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Valuable-Island3015 t1_irrjuua wrote

People getting upset for journalists trying to do their job.

Fixed the title.


RnDanger t1_irrkd32 wrote

I bet their advertisers got their money's worth though


grinch1225 t1_irrllo0 wrote

“Allegations the team entered without permission emerged after an image, shared on social media, showed the journalists climbing over a small wall and police tape to exit the nursery. Media associations also said the building had been off-limits to journalists.”

“…though the journalists were fined for working while on a tourist visa.”

You were saying?


TheBlueSlipper t1_irrlwmg wrote

>The Thai Journalists Association said that, even if permission was granted, crews and their management “should have exercised their judgment”.

Sound judgement? Ha! Their only motivation is to get graphic photos for sensationalism click bait.


Sneaky_Bones t1_irrob93 wrote

Journalism is reporting critical facts on important events, not turning important events into soap operas by exploiting the emotional impact. Do you really think it's okay how journalists will often hound grieving family mere moments after said family learns of their lost loved one. Would you want to wake up the next morning to see your child's blood splattered on the wall and being aired every hour followed by an ad for car insurance?


Octopugilist t1_irrpnwk wrote

CNN is always leaping at opportunities to show they're just as bad as Fox News


Juggs_gotcha t1_irrskew wrote

Uhh what? Dude we've had daily reporting on horrors uncountable for my entire lifetime. Who, at this point, is left who has any soft skin to be uncomfortable at finding out that awful shit is happening literally every second of every day?

The Twin Tower attacks were the entire news cycle for six months. School shootings make the news like weekly. Every month we get another blurb on eight palestinians who were shot by Israeli defense forces, or maybe the other way around, some bombing kills a woman and her kids on the way to the grocery. We get news forty or fifty miners are suffocated or poisoned to death in a Chinese mine at least quarterly. Nobody even bothers to mention Africa anymore, they just shrug and be like "it's tribal genocide bro, just like yesterday, the day before that, and tomorrow".

I don't understand what they're talking about when they "deeply regret" their entire business model. I don't understand that people are any longer distressed at hearing about this stuff.

The world is a shit sandwich, all I'm waiting for is the inevitable ecological collapse that kills us all.


SebRLuck t1_irrsww4 wrote

Sometimes it can be an honest misunderstanding between cultures.

When I lived in Bangkok, I visited a public but very untouristy temple and walked towards the central ubosot. On the way, I had to pass a couple of people, of whom a few looked at me somewhat weirdly. Since I'm very tall and used to Thais looking at me for that reason, I didn't think much of it.

I walked up the stairs to the ubosot, took off my shoes, walked around the corner into the hall and stood in front of at least 50 meditating monks.

Turns out, they had just received a new Buddha statue and were holding an ordination ceremony. Everybody else around the temple knew about it and knew I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but nobody spoke up, since they were being polite and didn't want to confront me.

It's possible that the situation was different for the CNN team and they should've certainly been especially careful and respectful in this specific situation, but I can definitely picture a scenario in which they thought they were following the correct steps and still ended up in this situation.


DoctaMario t1_irrtgc5 wrote

...buuuuut that didn't stop them for milking it for all it was worth, yah?


TheBlueSlipper t1_irrudlj wrote

I appreciate your reply. +1. And the situation you described for yourself is certainly a reasonable mistake. But the journalists in question were in a childrens' nursery where 30 something children and teachers had just been murdered. Their actions were not merely a cultural misunderstanding.


byebyecivilrights t1_irrv1n5 wrote

>Dude we've had daily reporting on horrors uncountable for my entire lifetime. Who, at this point, is left who has any soft skin to be uncomfortable

This is horrifying and a good question. I wonder I'd our brains are wired differently than those of our ancestors. The increasingly common response of "oh well" to things like the heat death of the universe or nuclear Armageddon probably wouldn't have existed 100 years ago. Or maybe it would have.


SpaceObama t1_irrwb8x wrote

Ancient peoples had their own apocalyptic predictions that they believed just as much as ad we do the heat death of the universe. They still said “oh well” and went on with their day.


SebRLuck t1_irrwyyp wrote

Well, the (perceived) permission to enter may have been a misunderstanding. With the information we have right now, it's impossible to tell what exactly happened. However, journalists who cover a crime scene and believe they have been granted access are unlikely to decline this option.

In that scenario I put more blame on the network who decided to air the footage. A lot of journalists and photographers take videos and images of horrific scenes, which networks and media outlets decide not to publish. The network had editorial control and made the decision to put the footage out there.


PawnStarRick t1_irrxe0v wrote

Reminder that the United States and New Zealand are the only two countries in the world where direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising of prescription drugs is legal.


byebyecivilrights t1_irrxf9f wrote

Yes, you're absolutely right, but I'm specifically thinking about my great grandmother who grew up in the great depression. Her response to negativity was always "oh well, let's keep moving forward anyway." But mine has always been "oh well, might as well give up -- if I die I die."

That's the specific difference I'm interested in. Although that might just be me.


Two_Coast_Man t1_irry6ai wrote

The past was infinitely more violent than life in modern, developed countries. I've heard the theory floated that in medieval times, essentially everyone was dealing with some form of PTSD. Executions were a common public spectacle and the response to seeing them was a resounding "oh well".


Tsquare43 t1_irrzyoi wrote

Deeply regret they didn't make enough money? /s


CW1DR5H5I64A t1_irs4t7l wrote

The Hindenburg crash only killed 35 people. But we all still remember it almost a hundred years later like it was some kind of massive historical event.

I feel like if that happened today it might get one segment and then the next day/week everyone would forget about it.


Mist_Rising t1_irs5gzx wrote

It helps when you don't broadly mischaracterize the case as the person you replied to does. Fox claimed that Carlson wasn't their news anchor but an opinion/entertainment feature. Something nobody with a brain disagrees with. CNN does have those folks too, Chris Coumo was one.

They didn't claim they werent a news station as the Fox news desk is a thing. Fox news desk has the same level of factualness as CNN and slightly higher than MSNBC (they're all in the C grade) with an equal bias to both.


Edwardc4gg t1_irs6ooj wrote

weird, cries in billion dollar revenue.

crying apology video coming soon.


EastGlencoe t1_irs8q37 wrote

I was in Thailand over the end of the year holidays many years ago and there was some terrible fire at a nightclub in Bangkok. The local news briefly showed images of charred corpses of the victims of the fire. Shocked the shit out of me at the time. That and the boxes of cigarettes included graphic color pictures of what lung cancer looks like. None of which is to defend CNN; just that the standards over there are a little different.


Black_Otter t1_irsb2ty wrote

“We deeply regret the stress getting cause red handed as caused you”


detroitiseverybody t1_irsbtpp wrote

I read that a Thai reporter told them not to climb the fence and cross the crime scene that was cordoned off. They ignored him. There is also a photo showing them doing it that appears to be from the Thai reporter. It's against the law.


theMTNdewd t1_irscb95 wrote

I think the video is 95% of the reason why it's so remembered. If there wasn't video, especially without that raw narration by the newscaster who's witnessing it ("oh the humanity") it wouldn't be as impactful and memorable as it was.


cupcakegiraffe t1_irsd3co wrote

On a tourist visa. They knew exactly what they were doing as they were sneaking around for that money shot. Their apology is so unbelievable, it’s just lip service in front of local authorities.

>”We are so sorry IF we’ve caused you more pain and suffering. It was never our intention. …We never came here to cause more grief.”

The emphasis on IF is mine, but the apologies for any inconveniences they have caused? They shot the way they did for shock value and the fake humility in her apology is disgusting.


MississippiJoel t1_irsd9kq wrote

Minor historical nitpick here, but the audio you're referring to was a radio broadcast. Moving pictures didn't have sound in those days; someone else just paired the two together later.


MississippiJoel t1_irsdyle wrote

Historically, it's because it changed air travel. Airships were converted to using the non-combustible helium instead of hydrogen almost instantly.

But even that point aside, like the titanic, like the supposed war of the worlds riot, like the great fires of Chicago here and London over there, each great catastrophe gets one chance to completely knock us senseless. It's only by the subsequent ones that we start going "yeah, I knew that was possible. Wonder why they didn't prepare?"


r-reading-my-comment t1_irsgfeh wrote

They're not "apologizing" for their normal reporting style, they're "apologizing" for showing things that are banned by many countries' censors and disturbing a crime scene.

This is more akin to if they accidentally showed a titty in the US, while trespassing.


ashkestar t1_irsgs7l wrote

Well, part of the issue they deeply regret seems to be that their crew illegally entered a crime scene while illegally working on tourist visas, but admittedly that framing wouldn’t result in as many rage clicks.


Justicar-terrae t1_irsic5z wrote

You can find that same "Screw it. If I die, I die" attitude all throughout history.

Look at how people reacted to prevalent capital punishment back when it was widespread. There are accounts of child pickpockets in London plying their trade amongst audiences gathered to watch other child pickpockets being hanged. In Dan Carlin's Hardcore History podcast about capital punishment, he reads a letter written by a wealthy French woman describing how her friend did a decent job of not crying or screaming during her beheading for some trivial offense; the letter reads like the beheading was simply a casual affair. In various Roman and Greek historical accounts, people often treat their imminent executions as matter-of-fact chores. Cicero, Socrates, Regulus, and Agrippina come to mind; ditto early Christian martyrs (though they are least believed in an afterlife).

Look at how people treated warfare. For example, in the early gunpowder era there was a volunteer group in most armies called the forlorn hope whose job was to run straight at an entrenched enemy to make them fire their already loaded muskets and cannons. After the forlorn hope did their job as cannon fodder, the rest of the army would advance while the enemy reloaded and reorganized. What's surprising is that the forlorn hope, the name of which made clear how screwed its members were, was an all volunteer job yet frequently saw repeat members. There are letters from some of these repeat volunteers describing the absolute horrors of being in the forlorn hope and watching their friends in front and all around turn into red mist when hit with cannon fire or musket volleys. There were some soldiers who just didn't give a fuck whether they lived or died.

Look at the cold war nihilism, born from a common belief that the whole world was going up in mushroom clouds any day now. There are songs from the time poking fun at the inevitable doom. For examples: and and

And those are just off the top of my head. People in the past were much like us. Any time things got really bad, bad to the point where hope seemed a distant memory, people have been able to put on a "eh, fuck it" face and keep on trudging on autopilot.


Juggs_gotcha t1_irsl7pu wrote

Last I heard, Thailand was a bad place to play around with the law. Can't be too surprised that a large media outlet would shoot for the moon to obtain some juicy horror for the evening time slot though. Pretty awful, that people would actually want to see the murder scene, just knowing it happened is enough for me to be a little more tired of humanity.


Juggs_gotcha t1_irslfyy wrote

Yeah the apparent violation of several Thai laws is probably grounds to hold a couple of those dudes for a substantial length of time. You're right, of course, the click baity title does not see fit to add that little tidbit of information.


Juggs_gotcha t1_irsm5qc wrote

That statement does fairly well sum up my absolute perplexity at the state of U.S. culture. Gun violence daily, deaths en masse? Throw it up there on television, no worries.

One single nipple? You scum bag what are you trying to do, turn our children into strippers?

I don't get it. I'd rather the news play a thirty second montage of every celebrity cooch shot that has ever been taken than have to wade through seeing where a bunch of kids were fucking murdered.


fullload93 t1_irsn4m5 wrote

They are sorry they got caught working on a tourist visa. Not sorry for causing actual distress. Also they are lucky as shit they only got fined for working on a tourist visa. Some countries would throw you ass in the slammer for that violation.


ethnicbonsai t1_irsqyjg wrote

Our ancestors faced far more immediate and tangible examples of death and brutality than people typically do now, at least in the west. High infant mortality, war, famine, lack of sophisticated law and order……

We see stuff on TV. It wasn’t that long ago executions were a form of public entertainment.


WillDeletOneDay t1_irsvhx9 wrote

Don't forget the diseases and injuries as well as the extreme and inadequate treatments of them.

Almost no one living today will have to experience having their leg sawed off with no anesthesia. Or a slow painful death from tuberculosis.


Nicholas-Steel t1_irsxrci wrote

> That and the boxes of cigarettes included graphic color pictures of what lung cancer looks like

That's been standard in Australia for probably 20 years now? There's been efforts to go a step further with plain packaging (which will still include the graphic imagery).


Raalf t1_irt0fda wrote

The Thai monarchy does not appreciate being put in a bad light. This is an attempt by the journalists visiting on a tourist visa to not get put in prison.


CW1DR5H5I64A t1_irt6uky wrote

The vast majority of Airships already used helium. All of the US navy Air Ships stationed at Lakehurst Naval Air Station (where the crash happened) all used helium.

The Hindenburg (and other German airships) only used Hydrogen because of sanctions from WW1.

They knew it was dangerous, but they weren’t allowed access to the safer helium.


comewhatmay_hem t1_irtj9jk wrote

Marilyn Manson talked about exactly this in Bowling For Columbine.

Fear makes people buy, even if what they're buying has nothing to do with what they fear.

I'm just as guilty of this as anyone else, whether it's my comfort foods or craft supplies to keep me distracted.


StainedBlue t1_irtkahz wrote

Oh, I’m in the health sciences. There’s actually a very valid reason for that. Health education and medical literacy in the US, for lack of a better phrase, is absolute dog shit. For vast swaths of the population, there’s little way to feed them necessary health information unless we put it on their fucking TVs. Of course, no one wants to pay for endless PSAs. Hence, why we allow pharma companies to foot the bill, under the condition that their ads are not misleading or exploitative.

Example. You know how commercials will begin with lines like “do you ever feel a pain in your chest?” Or, “do you ever find it hard to breathe?” While companies only air it because they want to sell their drugs, the FDA allows it to happen because it also teaches people to recognize the signs and symptoms of certain cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

There’s actually a lot of research about this if you’re interested. If you search up “pharmaceutical advertisement pubmed”, you’ll get a lot of relevant hits.


AtticMuse t1_irtoxwn wrote

>The increasingly common response of "oh well" to things like the heat death of the universe

Why have any other reaction to the winding down of the universe trillions of trillions of years from now?


1Beholderandrip t1_irttmvm wrote

That's depressing, but makes a lot of sense.

If it's not about war or politics using money from taxes suddenly becomes optional, so it never gets enough funding. Big Pharma getting an excuse to advertise is icing on the crap cake.


Juggs_gotcha t1_irtvnfn wrote

Yeah. Seems pretty awful generally. My take on it is that people in the U.S. are so fucking numb to stuff like this that they don't understand why the Thai people would be so upset. We have helicopters and news crews outside schools covering the killings of innocents on the reg but these guys don't. they're like "what are these assholes doing, we're greiving here".


Juggs_gotcha t1_irtvy53 wrote

Yeah, I've hear Thailand is not a good place to be jacking around in such a way as to put the King in a weird position publicly. You do some jail time for that stuff.


Raalf t1_irtyidi wrote

that's putting it mildly. Put a sticker on a painting of the king? 2 years in prison.

Even crazier: a 66-year old woman was jailed for 43 years for violating the law 29 times in sharing and posting content on social media.,in%20more%20than%20a%20year.


nova9001 t1_irubdcy wrote

>“I want them to be respectful to us. They should not do whatever they want to do or only think about getting their ratings.”

Respect only works if they see you as equals. Clearly these Western journalist don't.

>The network said its team entered the building to “gain a fuller impression of what transpired inside and to humanise the scale of the tragedy”.

Really impressed by CNN's English mastery that they can word the fuck up to the point where it sounded like they did nothing wrong.


moomoopapa23 t1_iruc1cq wrote

It’s CNN !!!!! That’s propaganda not news


notasrelevant t1_irufx9q wrote

The reporters entered the country on tourist visas, not media visas or any type of working visa.

They then broke into a crime scene without any permission.

So that in addition to this being maybe a much less common crime in the area in which people are still very shook up makes the whole thing a lot more messy and unprofessional.


FlyingFlipPhone t1_iruhjn4 wrote

If the media doesn't get a picture, some screaming ass-hat will create a conspiracy theory and deny it happened. Look how valuable the Holocaust photos have been over the years.


TheAceofHearth t1_iruk80z wrote

Tell me if I'm wrong but CNN doesn't treat American school shootings the same way, right? They don't barge in schools and take pictures of dead children like they did in this instance, ever, right?


riptide81 t1_iruq2ke wrote

I honestly think part of it is living in relative luxury. For past generations the threats we’re much more immediate. If you didn’t keep moving forward during the Great Depression death was a very real possibly not just abstract melancholy. We can live in our heads and be complacent while still getting our basic needs met.

It’s gets harder the further back you go. Did you ever read a historical biography and note how many children they lost to illness yet somehow kept going?

It was basically only the second half of the 20th century on (depending on demographic) that a large number of regular people experienced fairly dependable comfort and security.


Nessie t1_iruvk7h wrote

This is true and it shouldn't be legal. But there are plenty of developed countries where absurd medical claims that would be illegal in the US or New Zealand are legal.


Mr_NeCr0 t1_iruynot wrote

We didn't mean to provide you with a truth that left an impression on you.


NoHalf2998 t1_irv2on3 wrote

Sanitized versions of reality should be discarded


misogichan t1_irv2ozd wrote

I imagine most countries would give you a pretty light sentence or not even charge you for working on a tourist visa (without overstaying it). It can have a negative effect on your tourism industry if it is high profile.


myrddyna t1_irv4go4 wrote

> Ancient peoples had their own apocalyptic predictions

meh their predictions were that there would be a flood (which would contaminate water wells and if you couldn't find clean water in three days, your tribe died), or a drought (kills off food growing, so your tribe will starve, or die of dehydration moving to a new area), or just 'we'll be attacked by a rival tribe that will kill us!'

These are easy to predict, and foolishly attributed to the gods or prophecy. Today, we know a lot more, and the predictions are actually based in science, and are much much more accurate as to the greater future of mankind.

Us saying, "oh well" and going with our day is going to end with our extinction, as a species, rather than a tribe.


apoplectic_moose t1_irvkin6 wrote

You ever call for a plumber and two guys show up to your house and they start taking turns dropping huge mud pies in your bathroom and they get real serious and yell ITS TURBO TIME and start running around all over the house but when you try to join they get mad and yell YOURE NOT PART OF THE TURBO TEAM


palkiajack t1_irvnx89 wrote

Depends on the nature of the work. Remote worker/digital nomad? Practically unenforced. But working any job that's physically in the country (and would otherwise employ locals) is usually a pretty big deal.

Journalism I would expect to be an entirely different matter since it's usually a separate visa category, and in some countries is more about regulating and monitoring media than immigration.


Teantis t1_irvqipv wrote

> some countries is more about regulating and monitoring media

Like, say, Thailand. Which is ruled by a military junta. They did some trappings of elections in 2019, but the current PM was... Well the 2014 coup leader so, yeah.


r-reading-my-comment t1_irw8fh6 wrote

I saw a dude get shot live once, the station freaked the fuck out about it. It was an accidental clip they got of a dude shooting himself.

I get the general vibe of your post, but the news shows doesn't like showing real violence or nudity. It shows anything up to that though.


PainOfClarity t1_irytbzc wrote

Yes it’s scummy but let’s not forget that there is a demand for this and that’s the reason they chase this stuff. That is the shitty side of human nature that we want to ignore.


CALsHero09 t1_irzisx3 wrote

So what? Dont report the news? Or just make every "news" story some subliminal advertising campaign. Fuck off. Report whats real, and fuck off.
