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cremaster_shake t1_itdtx8d wrote

Even if it was an accident, the depraved indifference after he told them he was injured should lead to criminal charges.

Not to mention the liability they exposed the public to. Any supervisor or superior officer who defends them should be fired immediately.


ttaptt t1_itk60r2 wrote

They acquitted that piece of shit murderer Phillip Brailsford, in Mesa AZ who murdered that guy crawling on his knees begging for his life, who (I mean Murderer Phillip Brailsford) had "You're Fucked" etched on his rifle. And then rehired him so he could retire with full benefits. (Sorry, was revisiting THAT horrific shitshow yesterday).

But nothing ever happens. Very Rarely. Imagine in the Floyd murder hadn't been so well captured by the public? Nothing would have happened at all.

I'm so furious and heartbroken and disgusted by ALL of these.