SMG329 t1_itzcork wrote
And yet, Shell just posted record profits that will result in higher dividend payments for stockholders.... Right a crisis that makes the rich richer?
Energer_Z t1_itzwos9 wrote
Literally the only crisis that doesn't make the rich richer is a crisis that specifically targets the rich, ie economic-oriented revolutions. Until you take a knife to the pig it's only going to get fatter.
[deleted] t1_iu0dnbl wrote
[deleted] t1_iu1rzqn wrote
The_Yarichin_Bitch t1_iu2yffm wrote
It's why I don't get the anger at the 'quiet quitting'- it's a common start to work revolutions lmao.
[deleted] t1_iu50bou wrote
ariverunsthroughit t1_iu02h2u wrote
It’s all manufactured. The Rich have strings on EVERYTHING.
Nice_Category t1_iu0arem wrote
Energy and oil are commodities, when there is a shortage then price increases and those who produce it make more money. Nothing even remotely weird or sinister about it.
If there was, say, an iron shortage, you'd see iron mining companies posting record profits, too. That's how commodities work.
Catacombsofparis t1_iu1jifx wrote
Sir this is reddit why are you not being a conspiracy nut Job ?
[deleted] t1_iu1nzi2 wrote
KJBenson t1_iu3mijt wrote
It’s not like it matters.
If they were losing money they’d just tell their politicians to pay them a bunch of money and still be solvent.
Or they would just fire the cattle so the executives still saw gains.
litefoot t1_iu3qxhs wrote
Here’s the thing about that: they see the writing on the wall.
That’s why fuel prices are going up. They are not increasing production because they know they’re running out, so they’re trying to make money while they can. This is also why they all invest in solar and wind energy.
Danne660 t1_iu0paaq wrote
No, every business that uses oil makes less money from this.
Do you think rich people are only in the oil industry and nothing else?
APigNamedLucy t1_iu1ahjn wrote
It's the only industry in existence in the history of the world, yes.
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