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mcs_987654321 t1_it4l6o5 wrote

I mean, it was a really huge deal at the time of the attack (mass murder? Spree killing? Not sure what term best applies here).

In term of covering the case, I suspect (and hope) that it’s very intentional. Because this guy is a self-obsessed sociopath, is very obviously getting off on putting on a show, and he would no doubt love to have a media scrum outside the courthouse everyday.

It’s awful enough that the witnesses/family members have to endure that kind of disgusting disrespect, there is no upside widespread coverage (beyond basic daily rundowns).


SprinklesMore8471 t1_it4m0bj wrote

I see your point and I do wish more cases would be handled this way. But they're not, the media typically loves these happenings for the ratings. This case in particular though seemed to only be shared on local news though.