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fullload93 t1_irsn4m5 wrote

They are sorry they got caught working on a tourist visa. Not sorry for causing actual distress. Also they are lucky as shit they only got fined for working on a tourist visa. Some countries would throw you ass in the slammer for that violation.


misogichan t1_irv2ozd wrote

I imagine most countries would give you a pretty light sentence or not even charge you for working on a tourist visa (without overstaying it). It can have a negative effect on your tourism industry if it is high profile.


palkiajack t1_irvnx89 wrote

Depends on the nature of the work. Remote worker/digital nomad? Practically unenforced. But working any job that's physically in the country (and would otherwise employ locals) is usually a pretty big deal.

Journalism I would expect to be an entirely different matter since it's usually a separate visa category, and in some countries is more about regulating and monitoring media than immigration.


Teantis t1_irvqipv wrote

> some countries is more about regulating and monitoring media

Like, say, Thailand. Which is ruled by a military junta. They did some trappings of elections in 2019, but the current PM was... Well the 2014 coup leader so, yeah.


sirthunksalot t1_is6pd88 wrote

Happened to the musician Kina Grannis in Indonesia. She was trapped in the country for months after a concert promoter didn't get the proper permits.