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girlfreddyf t1_iuj8qvq wrote

Oh goody. Can't wait to hear what all the Conservatives in Cowtown have to say about this.

makes popcorn


RonnyRoofus t1_iujd2ls wrote

Just so all our American friends are in the know. Cowtown is a nickname for Calgary, Alberta. We have far right extremists just like in the USA, so this is no surprise. Alberta and Saskatchewan are the 2 farthest right provinces (states) in Canada. In fact we actually have Trump supporters in these provinces, what sense does that make?


nsci2ece t1_iuk1pan wrote

To make a Canadian Trump supporter's brain explode, ask them to explain why his presidency is a good thing for Canadians. And don't accept answers about why his presidency is good for Americans. Be very specific that they must explain why Trump's presence in the white house is beneficial in any way to Canadian people living in Canada.

The mental gymnastics are hilarious.


thecaits t1_iujvcim wrote

If they are like US Conservatives they will respond with "It's really the liberals/left-leaning people's fault", or "but the left does this too" with made-up or out of context examples. If neither of those work, then it has to be "fake news" or "well x deserved it anyway". Conservatives are past the point where admitting fault is an option.


girlfreddyf t1_iujyo0v wrote

All true. There's also a fair chance at least some of this sting was based on Nenshi being Muslim and Brown too. If he'd been "caught" it would've fed the racist beast that consumes Canadian conservatives rn.

I can't help but be proud of Nenshi and his moral code. Too bad every politician didn't look to him for inspiration.


olafthebent t1_iujaui3 wrote

"Sorry... we were caught"


girlfreddyf t1_iujdx3h wrote

I wish. Sadly my guess is it'll just be more of the "No comment" or "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" variety.