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mrm00r3 t1_it5k2aj wrote

I hope that officer remembers every second of what he saw when he entered that school for the rest of what I pray is an excruciatingly long life. He deserves to see the faces of the children he helped let down for all eternity.


UncannyTarotSpread t1_it5kn3k wrote

Somehow I don’t think he stays awake for anything except concern he may not get his pension.


KJBenson t1_it67i3u wrote

I think he’s more worried that he looked goofy.

Cops don’t have to worry about pensions really. They almost all get them.


Beagle_Knight t1_it6befn wrote

Or beat his wife


Rhinomeat t1_it7qq5j wrote

Listen, it's only 40% of households where an officer is a member of said household that self-report domestic violence.

Only 40% in a self reported statistic


PlayfulParamedic2626 t1_it5rr1j wrote

You think cops have a Conscience?

Many don’t. To many cops think they did nothing wrong, and it’s the media just making them look bad.

Many won’t lose any sleep at all.

That’s how they can stand around to begin with.


[deleted] t1_it6j1ie wrote



RevB1983 t1_it6mc9w wrote

Evil is knowing you have more armor and weapons and people while standing outside a room and listening to more than a dozen children get murdered in cold blood. Evil is not resigning after making a disgrace of yourselves by not saving those kids. Evil is trying to blame everyone but the cops with guns for those kids deaths. Evil is the person who shot those kids. It is not evil to hope that the people that failed so miserably at their jobs that they let multiple innocent children die have to relive their failures as humans over and over again. Preferably right before they fall asleep at night. And first thing when they wake up. The last thing they should hear every night as they fall asleep is those children’s screams and death.


Rhinomeat t1_it7r55s wrote

Agreed, they had the opportunity to prevent many of the deaths from happening but they all stood around making jokes for several hours before a group containing exactly ZERO Uvalde officers ended the standoff