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Logistocrate t1_isxdfc3 wrote

Ah, unfettered corruption and American law enforcement...mix in treating the prison population as no more than a literal captive audience for capital gains and it just has this nice cozy American feel to it.


Chippopotanuse t1_isxfw4n wrote

It’s so disgusting.

Which sadly - yes - is the vision for a “nice, cozy, America” that authoritarian conservatives want.


[deleted] t1_isxipcw wrote



KilroyLeges t1_isxquh1 wrote

I don't disagree that many in the Republican party and MAGA movement would love for this to be the result in the coming months. However, conviction in the Senate on an impeachment requires a 2/3 majority vote. There is no chance the GOP attains that level of majority in either house of Congress this November.

The Rules on how a Speaker is elected by the House are vague enough that yes, they can elect a Speaker that is not a member of Congress, like Trump, with a simple majority vote. I don't see the entirety of House Republicans choosing to go down that path. McCarthy would most likely become Speaker. There are some crazies who might go ahead and vote for Trump or someone like MTG even. If they do, they might split the Republican vote enough to kill their own plans and potentially end up with Pelosi back in as Speaker.

None of that diminishes the need to vote this November for Democrat candidates to avoid further disaster. I'm just saying that your vision is a long shot at best.


dkggpeters t1_isxq5d1 wrote

Impeachment requires 2/3 vote in the Senate for impeachment. They do not have the numbers.

You are also assuming the Republicans will take the house.

You are really reaching and buying into their fear campaign.


DeathByGoldfish t1_isyj059 wrote

Wanting something and getting it are two very, very different things.

Example: I want amazing hallucinogens, but u/melbourne420surffish has taken them all. Therefore, I shall get none.


skeletor760 t1_it0xv2m wrote

I found Marjorie Taylor Green! I guess you still haven’t learned to spell “martial” 🤣


gozba t1_isxwsjg wrote

It was ‘good’ while it lasted. But please don’t come to Europe in droves, we have enough problems housing all other refugees.


SkunkMonkey t1_isxtqs1 wrote

> treating the prison population as no more than a literal captive

As enshrined in the Constitution.

It's a load of bullshit, but until that is amended out, prison slavery will continue.


Logistocrate t1_isy42ov wrote

That statement isn't even about legal slavery ( which to be clear, you are absolutely correct about) it's more akin to why it costs 16 bucks to get a warm bud light at a ball game. Because, what other option do you have at the ball park?

Now, treating prisoners in the same manner is loathsome and immoral. The amount these outside groups charge prisoners for the ability to stay in contact with family is parasitic in just the worst ways imaginable. And, it speaks to the lack of humanity the owners of these contract companies have, as well as the lack of humanity those running the facilities have.


ATLL2112 t1_it04zx2 wrote

I just use the same method to sneak contraband into jail to also sneak a pint of vodka into a baseball game.

Just squeeze it in there real nice and bam, $8 of vodka to last me until I get kicked out for being hammered during the 4th inning.


rosecitytransit t1_it15aau wrote

Plus maintaining contact can factor in how the person does once released


G-42 t1_isy14um wrote

Well the guvmint won't let them have slaves at home, so of course they're going to at work.


ArrrGaming t1_isyt8kx wrote

The prison population and their families.

For-profit prisons should be banned completely.


descendingangel87 t1_iszcing wrote

As well as laws that count prison populations as county/district populations. A lot of times they are used to steal tax dollars by fake inflating local populations as well as using it to gerrymander the fuck out of places.


ArrrGaming t1_iszeh54 wrote

Of course. Of course it's worse than I thought. Thor: ^^of ^^^course


mces97 t1_isy35xb wrote

Why haven't the Democrats said let's introduce a constitutional amendment outlawing slavery? Conservatives always say the Democrats started the KKK. So call their bluff and have the Democrats amend the 13ths and truly make all forms of slavery illegal.


rymep t1_isz7x1r wrote

Because then they'll get shit on for being "soft on crime."


mces97 t1_isznorw wrote

Then you hit them back with Republicans support releasing more dangerous criminals back into the community by breaking them instead of rehabilitating them. All Lives Matter. Throw it in their face.


branitone t1_it1smns wrote

I had no idea the word “slavery” was just chilling in the constitution until last year when my political science friend was talking about the prison system. Blew my mind. I knew we called it “legal slavery” but I always thought that was an accurate phrase, not straight up what it is.