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[deleted] t1_itr6ri1 wrote


TheDankerGod t1_itr8txg wrote

More like millions dead due to government tyranny and incompetence


SexyOldHobo t1_itrbowm wrote

You think that’s about to happen?


FirstnameLastnamePKA t1_itro9d7 wrote

They are literally committing genocide right now and have been for years


SexyOldHobo t1_itutoq9 wrote

Genocide is a pretty strong word and I don’t feel it is accurate, the UN hasn’t called it that either. Yeah they aren’t being very respectful to their cultural sensitivities, but they are also preserving it in their own way.

I feel like you’re purposely evoking images of Nazi Germany which I think is little disingenuous and doesn’t reflect the reality of the situation because frankly, people aren’t being murdered