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2022financialcrisis t1_irkbn1f wrote

Do you also hope that civilians die again?

It's a shame people get too emotional to value peace...


2ndtryagain t1_irkxub5 wrote

Well peace is pretty easy, Russia can pack their fucking shit up and go home and then there will be peace.


Bagellord t1_irla4sy wrote

You know what would be peaceful? If fucking Putin and his cronies didn't invade Ukraine.


axonxorz t1_iropi8y wrote

They can leave at any time. Nothing is stopping them.

Well, there's a few lanes closed, but still


The_Yarichin_Bitch t1_irpaj1y wrote

Self defense from Russia, by Ukraine, isn't killing civilians. Russian soldiers and Putin are :)


IDownvoteUrPet t1_irs9kcs wrote

Did civilians die the first time they blew the bridge? I’m pretty sure there weren’t any casualties at all. Correct me if I’m wrong