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GlumpsAlot t1_iu3xnyw wrote

Lol, "Conditions of the man's bail include that he must remain home between 21:00 and 06:00 and present to a police officer on request." Scaring the shit outta some teenagers, priceless.


AussieJeffProbst t1_iu3xofv wrote

Oh come on who hasn't stumbled upon a guy in a mud covered gimp suit wiggling on the ground in the middle of the night?


lolbojack t1_iu3xwtl wrote

But I thought the Gimp was sleeping.


CaputGeratLupinum t1_iu3zdo4 wrote

If you can't handle me at my mud-covered gimp suit, you don't deserve me at my making eye contact while shitting into a diaper on the bus


Electr0Girl t1_iu406tq wrote

Don’t bother locking him in a cell, you’ll only be feeding into his kink.


gonzo2thumbs t1_iu40s1z wrote

This sounds absolutely horrifying to be honest. I don't think I'd be ok after this "prank." Plus, the balls it takes for someone to do this to another person. Unless they're nuts. Uhhhg, just no. No, no, no.


jadedflames t1_iu40y2q wrote

Ugh. Keep your kink to yourself.


SoSoUnhelpful t1_iu42b7y wrote

This happened to my friend Sally.


LBraden t1_iu45xtr wrote

There's Remand and Bail, basically if you're deemed to be civil you can be released like this guy was, of course if he messes up, he's under remand until the trial.

If you're a flight risk, remand.

If you decide not to return, an arrest warrant will be posted and you will get arrested at some point, even 3 days later when the police knock on your door.

I live near a council estate, see it often for people who've skipped court date being arrested a few days later, one to be fair did miss court due to COVID symptoms and did call ahead, but ... procedure.


tariss t1_iu464uo wrote

I bet this is Norm Somerton or as he likes to be called pig with tits.


somereallyfungi t1_iu48mkr wrote

I remember reading about this a couple years ago, creepy, bizarre, and mildly humourous. Glad they finally caught the nutter


Such_Cod_5314 t1_iu4aioi wrote

Pretty well spoken teenager…He said the man was "unpredictable, flopping to the floor, writhing and grunting".


darkchalice t1_iu4b4ky wrote

Sounds like a normal evening in the UK.


ideamagnet t1_iu4cggj wrote

Some people just don’t appreciate the lengths people go to make Halloween a spooky time!


mushroomwig t1_iu4fgc9 wrote

"Teen", the adult man is 19, subtle way to twist the story into something more dramatic


HardlyDecent t1_iu5223o wrote

Gimp Man: worst Mega Man robot master ever. But he can take a beating.

edit: fixed a word


suzer2017 t1_iu5ah32 wrote

Smelled really "Earthy." Could you be more precise?


diamond t1_iu5exbb wrote

If this happened in Florida, it wouldn't even be news.

"Oh yeah, that's just Dave."


MagnificentErgo t1_iu5ud6k wrote

I really want to hope this launches into a new spooky gimp scare like the clown sightings all the gullible idiots panicked about back in 2016.


BD_9x t1_iu827wl wrote

It's Halloween dude let him have fun
