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jezra t1_itxdl3t wrote

Not every canadian wants to fellate the king of england


RtuDtu t1_itxe772 wrote

But every province has to agree in order for things to get started. I'm not saying that is impossible but it is unrealistic


Cypher1492 t1_itxltns wrote

There hasn't been a King of England since 1702.


Thanato26 t1_itxz571 wrote

But there is a King of Canada.


Cypher1492 t1_itxzxup wrote

Yep. He has a few other roles as well but being King of Canada is the best one since Canada is really big.


iMogwai t1_itxndsh wrote

You know the queen died, right?


Cypher1492 t1_itxo0eq wrote

Yes? What does that have to do with this? There hasn't been a "Queen of England" since 1707.


iMogwai t1_itxoema wrote

Technically the monarch of Great Britain is also the monarch of the countries in Great Britain.


Cypher1492 t1_itxp5of wrote

That is technically correct, which is the best kind of correct. It's still not the official title of the Canadian monarch, though.

I would be in favour of changing his title from "King of Canada" to "King of Kensington", but only if he changes his name to Larry and opens up a convenience store. ;)