idogiveafrak t1_isnr31a wrote
I’m guessing the idea for it came from a company Halloween party a massive bender of nose candy, Molly and hentai and it went something like this.
The smell of weed, spilled beer and the yells of inebriated party goers making bad decisions mix to be this heady chaotic mess. Meanwhile My little pony runs by Gerald’s office wearing nothing but a Speedo and a full mast as a rather busty minion is chasing it and bringing up the rear is some caped hero with nothing but a beer belly a g string and cheeks clapping in the wind bringing up the rear.
“Let’s do something crazy! (Gerald obviously more then well into his share of fermented hops begins to snort a massive line off a computer monitor face up on a desk with a hentai screen saver) “like fucking what Gerald?!” “How about.. but hear me out! How about we fucking make smart rats?” “The fuck!” Says Josh while laughing; Gerald continues “wait hold on!; Remember (snapping fingers ) uhmmmm that fucking game with the rats (josh meanwhile begins taking some lines of the same monitor, his Elmo mask bearly holding on to dear life to his head by a really weak rubber band, sideways and looking rather comical as he dips for his line ) and something with hammers?” Josh pops up “ You mean Secret of Nim?” Gerald is obviously flying high and the Molly Josh took 30 minutes ago begins its round as Monica from finance happens to walk by wearing a witch hat and purple shorts and matching corset . “Did you guys see a pony around here? I have a something he wants… heeyyy what are you guys dooooing?” She says as she spots the hentai on the desk monitor “Gerald wants to make smart rats with hammers” Josh says as he begins looking longingly at the screen on the desk and she chimes in “you mean Warhammer pendejo?” Kathy has been at the white since before the party began and had already had 3 shots of Jose cuervo off of the crotch of the guy from custodial by now. “You know we already did that with the rat brains that play doom on that pregnancy test schween, that’s why we have this fucking paaaarrrtaaiy!”. Gerald stands up as a figure in a blue jump suit steps into his office wearing a white mask and holding a can of cool whip. “I know this helped us with better by able to help DARPA with their A.I. problem (he slurs)but we can do better” he says in a rather drunk voice, meanwhile the masked figure jumps on Kathy and she screams in delight as she falls to the floor witch hat flying and landing on the pile of dust, while somehow ending up on top ripping the mask of the blue figure revealing a blond mess of hair and behind it is Karyn from Admin “ I found them” she says while holding the can of cool whip in front of her “and captain underpants is really happy to hear we are going, and it’s big”, “really Karyn?!, I don’t need to know that.. actually I do… (turning to face Josh and Gerald ) you ant to chum over and join us?, I promise I will be gentle..” Karyn squirming underneath her “let’s go! I want to ride the pony!!” She yells laughingly. “You guys go I have things to thinkabout”, “Omg Gerald come on, it will be fun!” Karyn exclaims. “No really I need to think, but promise to take pics fowr me, and don’t let me stay overnight this time okay? If I don’t have my health then what do I have?” “Omg let’s go guys he’s quoting Princes Bride, so mow we know he’s serious!” Karyn concludes. Josh gets up Elmo’s face bearly holding on to his head, stumbles and falls on his ass but manages to somehow almost immediately get up looks over at the mess of humanity on the floor “if ladies game I’m game”, “ Fuck yeah let’s go!” Monica yells as she gets up and begins dragging Karyn by the legs “I have your hat you evil witch” as she begins disappearing around the door jamb. Josh turns around and looks at Gerald “you sure bro?, you know how freaky I get with Karyn and it looks like the busty Minion may be there and she likes you”… “yeah I’m sure I think I’m on to something” he says rather sober. “Okay bro your loss” Josh kisses the computer monitor and then walks away, a face full of nose candy for his efforts, right before he steps out around the same door jamb. Gerald alone in his thoughts.
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