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Hyceanplanet t1_it9an8t wrote

>has also blogged that COVID-19 vaccines are associated with reproductive harm. No recognized medical body has substantiated that claim, which is oft repeated in anti-vaccine circles. Nass has also described the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a “criminal agency.”

She only got suspended for 30 days after two+ years of this shit.


peter-doubt t1_it9bb3l wrote

Whenever the medical profession runs into such crap they claim doctors know their materials better than politicians. I'd generally agree. The docs say it's best for professionals to police themselves.....

Yet this one never faced peer discipline. (Nor did Dr Oz.) Clearly the profession can't police itself.

This slow process at least shows it can be done.. but somehow it needs more speed. COVID is often deadly, and she didn't help that at all.


Yousoggyyojimbo t1_it9ca5b wrote

Yeah, but that's not how these people are ever going to spin that shit.

Imagine if you applied this sort of crap to other medical issues, like somebody claiming that you shouldn't get treatment for cancer because of made up claims about side effects, or you shouldn't get a broken bone set because it'll fill your bones with witch poison and make your children lose their hair in 20 years. It would be overtly insane. A lot of the people who are against covid vaccines would also find that overtly insane, but for some reason, when it comes to covid, it's all fair game for them. People can make up whatever nonsense they want about covid vaccines and they'll just buy in to it for some reason.


pegothejerk t1_it9d0ih wrote

She advocated against vaccines on her blog, and is still being investigated to see if she advised patients against vaccination, her license is being suspended while that investigation continues. She claimed she has never advocated for or against vaccines to her patients, but belongs to an anti vaxx group and has admitted to lying to try to get at least one patient treatments that aren't vaccines and don't work.

> She is affiliated with a prominent national anti-vaccination group and often suggests COVID vaccines are not only ineffective but harmful. She called the U.S. CDC a quote “criminal agency” and has accused federal health officials of conspiring to suppress the use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to treat COVID in order to push newer, more expensive treatments.


elewynne t1_it9e4dl wrote

Unfortunately we are not allowed to do much in the US. Lawyers and politicians decided several decades ago that doctors could not be trusted to be in charge of medical things due to potential conflict of interest (like hospitals), and the public (i.e. businessmen and politicians) would be better served with MBAs and such in charge of physicians (in such that some people can make insane amount of money doing it). Story is more complicated, but in short.... Medicine in America is doomed to a slow, awful, death.


PopeHonkersVII t1_it9fdwz wrote

We are living in very stupid times. I wait for the day when things become less dumb.


alexb3678 t1_it9i38n wrote

Do we have any idea what she said specifically? Feel like that is important here, no?

Edit: I don’t know why I am being downvoted for such a reasonable comment. None of us should read that headline and article alone and feel like we know the exact nature of her behavior. While they alluded to her fertility statements, they didn’t specifically cite anything she said or claimed.


VyrPlan t1_it9in57 wrote

got an ER nurse in my family (in very red county) and you might be shocked how many of her colleagues go on and on about vaccines/liberals/"them" (with their deep state and their agendas, etc)

this RN is no liberal, she's one of those super friendly & kind (you-can-tell-she's-probably-a-christian-but-deosn't-talk-about-it) nurses you hope to get when you're sick or hurt

but the last few years, between her fellow nurses who don't believe science and the patients who literally die denying covid is real - has been a nightmare

anyways, if you're a medical professional and making public claims that might cause harm there should be swift and serious consequences

>Nass wrote in a blog post recently that her lawyer predicted she would lose her licenses during the medical board’s meeting

she should have - we've got enough ignorant/crazy people in the spotlight without the doctors getting in on the action


BitterFuture t1_it9kfac wrote

Hm. Specific dates aren't provided, but my guess is that this suspension came two years too late.

And it's only for 30 days? Ugh.


bbills91 t1_it9kvp8 wrote

One party has worked hard for 50+ years to ruin our educational system. They are doing a good job, just look how ignorant so many in this country are and how they willfully shun education/science/truth/etc


JBupp t1_it9l1ng wrote

She has her own webpage.

>This website, begun in 2007, pivoted in early 2020 to a deep analysis of all things Covid. I unpack the misinformation and disinformation that are being used to induce fear, anxiety and confusion. Be strong. Clear your mind. We can defend ourselves against this insidious psychological operation with facts and logic, my friends. I hope you find something useful here.


coontietycoon t1_it9m04u wrote

Imagine spending a dozen years and six figures to put yourself thru med school and then have your license pulled because you didn’t know how to shut the fuck up in public.


[deleted] t1_it9m7iy wrote

I continue to be amazed at the number of health professionals that don't follow the body of work and insist on alternate theories.


Myis t1_it9mydc wrote

I wish it was isolated to there but I live deep in the bluest of blue Willamette Valley of Oregon and 1/2 my coworkers are too dumb to use the degrees they earned and just do what their husbands say. Which as a woman pisses me off so bad. I guess I’m really an angry person these days.


HubrisAndScandals OP t1_it9qkms wrote

She promoted hydroxychloroquine for COVID (based off Dr. Didier Raoult's fraud studies being criminally investigated in 🇫🇷) and admitted to lying about a patient's diagnosis to get the pharmacy to dispense.


Mist_Rising t1_it9s8pc wrote

Doctor absolutely can police themselves, like lawyers they have a system within the system, and that system is very much a prickly thing if they want it to. The thing is both the bar and medical associations prefer they do the least possible because as if turns out policing yourself doesn't work out.


SsurebreC t1_it9vnum wrote

The problem with this type of thinking is simply ignorance. Ignorance as in "you don't know". Case in point, a century ago (and older), children were dying left and right of various diseases. Most of them are now mostly gone because of the early vaccinations that everyone gets. In countries where this doesn't happen, those kids still die.

Now say you grew up in a country like that. Everyone has mandatory vaccinations from young age and are protected from things that used to kill a good chunk of the population. You grow up with this ignorance of an otherwise mass death of children that used to happen all over the world for centuries. You grow up and don't see this death, you're ignorant of it and you're full of these vaccines that you received as a child.

So why wouldn't your ignorant self say vaccines don't do anything. After all, you don't see anyone dying. You spout nonsense like vaccines do shit.

Now let's say people take you seriously and stop vaccinating children. Magically these diseases come back because they don't care that you're ignorant, they only want to infect and spread to everyone else. Mass deaths begin again.

Then another cycle starts where vaccinations are reintroduced and, once again, a new crop of ignorant people comes up.

You're basically the animal on the right. Problem is that if someone takes you seriously then people are going to have to die before you realize your mistake.


Coherent_Tangent t1_it9x25p wrote

Still better than if she were in Florida. Our state surgeon general is an anti-vaxxer. Watched a video of him today sitting in with talking head who was calling the vaccine demonic and insisting it was a measure to kill people.

Now he didn't make these claims himself, but he did smile and nod along without correction the guy. This is the person who would suspend licenses in our state, so Maine feels entirely sane to me. Sad times.


luminarium t1_ita3vi2 wrote

"Trust the experts"

When an expert says something you don't like: *Silences said expert*


stackjr t1_ita50wg wrote

I worked IT in a hospital for a bit last year and I'm sorry to say this but the amount of nurses and doctors that we had come through our office that were flat out COVID deniers was insane. For nurses, at least, it seemed like the more educated they were the dumber they got. The LPNs were the fucking worst.


breadexpert69 t1_ita64sp wrote

Good. Imagine a restaurant where the chefs “believed” eating mercury was yummy and healthy.

Same with doctors and they should be taken accountable.


TjW0569 t1_ita65e8 wrote

It could work. But for it to work, you have to accept that you will be periodically embarrassed by one of your coworkers.
Those professions are so in love with their own authority that they're never going to do that.


bbills91 t1_itaehag wrote

Are you trying to tell me that the GOP actually encourages education? Show me one example where they have embraced education instead of cutting funding from it? The schools my kids went to were awful compared to the ones my wife and I attended. I grew up in a blue state and live in a red one so I see the difference. My wife was a teacher years ago so I am very in tune with who does or doesn’t support education.


globular_fluster t1_itaendg wrote

Every medical expert says that ingesting plutonium is bad for you.

This quack doctor is saying that it is safe, and is trying to convince people that she's right with a shitty website

Listen to, and trust, the experts.


big_nothing_burger t1_itahf4j wrote

I feel you. I take pride in being an entirely self-made woman. I paid off my house already...handle all my own physical labor on my property if it's in my power to fix something. If I married into that situation I would freaking dissolve.


I_am_not_JohnLeClair t1_itaks7m wrote

Susan Collins, Paul LePage, this asshat...long dark Maine winters must take a toll on y’all


mcbergstedt t1_itakwx8 wrote

There were worries about the vaccines affecting women’s reproductive organs before the vaccine was released. But then all of the testing (and mass vaccinations) proved that it didn’t do anything


spamattacker t1_italpin wrote

Nope. Doctor continued to agitate against aCovid vaccines after that testimony. WHO does recommend vaccinating children as long as a country has adequate supply. I could go on, but won't waste my breath on that nut job.


Fun-Translator1494 t1_itanjlk wrote

Not all of the willamette valley is blue. In fact 5 miles in any direction from Portland proper is 50/50, and 15 miles from city center is reliably republican.

Suburbia is pretty much 50/50 across the country, give or take 5 percent.

Youre right to be angry, it means you’re informed, and you care. But do give yourself a break, these things are mostly out of your hands and it’s rare that you can change anyone’s mind.


republicanvaccine t1_itau178 wrote

Or as a literate person. Human. Being able to utilize tools…multicellular organisms…

Just generally it is pretty disappointing people be so dumb. But they do be like that.


Hopeful_Hamster21 t1_itawizg wrote

I cometely agree with you.

The problem is the folks who like to eat lead paint chips are also claiming that we're the crazy, fascist, anti-freedom-of-speech people for even suggesting "hey, uh, eating those lead paint chips will mess you up"

Your analogy is on point. But it's only on point to the non crazies of us. It's not a very convincing argument for those already gone crazy.


Aromatic-Ad7816 t1_itb86k6 wrote

Reality is in a losing battle with anti-vaxx nutjobs because they can fire off 100 new lies in the time it takes to refute their last one. They've gone full circle where they use their own unvalidated 'proof' as the basis for further claims, thinking it will grandfather in the original false claim as valid.


thecalamitythesis t1_itbrn5u wrote

I don’t need to see the world in terms of binary tribes. Both parties are terrible. Sure, the GOP is god awful on education (as well as everything else) but even if you assume this is 100% true across the board then I still think the Dem party is equally as responsible for not articulating a competitive vision that has won more support - which should not be that hard given most people care a lot about their kids education. Blue state education outcomes are better compared to red, but blue state outcomes are still shit compared to the rest of the developed world.

I think it’s immature to frame these issues as “one party bad one party good”. Both parties suck and share equal responsibility for our problems.

Almost every teacher is a democrat if you look at global statistics in the united states and the teacher’s unions are 100% establishment democratic party supporters. Even if you make the argument republicans have ranked education on a federal level or through textbook monopolies out of Texas then don’t the dems suck by getting so easily steamrolled given they literally control the entire education system at the teacher level up through the federal bureaucracy ? have these democratic teachers unions stood in the way of meaningful reform to protect their teachers over the educational needs of the country ? It’s easy to say these republicans are stupid and mean and just want to destroy education. Nobody thinks they are the villain, including the republicans. That’s why this is not a mature opinion because you are treading a political party and it’s members like this is star wars and they are the sith. All the major cities in the US have been controlled by dems for decades. How are their inner city schools doing ?


Hunterrose242 t1_itbw4bd wrote

Oh cool, a free month's vacation.

Edit:. Why the downvotes, that's literally what this is. The doctor can't practice for a month, then will go back to work like nothing happened.


nsci2ece t1_itccax2 wrote

If I'm a math teacher and I insist 1+1=3, and hand out failing grades to students who say 1+1=2, I can rightfully expect to have my ass thrown out of the teaching profession.

Don't see how this is any different.


timar48 t1_itcfwl0 wrote

I also remember a big story about how it affected women’s menstrual periods after being vaccinated. After the study came out about it it stated that while, yes it did, it was determined the vaccine delayed menstrual periods by one WHOLE day. Didn’t change anything but delayed the onset of menstruation by an average of 24 hours. I know women who have roomed together, shared an apartment, whose periods fluctuated more when they moved in together. So I don’t find it even notable here.


Yurastupidbitch t1_itch5qf wrote

Good! This needs to happen to more providers who are being irresponsible and peddling falsehoods about vaccines and treatments that don’t work.


danheskett2022 t1_itcjyjz wrote

The bar and it’s state chapters is really good at policing itself. Being disbarred is the quickest way to ruin your legal practice.

The AMA And state licensing boards are not nearly as effective because they also want to artificially keep turn number of doctors low, to keep wages high. It’s a classic cartel.


elfletcho2011 t1_itcsr5u wrote

for saying the truth? wonder how many doctors don't have their license for saying something against the false narratives.


justforthearticles20 t1_itd0l4r wrote

The Board is made up of members appointed by the Governor. I expect LePage will have her back lying to parents pretty quickly.


thecalamitythesis t1_itd4css wrote

the amount of statistics i “pulled out of my gooch” being claiming the following:

-The teacher’s unions are 100% aligned with the dems (show me the lie here)

-Almost all teachers lean liberal and if they support a political party it is the democrats (show me the lie here)

-blue state education outcomes are better than red state education outcomes (show me the lie here)

-the US has poor education outcomes compared to the rest of the developed world (show me the lie here)

-all major cities have been controlled by the dems for decades and their inner city schools are terrible (show me the lie here)

where is my hypocrisy? the thesis of my response os that both parties are equally culpable and it’s immature to attribute ANY of our political problems to a single party because that’s not how the world works or has ever worked.


Eringobraugh2021 t1_itd69ym wrote

I find that I hate people more & more. I'm not a covid denier, but I am against blanket mandates. I have lifelong chronic health issues because of a vaccine (anthrax). So, I'm hesitant about new vaccines. I'm waiting because it's what's best for me. But, I'm not going to go out & shame someone for getting the vaccine or for not wearing a mask. Your body, your choice.


Petewonder t1_itda15r wrote

We live in such bizarre times. Two people having a conversation and one considers a governing body, part of the fabric of civilized society, and the other considers it criminal conspiracy against white people basically. It’s rough because most of these medical conspiracies crossover to hate conspiracies that usually involve me because I’m Jewish.


tracyinge t1_itdd1t7 wrote

covid-deniers or anti-covid-vaxxers?

I mean, how do you work in a hospital and deny that covid is real while they're running out of ventilators over in the next wing?


GreatAndPowerfulNixy t1_itdhe5t wrote

I took the train with someone who refused to wear a mask on the subway the entire pandemic who literally was the guy who ran inventory control on the ventilators.

Fuckface didn't even believe it was real.


LasVegas4590 t1_itdi8rx wrote

>We are living in very stupid times.

It's even scarier when you see "smart people", like doctors with years of experience, become "stupid people"

When my son and his wife got Covid ten months ago, their long-time doctor wanted to prescribe Ivermectin. They were shocked and dismayed.


stackjr t1_itdlgxg wrote

You would be surprised, my dude.

We had two traveling nurses come in and both of them told us that COVID isn't real, what people are getting sick from is just a flu strain.


socialist_frzn_milk t1_itefk80 wrote

Good. One less “medical professional” spreading anti-vax crap.


ReverendKen t1_itfz6ck wrote

Our local hospital is like none I have ever seen. They have a really bad reputation for giving terrible care that results in people not living through the experience. I will never go back and I warn people to go somewhere else.


pr1ap15m t1_itg4zkk wrote

ellsworth for it being the home of jackson labs it sure breeds a lot of dumb people


AKMarine t1_itgny5d wrote

You get only one guess who she voted for in 2020. 🤔


elfletcho2011 t1_ithwngy wrote

doctors have different opinions on medical care. As far as kids, I don't know if we should be vaccinating them or not? But...'talking about it'. Shouldn't get someone suspended. Vaccines have always been controversial.

I know its so much easier to 'hate, and dump on people'. Rather than listen to them. That is why we are supposed to have a constitution. To protect people.

What exactly did the person do? Besides express an opinion?


tracyinge t1_itjyjol wrote

So if I tell a 4 year old that I see no problem with him jumping into the deep end of the pool, and then sit there and watch him drown, hey.... all I did was express an opinion?

You sound like Marjory Taylor Greene talking about Alex whats-his-face.


elfletcho2011 t1_itk74gs wrote

A 4 year old not getting the covid the equivalent of a kid drowning to death? That defies all rational logic. I think your fear mongering now.....and really not interested in any kind of logical discussion


tracyinge t1_itmbk3x wrote

Who said those things were equivalent? They are two separate examples of just "expressing an opinion".

You said all the doctor did was "express an opinion".

I say you can express any opinion that you want but there may be consequences. Do you agree?


rickurukus t1_itwkkou wrote

Covid is the biggest joke there is