Submitted by Narcissistic-Kal t3_yflizc in news
AussieJeffProbst t1_iu3xofv wrote
Oh come on who hasn't stumbled upon a guy in a mud covered gimp suit wiggling on the ground in the middle of the night?
[deleted] t1_iu3yj7a wrote
They woke him up.
steroboros t1_iu3z728 wrote
My question is, who came by to pay his bail?
CaputGeratLupinum t1_iu3zdo4 wrote
If you can't handle me at my mud-covered gimp suit, you don't deserve me at my making eye contact while shitting into a diaper on the bus
[deleted] t1_iu40143 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu405fr wrote
Electr0Girl t1_iu406tq wrote
Don’t bother locking him in a cell, you’ll only be feeding into his kink.
gonzo2thumbs t1_iu40s1z wrote
This sounds absolutely horrifying to be honest. I don't think I'd be ok after this "prank." Plus, the balls it takes for someone to do this to another person. Unless they're nuts. Uhhhg, just no. No, no, no.
jadedflames t1_iu40y2q wrote
Ugh. Keep your kink to yourself.
[deleted] t1_iu4249e wrote
SoSoUnhelpful t1_iu42b7y wrote
This happened to my friend Sally.
LBraden t1_iu42gvy wrote
We don't have paid bail in the UK.
Zkenny13 t1_iu42vev wrote
Because family matters
AvogadrosMoleSauce t1_iu445hq wrote
Aren't all encounters with a gimp freaky?
Trying2improvemyself t1_iu44wz7 wrote
Do you keep them in jail until trial? But how will they ever flee?
Slicxor t1_iu45izv wrote
- Marilyn Monroe
Remember to attribute quotes
LBraden t1_iu45xtr wrote
There's Remand and Bail, basically if you're deemed to be civil you can be released like this guy was, of course if he messes up, he's under remand until the trial.
If you're a flight risk, remand.
If you decide not to return, an arrest warrant will be posted and you will get arrested at some point, even 3 days later when the police knock on your door.
I live near a council estate, see it often for people who've skipped court date being arrested a few days later, one to be fair did miss court due to COVID symptoms and did call ahead, but ... procedure.
[deleted] t1_iu467hz wrote
NPVT t1_iu46buy wrote
I thought gimp was software for editing pictures
[deleted] t1_iu46kaa wrote
Egmonks t1_iu46rw1 wrote
I lived in LA, that was just a Tuesday night thing. I’m not sure why everyone is so upset about this to be honest.
AussieJeffProbst t1_iu4709n wrote
The funniest thing is the guys in the article weren't even upset. They said they laughed but were concerned that other people might be scared.
[deleted] t1_iu4736n wrote
somereallyfungi t1_iu48mkr wrote
I remember reading about this a couple years ago, creepy, bizarre, and mildly humourous. Glad they finally caught the nutter
Nightshade_Ranch t1_iu4a87w wrote
These fuckers don't deserve Halloween!
Such_Cod_5314 t1_iu4aioi wrote
Pretty well spoken teenager…He said the man was "unpredictable, flopping to the floor, writhing and grunting".
darkchalice t1_iu4b4ky wrote
Sounds like a normal evening in the UK.
joemeteorite8 t1_iu4c2cx wrote
Is there video or just pics?
ideamagnet t1_iu4cggj wrote
Some people just don’t appreciate the lengths people go to make Halloween a spooky time!
mushroomwig t1_iu4fgc9 wrote
"Teen", the adult man is 19, subtle way to twist the story into something more dramatic
Specialist_Alarm_831 t1_iu4hw9x wrote
Wrong reply (thanks CurrentlyBlazed)
DubbleDiller t1_iu4iggl wrote
Marilyn Monroe
- Michael Scott
CurrentlyBlazed t1_iu4k1bf wrote
Shame me more, daddy <3
Edit: I upvoted you also lol
CurrentlyBlazed t1_iu4k5y0 wrote
wrong reply?
withwhichwhat t1_iu4szk1 wrote
Why am I surprised he's not an MP?
[deleted] t1_iu4tbvt wrote
By_your_command t1_iu4tcdv wrote
I was thinking the same thing.
skillzflux t1_iu512fu wrote
the adult man is nineTEEN. Teenager: noun a person aged between 13 and 19 years.
HardlyDecent t1_iu5223o wrote
Gimp Man: worst Mega Man robot master ever. But he can take a beating.
edit: fixed a word
[deleted] t1_iu5400k wrote
HaikuBotStalksMe t1_iu54t5x wrote
You don't magically become super different just because you hit an arbitrary threshold of 17.999999999 years old and 18.000000000 years old.
HaikuBotStalksMe t1_iu54vc0 wrote
You're really obsessed with testicles.
Badtrainwreck t1_iu54ws5 wrote
How many gigabytes is Gimp worth?
HaikuBotStalksMe t1_iu553hh wrote
I used words like that as a kid. People don't appreciate it. They say things like "talk normal" or "what are you, an alien?!" or "look at dictionary over here. 'Generic'? Who the hell says that?"
HaikuBotStalksMe t1_iu554h4 wrote
*robot master
[deleted] t1_iu5615c wrote
gonzo2thumbs t1_iu56je6 wrote
🤣 yikes, I might be!
Zalianthx t1_iu5bpso wrote
are... are you familiar with numbers?
ObiWan_Jabronii t1_iu5c0pi wrote
Another Prince Andrew sighting?
HardlyDecent t1_iu5cqkl wrote
Thanks! Knew that didn't sound right.
[deleted] t1_iu5dmdu wrote
ElmertheAwesome t1_iu5dqb6 wrote
You would hope, at least.
MagnificentErgo t1_iu5ud6k wrote
I really want to hope this launches into a new spooky gimp scare like the clown sightings all the gullible idiots panicked about back in 2016.
konnichiwaseadweller t1_iu60a7d wrote
Saying he is an adult is just as twisting as saying he is a teen. He's legally an adult, he's also literally a teenager.
MacAttacknChz t1_iu67j5i wrote
"He had an earthy smell"
disciple_of_pallando t1_iu6amkq wrote
The best part is you get to become a teen again when you turn 113.
[deleted] t1_iu6ogvz wrote
GlumpsAlot t1_iu3xnyw wrote
Lol, "Conditions of the man's bail include that he must remain home between 21:00 and 06:00 and present to a police officer on request." Scaring the shit outta some teenagers, priceless.