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MyVideoConverter t1_iug8u9a wrote

why so crazy? people still cheer for death penalty in America anyway.


sjfiuauqadfj t1_iughkhe wrote

death penalty is not used in most states, and de facto not used in a few others. a minority of states actually execute people. in comparison, singapore actually executes quite a few people for a country of its size, drug trafficking also warrants a death penalty, and perhaps more damning, the vast majority, something like 90% of singaporeans approve of it. thats far from the case in the u.s., even in the states that continue to execute people


Exotic-Amphibian-655 t1_iuhll9a wrote

24/50 states still execute people, and one of the states with an executive pause may have a republican governor in a few months. So your post is technically correct, but barely.


sl0play t1_iuglytw wrote

A lot of drug dealers and users just get executed on the street as well. So the number of people killed by the state is much higher than the judicial reports.


Not_invented-Here t1_iuh094n wrote

People apparently used to enjoy a good public hanging, bring the kids have a picnic...