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HugoOfStiglitz t1_iu7532w wrote

Dirty cops only want to work with dirty cops.


[deleted] t1_iu78852 wrote

If you realized how many cops have been convicted of domestic violence and accused of sexual assault would have you dumbfounded


PlayfulParamedic2626 t1_iu7g7se wrote

If you realized half of what cops get away with on a daily basis, you would be more than dumbfounded.


Art-Zuron t1_iu93o78 wrote

Wasn't it like 40% of cops self report that they have committed domestic abuse or something? That's pretty telling.


[deleted] t1_iu945oy wrote

But yet the law clearly states that if you are convicted of da you lose your gun rights for life.

But cops get there charges reduced pretty much everytime.


Art-Zuron t1_iu954am wrote

How would they be able to protect the corporate assets of the rich and punch down on minorities if they couldn't wave their micropenile compensators around?