Submitted by bunnieollie t3_xvz6fd in news
InternationalFailure t1_ir3wxqo wrote
I did not know there was an Armenian Mob.
[deleted] t1_ir3xg5z wrote
InternationalFailure t1_ir3xihe wrote
I mean what exactly is the range of the Armenian mob?
[deleted] t1_ir3xp0v wrote
sjfiuauqadfj t1_ir3xuaq wrote
mostly in the los angeles area
[deleted] t1_ir3xznu wrote
[deleted] t1_ir404o6 wrote
[deleted] t1_ir41mu3 wrote
UrbanGhost114 t1_ir41u2w wrote
That's what someone who has definitely been to California, but doesn't want people to know they have definitely been to California would say!
jrabbot t1_ir41xuj wrote
Probably where they got the documents
djinnisequoia t1_ir424k2 wrote
But, did he ask for a Special Master first? Did he try judge shopping til he found a slavishly sympathetic one? Hey, maybe those documents were pLaNteD!!!1!
[deleted] t1_ir42q8w wrote
Swimming_Coat4177 t1_ir43rfy wrote
If you believe that, I have some lottery numbers to sell you. GQ is not a credible source.
BadAsBroccoli t1_ir44pt3 wrote
What makes you more creditable than GQ?
Swimming_Coat4177 t1_ir44v39 wrote
Their articles have been discredited. It is not me who did the fact checking
degotoga t1_ir44zmp wrote
What terrorist group would that be?
[deleted] t1_ir45uin wrote
Pasadenarose t1_ir46n2n wrote
I’m looking for the story on Twitter. It’s under #KimKardashianSupportsTerrorism
yiannistheman t1_ir46uew wrote
Sure, but how about the Times:
The Washington Post:
I guess they're all not credible either. At some point, when you've whittled down the list of credible sources to Fox News, you might want to have a look in the mirror.
Meanwhile - the bizarre behavior of cozying up to Putin and NK, withholding classified documentation for no reason whatsoever in a private home with uncleared staff all around - that is just normal behavior, right?
[deleted] t1_ir4728u wrote
Swimming_Coat4177 t1_ir47fbp wrote
All of these articles show no actual proof. They all say the same thing. You ever stop and think that they may be a little biased. Also, a two investigation into Trump’s alleged Russia connection netted nothing. It was proven to be using a source paid for by the DNC
yiannistheman t1_ir4818w wrote
It did nothing of the sort. In fact, the instructions from Barr in his memory, which they fought tooth and nail to keep private and was released the same day as the report, basically just said "he's the president you can't charge him'. Mueller laid out ten scenarios where obstruction would have been on the table for anyone but the King of the US. Everyone else is subject to trial and conviction based on reasonable doubt, but you'd like him to be standing over the dead body of this asset.
degotoga t1_ir482d0 wrote
yeah that isn't true
Pasadenarose t1_ir48ed2 wrote
You one of her sheep , that thinks she’s sweet & innocent 🙄
degotoga t1_ir48lsh wrote
a "terrorist group"
BinaryBlasphemy t1_ir48pn7 wrote
Much like in Russia, when the soviet union collapsed the mob ruled Armenia. They still control one of the main political parties there.
[deleted] t1_ir49v8r wrote
ligmallamasackinosis t1_ir4akv8 wrote
Where's your proof? You're making some big claims and no proof?? And I'm just supposed to trust you??? Lol
Swimming_Coat4177 t1_ir4aqdl wrote
Tim Poole interviewed a guy who actually worked on the investigation
[deleted] t1_ir4baml wrote
[deleted] t1_ir4bre0 wrote
[deleted] t1_ir4c0c1 wrote
ligmallamasackinosis t1_ir4cbre wrote
Ah yeah a guy interviewed a dude about stuff. Not really doing yourself justice here..
Swimming_Coat4177 t1_ir4cejr wrote
If the man interviewed worked directly on the investigation that does mean a lot
daj0412 t1_ir4cg5m wrote
How in the world did you get downvoted for that lol
daj0412 t1_ir4ci4x wrote
I’m interesting in reading about it!
[deleted] t1_ir4cwnm wrote
[deleted] t1_ir4egd1 wrote
[deleted] t1_ir4fvq3 wrote
[deleted] t1_ir4h2r4 wrote
Ok-Tap-4824 t1_ir4lh5h wrote
At least here in Los Angeles, they're practically a subset of the Mexican Mafia.
America is an amazing place.
dinoroo t1_ir4qo86 wrote
Most countries have organized crime.
Morgolol t1_ir4ujvi wrote
You trust that beanie fuckwad? Holy shit. No wonder your sources are so awful. Imagine trusting pool over actual, legitimate journalists.
Also maybe read the report? And who did brick brain interview exactly? Can't find his name
nyc-will t1_ir4z42k wrote
narrator: "It wasn't" :/
ImSorry2HearThat t1_ir4zcxm wrote
Conan is going to have a field day with this
hagenissen666 t1_ir50ucc wrote
Everyone who disagrees with Ankara is a terrorist, didn't you know?
Rusty-Shackleford t1_ir51v7u wrote
New york's hottest club is Guilty!. Located in Little Tokyo next to the Ducati Dealership, this Demerol Drenched freak fest has everything: Armenian Cigar addicts, Fake lawyers handing out rosaries bracelets, Utah polygamists, leaky 55 gallon drums of bio diesel, you name it! Oh and look who it is- famed UAE bad boy and pill afficianado, Sheikh Djibouti! If you stay long enough, we'll get to go search for Gaddafi's lost gold using human shovels.
[deleted] t1_ir54m54 wrote
CrashB111 t1_ir54vpy wrote
No she didn't donate to terrorists
If she donated to a group last year. How would Trump have protected her from anything since he hasn't been president since January 2021?
MattHoppe1 t1_ir56fl5 wrote
They’re the bad guys in season 2 of law and order organized crime
[deleted] t1_ir56sfg wrote
[deleted] t1_ir59i0d wrote
ZealousidealIncome t1_ir5chcs wrote
Organized crime in some countries is a distinction made only through the lens of modern media. The Russian mob began as early as the 1720s, La Cosa Nostra has roots in the 19th century.
AdResponsible5513 t1_ir5isao wrote
What is the range of Capital?
[deleted] t1_ir5k00f wrote
FancyPantsBlanton t1_ir5l0tp wrote
Also the Mid-Atlantic states, or so someone told me.
BinaryBlasphemy t1_ir5p08h wrote
You’re reffering to the Armenian Mafia which is a US based gang. No direct relation to Armenian Mob, in fact there are rumors that the mob has orders to shoot any Armenian Mafia members on sight.
[deleted] t1_ir5pmaw wrote
AncientAsstronaut t1_ir5qs9w wrote
Don't argue with this troll. Block on move on
AncientAsstronaut t1_ir5qy52 wrote
Hashtag research 🙄
Quincyperson t1_ir5sck8 wrote
Is this the LA Armenian version of the Whitey Bulger story?
Quincyperson t1_ir5svt8 wrote
Everyone else is biased. Tim Poole, on the other hand, calls it right down the middle
[deleted] t1_ir679jc wrote
Baelgul t1_ir69lwc wrote
Precisely where my mind went - fine when the loser former president does it, a crime when someone else does it
Fuzakenaideyo t1_ir6mo6f wrote
there's a documentary series called "The Shield" dealing with corrupt cops in CA, one of the seasons deals extensively with the Armenian mob
superbugger t1_ir6phon wrote
Welp they own a bunch of bars in my part of the Midwest.
Itchy_Focus_4500 t1_ir6xdzr wrote
THIS ^^^^ is the answer!
[deleted] t1_ir71qv4 wrote
[deleted] t1_ir7hax4 wrote
me_brewsta t1_ir7n51d wrote
What's a human shovel?
Rusty-Shackleford t1_ir7qjb6 wrote
It's that thing where you make a human wheelbarrow out of a Midget but you make it use its hands to dig holes.
RostamSurena t1_ir7wuo3 wrote
I can see them putting aside their differences to deal with Azerbaijan for now.
Inquisitive_idiot t1_ir80nnd wrote
First and only rule of Armenian Mob:
- Don’t talk about Armenian Mob 😑
[deleted] t1_ir8kkif wrote
Double_Fabulous t1_ir3vo0w wrote
I didn’t expect to see Ghaddafi mentioned in the story but it makes it 1000000x more salacious