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Kingfish36 t1_ir7ul2d wrote

Sounds good let’s do it


Spirit117 t1_ir7wyk7 wrote

Great, get started with the process of amending the constitution then.


[deleted] t1_ir81525 wrote



Spirit117 t1_ir8292c wrote

Uhhhh.... The fact that I don't support gun control and believe a fair number of our existing laws including the NFA are already unconstitutional?

For the record, I'm fine with automatics being included under the current restrictions of the NFA, but suppressors need to go, and short barreled rifles should go as well.


NormalSociety t1_ir7uxyk wrote

But God said my right to a gun is inalienable!!!!


Kingfish36 t1_ir7v353 wrote

Remington 3:16 For god so loved the world he shot the piss outta satan.

Conservatives are a joke