sick with the flu I doubt it's just one illness causing it. It's the combination of a lot of colds that happen during this time and it's getting worse because climate change. The warmer climate actually makes it easier for these kinds of things to spread.


MrWeirdoFace t1_itcn4v8 wrote

I'm very concerned, had four covid shots, living in isolation and haven't taken my mask off in public since it went on 2 years ago. I was playing off your comment about "the end is nigh" and imagining would it be like if all the chaos of the last few years was suddenly over and the relief it would bring, not suddenly giving up and pretending that things are, although I can understand why you might have thought otherwise, considering everything.


Grouchy_Occasion2292 t1_itcn6rr wrote

Of course it has but changes in it can still happen. This idea that viruses are unchanging I don't understand as we clearly know they're not. So being around forever doesn't mean anything. The common cold has been around forever too and COVID still happened.


yo2sense t1_itcocly wrote

My wife is the nurse who approves coverage for everyone seeking treatment at Children's Atlanta that has insurance from the company she works for. All of her patients except one have RSV.


Anom8675309 t1_itcp9yz wrote

I'm not one to tell you if you should be concerned. Though I will ask you what has that concern really accomplished for you. I didn't say action, wearing masks and washing hands medically helps everyone, I said being 'concerned'. Relax man, you may die, I may die but there are about 8 billion people right now the human race isn't in any real danger. And even if it was, we could afford to lose some.


Then_Campaign7264 t1_itctiaz wrote

Both letters you cite were published more than a year before the Lancet article I cite and have absolutely nothing to do with Covid or immunity gaps. One letter challenges a study on chronic fatigue and the other myalgic encephalomyelitis. What is your point????? The lancet article was used to provide a definition of immunity gap. That’s it.


butterbunz t1_itcwe3t wrote

Parents, please take this seriously. I was hospitalized with RSV at three months old, it did enough damage to impair the growth of one of my lungs. It can have lifelong effects on your child.


Botboy141 t1_itcwm1f wrote

3 year old had it just before her 4th B-Day a few weeks ago. Wife noticed wheezing a day or two after a cough started. Took her to urgent care. Prescribed steroids for Bronchiolitis. Followed up with doc 7 days later and all clear.

We felt so lucky. Little girl was on oxygen for a week when she was first born, was dreading a potential return.


gilbertgrappa t1_itcwtg4 wrote

My infant was in the hospital for three weeks in July with RSV. She was on a ventilator in the ICU and had a feeding tube. This virus is no joke and I hope that people learn about it and take it seriously.


moleratical t1_itcyiyx wrote

It's a little early for a lot of people to have the flu, but it is about the time we start seeing a few cases. I got the flu about this time a few years ago. Yesterday a good 1/3 if my students were sick with it.


QuintonFrey t1_itd15kc wrote

Well, I'm a Democrat for one. I don't see how saying they were right about the immunity issue and then immediately following that with there was nothing else we could have done either way isn't just am objective fact, but eh...I could get hundreds of downvotes for one comment and it's not going to hurt my feelings any, so I say keep em coming.


Then_Campaign7264 t1_itd4din wrote

The immunity gap is real. But the risks early on far outweighed the need to protect children until vaccines were readily available and administered, overall hospitalizations had declined and schools had put in place new measures to prevent infection. Once that happened, parents felt much safer sending children back to school and daycare, regardless of party affiliation.

Unfortunately republicans were pushing to reopen in person learning and daycare before vaccines, before the health care systems had stabilized and before they school systems had adequate staffing and safety measures. So with regard to timing, they were not right. And that was a very real problem.


Djentleman5000 t1_itdcsue wrote

All three of my sister’s kids had it and are still in recovery. Some scary shit. My kids are older (10 and 14) but could still be susceptible.


KrootLoops t1_itdivqd wrote

I'm going through it right now, just at the tail end of it. I thought I just caught bronchitis out of nowhere because I've mostly been coughing and wheezing, and the first day I started to feel sick I was pretty short of breath. Next couple of days I had the chills and then it petered out to just constantly coughing. Tested for covid, turned up negative.

Now I've seen this article I'm wondering if I didn't catch this from a customer's kid or something while at work.


TheRealSpez t1_itdmcp8 wrote

It could be, but it might not be.

I was tested for COVID, flu, RSV, and strep, and was negative for all of them. It was just some sort of viral laryngitis/bronchitis, and my doctor said that they’ve been seeing it a lot.

Regardless, it doesn’t really matter. We treat all viral respiratory the same— drink water, take meds, sleep. Not much you can do but wait and treat symptoms. I was only getting tested because it was going to affect my medical treatment (physical therapy) if it was COVID


x0rn t1_itdmtxo wrote

We just went through human parvo and right into Covid. There are a ton of weird viruses going around. Half the school is out sick. I feel like Covid made us more prone to viral infections, but that’s just a feeling, no evidence.


AintThatJustADaisy t1_itdnr63 wrote

For real though, kids are always sick. You go to work unless there’s something serious going on.

RSV wasn’t something the general public heard about until it became a problem post Covid and that’s largely because of an immunity gap from people not having their sick kids around each other all the time, as they did previously.

My kid is either on his second round of RSV or has something else this time, everyone at the daycare had it. I’m not happy about it, but daycare isn’t going anywhere, and avoiding it creates immunity gaps.


Spazmer t1_itdrbde wrote

And by the time there are symptoms they've already been spreading it the day or two before it showed anyway. Then when it starts you don't know if it's a minor cold, since 1 year olds are boogery for their first year of daycare, or if it ends up being something worse.

The kids in my home daycare were all sick on and off for all of September (verified it wasn't COVID), all have older siblings in schools and inevitably germs will make their way down. Each had different problems, in one it settled into his lungs, another had a double ear infection, I brought my 11 year old to the doctor for her sore throat to check for strep and was told it's just viral, wait it out. My 15 year old and I both lost our voices for most of a week. She said it was worse than when we actually had COVID, and I agree. It all sucked but there really is no other way around it. If they have no fever, not barfing, parents can't take a month off of work.


khanfusion t1_itdw4jh wrote

You didn't really specify what half, and honestly Republicans were and still are making such a mess of everything that giving them any kind of credit where it is clearly undue is an irritating thing to see.


khanfusion t1_itdw9wf wrote

Republicans weren't worried about kids not getting more vaccines, they just had this idea that if kids get sick at school it's a good thing. It was and still is idiotic.


Blonde_arrbuckle t1_ite8hq0 wrote

We had a wave of this in Australia over winter. It's been awful to adults as well.


SovietSunrise OP t1_ite8q8e wrote

I wondered about whether Australia dealt with it or not. I remember mask usage and social distancing was more stringently adhered to in Australia than in North America, so I figured people would have been careful not to catch anything at all during the COVID years.


sdl2095 t1_iteolfm wrote

Society needs to invest more in vaccines for these plagues.

And if they don't want to make a vaccine, it isn't that unreasonable to make a version of palivizumab like the covid evushield. A long lastly protective antibody. That can get kids to age 2 without severe RSV


cuntnuzzler t1_iteuhma wrote

If that were exactly true then I’d be resistant to amoxicillin and have made all the superbugs in the world. I literally grew up on it and was using it about every other month because of my asthma I was constantly having sinus infections and practically lived on it so I’m a little weary on the whole superbug part. Also utilizing it when it may call for it as a precaution should have little I’ll effect. We don’t just dose willynilly but I do understand your concern and I was wondering how long it would be till someone called me on that.n


resilient_bird t1_itev9sf wrote

Well, that, or they can't afford to take off of work to take care of them and so on.

In countries like the US, most middle income parents' options are limited. If they don't work, they won't get paid, and it's not like they can leave their young children home alone while they run errands.


notabee t1_itf4mcw wrote

There is tons of evidence that Covid messes with immune function. Here's a few sample links just so some galaxy brain genius doesn't immediately jump in here with the always clever, "GOT ANY SOURCES?!!", but seriously just search for "Covid immune dysfunction" and there is a plethora of stuff to read about. And it's probably going to be relevant to kids too, despite their (usually) milder symptoms.


notabee t1_itf4xoy wrote

RSV is severe enough by itself with kids and has been a problem since before Covid, but it's reasonable to believe that Covid is throwing gasoline on the fire as we learn more about it's long term impacts.


MrsTrippin t1_itf90y3 wrote

My daughter fell ill Wednesday so I was called to bring her home (she's in kindergarten in a Chicago Public School); her teacher sent an email on Friday that 8 kids were out due to illness Thursday (out of 24 kids in her room). I'm an Early Intervention therapist and and at least 4 families reported cold like symptoms in their kiddos in the last few days... I think it's going to be a looong fall/winter for us.🙄


notabee t1_itfa2vx wrote

Yeah, I have, mostly on reddit. Not because having sources is bad, but because it has become a thought-terminating cliche that people like to use to dismiss bad news or concepts they don't like. Reading sources is good! And it shouldn't require someone hand feeding you sources to take some things seriously enough to spend some time looking into them independently. So many people just parrot shit, and many parrots think "got sources?" is equivalent to winning internet points.


Millenniauld t1_itfdbho wrote

My youngest got RSV at less than a month old. It was right before Covid hit. Our hospital was TOTALLY serious about it and used PPV (like I said, even before Covid, this was February 8th 2020!) and they treated her with the seriousness needed. She recovered and has been a healthy kid since, though Covid gave her croup (same hospital had her issue identified and cured in 24 hours.)

I am sorry your experience was so lasting. I am so grateful that our local hospital is full of (to be fair, female) doctors and nurses who will throw down for the kids there.


Quadrassic_Bark t1_itfdejh wrote

Geez, it’s too bad it’s not standard behaviour to wear a mask around other people when you’re sick and stay home whenever possible.


larsmaehlum t1_itfr658 wrote

Had something like this in late spring. First I had a really violent cough for a couple of days, then it hit my right sinus before moving to my ear the day after. Needed antibiotics to clear.
Didn’t hear properly for a couple of weeks.


tomorrowistomato t1_itfzmk4 wrote

I had RSV as an adult and even then it sucked. Turned into bronchitis and laryngitis, it was weeks of coughing fits and my voice going in and out. It is a miserable virus.


Chalupa-Supreme t1_itgb6xa wrote

Pretty sure I had this a month or so ago. I know I got it from the customer that coughed in my face. Gave it to my sister a few weeks ago. Now my mom, who was in the hospital with covid for months, is recovering from it. Everyone was terrified she would have to go back.

Every one of us had a cold for a week, then it turned into a nasty sinus thing. It felt like I spent a week straight popping my ears because I couldn't stand the pressure! Getting to sleep was a nightmare.


International_Bat_87 t1_ith9vte wrote

If your child has a fever give them children’s Tylenol first, after 6 hours give them Motrin and alternate every six hours. If your child’s body temp gets too high they will seize to try and break the fever. Same advice ER will give you. I’ve seen more febrile seizures this last month than all of Covid.


NoBrains-NoGains t1_iti7o36 wrote

While many people use it as a brain-dead defense mechanism, if you are making big claims you should be reasonably prepared to provide evidence to support it. Tons of people pull information out of their ass on reddit too so it goes both ways.


NoBrains-NoGains t1_iti94y4 wrote

>indicates level of contageousness

No because this can change dramatically in a single day. You'd need a daily PCR to determine viral shed and another test to determine viability of that viral matter.


Thenerdy9 t1_itj5zk1 wrote

sounds doable.

for certain in circumstances where the parents contributes to a workforce that is scant, like hospital nursing.

would daily be sufficient? and you suggest several measures throughout the day? how drastically can it change? have any data to share for baseline insight? :)

Proof of concept pilot could focus on the days after symptom onset OR on the days after fever, which is typically when a kid is actually sent home.