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Modern_Bear t1_itpp966 wrote

The moral of the story is don't mess with Pooh.


Itchy-Cook-5219 t1_itpp9z3 wrote

Last time we saw a person with this much gusto in China was Mao and we know how well that went


Watchespornthrowaway t1_itpq86a wrote

Is this guy dead? Cuz if he was gonna be dead he shoulda taken that tea cup and smashed it on poohs head. Just saying.


Proregressive t1_itpw2nt wrote

These spectacles are heavily scripted in advance. If Hu was actually an opponent they would never have seated him next to Xi. Guy obviously looks unwell and was escorted both in and out. Him moving the paper could be a signal he's not going to last to the end.


Fizzicyst t1_itq0yei wrote

"People are looking for Hu. President Xi got rid of Hu. Who? Yes, Hu."

Damn, that sounds like the start of an Abbott & Costello bit for the 21st century.


Trance354 t1_itsrott wrote

So Hu is out, and anyone who so much as looked over at him being removed is going to be questioned by Party officials. This was power on display. Xi is emperor in all but name.


SexyOldHobo t1_itutoq9 wrote

Genocide is a pretty strong word and I don’t feel it is accurate, the UN hasn’t called it that either. Yeah they aren’t being very respectful to their cultural sensitivities, but they are also preserving it in their own way.

I feel like you’re purposely evoking images of Nazi Germany which I think is little disingenuous and doesn’t reflect the reality of the situation because frankly, people aren’t being murdered


thatnameagain t1_itw30iw wrote

Is there any reason at all to think that Hu was sick? Or any reason one would watch that video and conclude that he was removed for that reason?

Because a rational person might conclude that having him removed like that right after the press was allowed in to get footage and not before was the script.