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HanaBothWays t1_iu70svm wrote

“Everyone else hires cops who got fired from other departments in other jurisdictions for egregious misconduct, why can’t I?”


[deleted] t1_iu70x6r wrote

>Burns was the focus of a WBRZ Investigative Unit story in 2017 after documents revealed he illegally searched names in law enforcement databases for non-law enforcement purposes. He was suspended for 64 hours, and a disciplinary letter said he was in violation of department policy and federal law.

What serve and protect doing?


kradaan t1_iu71i82 wrote

Ya gotta have someone in da know Dat knows ya gotta break da rule, lawz iz fur other little people.


Kyle_01110011 t1_iu73l9g wrote

"Checkered past....sounds like you check every box. Welcome to the force!" -State Police dick head


HugoOfStiglitz t1_iu7532w wrote

Dirty cops only want to work with dirty cops.


ChrisRuss86 t1_iu77ggx wrote

Hmmm that cop must have something over on the State Policy head guy —

“Multiple state troopers reached out to the WBRZ Investigative Unit questioning the decision. Legal experts also did not think it was a good move.”


hpark21 t1_iu7f9y2 wrote

This guy will be more effective in sniffing out people out of compliance since he broke all the rules?


PlayfulParamedic2626 t1_iu7gbh3 wrote

Corrupt cop hires corrupt cop to lead new compliance divisions, ensuring non- compliance.


LEGOMyBrick t1_iu7guam wrote



Thetruthislikepoetry t1_iu7rxuj wrote

Is being stupid, short sighted and corrupt a requirement for being a cop? I mean do police just not understand why the public hates and doesn’t trust them or do they just not care?


Tballz9 t1_iu7v02a wrote

Sounds like they need a new compliance office AND a new head of the state police


cremaster_shake t1_iu8w4y8 wrote

Fire them both. Then fire any higher-up who defends them.

Either the police are a serious organization, or they aren't.


Detachabl_e t1_iu8wmqx wrote

From an article linked in the article above, "State Police's investigation revealed he searched his ex-wife's name 46 times over a two-year window. He also ran her fiancé's name twice and her ex-boyfriend four times."


bandit69 t1_iu90gej wrote

Seems a perfect fit to the old adage "the fox guarding the hen house".


[deleted] t1_iu945oy wrote

But yet the law clearly states that if you are convicted of da you lose your gun rights for life.

But cops get there charges reduced pretty much everytime.


Art-Zuron t1_iu954am wrote

How would they be able to protect the corporate assets of the rich and punch down on minorities if they couldn't wave their micropenile compensators around?


WolfThick t1_iu9hlt2 wrote

So why don't we hire convicts to be police let's just pull the curtain back for crying out loud.


wafflesandeggs t1_iuc7tgf wrote

Let me guess, the defense was "we don't care."


BarCompetitive7220 t1_iud6xlm wrote

what could possibly go wrong. Watch for more attacks / deaths of POC and whitewash to follow.


420ipblood t1_iuf350g wrote

This isn't a fringe belief that alienates you and makes you some bad guy. Cops are consistently in the news getting caught red fucking handed doing exactly the thing they're supposed to be stopping and punishing others for.