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PhD_Pwnology t1_is261f9 wrote

If only the Business owners payed a fair wage, Ambulance drivers and paramedics would be working. Shame they are paying indentured servitude wages and causing this.


Trugdigity t1_is27zz5 wrote

This is a breakdown in the UK’s National Health Service, which is a government ran system.

Also if you had read the article you would know that Paramedic pay is not the issue. The hospital is using ambulances as rooms because they don’t have enough beds. No reason for the lack of beds is given.


JamaisVu714 t1_is28ofp wrote

Isn’t this the much vaunted “free” healthcare system we keep hearing about?


First-Can3099 t1_is2b70r wrote

It’s a social care problem primarily because hospitals can’t discharge their medically fit geriatric patients out the back door -who need onward care packages. It causes a log jam in the system and ambulances can’t offload acute patients at the front door of hospitals, which takes them out of action, thus causing longer waits for people who need an ambulance. It’s been made much worse by a staffing crisis that the Govt has ignored and Covid lockdowns stored up health problems and has led to massive demand. It’s a perfect storm but the idea behind the NHS remains sound. Just needs a competent Govt to maintain it -and we don’t have that.


snapper1971 t1_is2bzd3 wrote

When it's being deliberately drained of funds, deliberately mishandled so that American health care providers and insurance providers can drain our country dry, yes. Before the Conservative Party was elected in 2010 it was excellent.


geraigerai t1_is2c3w4 wrote

What are you on about mate

She was elected by Tory party members, a group that makes up only 0.2% of the entire UK electorate, and she won with 81k votes to Sunak's 60k votes.


Mist_Rising t1_is2dbuw wrote

Each general election the voters of each district (650 total) vote for their Parliament members (MP) who then essentially determine the prime minister. The method selecting a prime minister in the UK is an internal affair (think American primary but more inclusive), which is then defacto decided by members of Parliament who with a simple majority can remove him/her (vote of no confidence).

This is how prime ministers have been selected since at a minimum, the 1900s but I do think even the 1800s as well, albiet with voter in parenthesis at times since districts were... Not equal.


Mist_Rising t1_is2dm7z wrote

>When it's being deliberately drained of funds

NHS funding has steadily increased every for the past decade. And no it wasn't excellent under labour either, the issues just hasn't come out. It was actually going through a monetary crisis when labour loss power to Blair.


indoninja t1_is2evr1 wrote

The worse NHS is, the more money to be made in private sector insurance.

I don’t think it’s accurate to say American healthcare providers are draining, UK, healthcare dry, but that isn’t exactly what he said.


First-Can3099 t1_is2fsv6 wrote

I have to meet with politicians in my NHS role from time to time. I visited the office of a local Tory MP (and cabinet minister for Johnson) once when plans for a brand new hospital were being discussed. He was very relaxed and supportive of it. A couple of years later, come the election the scheming populist tosser was campaigning on “saving” the knackered crumbling old hospital that was due to be replaced which was holding medical recruitment and infrastructure development back.


Artanthos t1_is2g5a7 wrote

You realize that the issue is no available beds to offload the ambulances.

An ambulance picked her up as soon as it was able to offload the previous patient.

The ambulance sat parked at the hospital with her inside due to no beds available.


shamblingman t1_is2gnr1 wrote

He said NHS has been deliberately drained of funds, but that's completely inaccurate. Funding has increased every year.

He's simply posting the same anti US copypasta.


KizzieMage t1_is2gur1 wrote

Yes but in a general election the electorate are given the opportunity to vote on a parties policies and manifestos.

The issue here is that Liz's plan, her ideas and goals have not been voted on by the general populace, but by only 0.2% of our electorate.

I guess maybe the question is not how many voted to elect her prime minister, but how many voted to choose who would be elected by tory MP's.

Easy answer is the same as every other PM since this system started (the party voters), but for the second time in 6 years we're receiving a new PM as well as cabinet reshuffle through vote in no confidence shenanigans, essentially a new government who so far have only made tax cuts to the wealthy and borrowed 100's of billions to pay energy companies.


indoninja t1_is2jolg wrote

Because that doesn’t take into account, the cost of more complicated technologies, wages, etc

Ignores the reality of UK losing hospital beds.

Ignoring the reality of buy their own standards, they are incredibly under staffed.

But let me guess you’re gonna pretend the whole austerity with NHS movement had nothing to do with training funds.


retiredhobo t1_is2kyct wrote

paved roads are a sign of prosperity


mnbull4you t1_is2mgz5 wrote

Note to self....If you break a hip, don't mention your pension.


zinny08 t1_is2nw6q wrote

You get what you pay for.


captaincool31 t1_is2u3ir wrote

I thought this said "prisoner" at first.


nrrp t1_is2xkzf wrote

> She was elected in the same manner as any other prime minister.

That's not true. Normal process in the UK is for the public to elect MPs and then those MPs elect a prime minister; what happened with Liz Truss was that the Conservative party members (~200,000 people total) and very specifically not the MPs elected the prime minister directly. Truss actually got minority of support of Conservative MPs in parliament (IIRC only a quarter of MPs actually supported her).


DamonFields t1_is2xuyp wrote

Let conservatives run the country, they said. They’ll run it like a business, they said.


No_more_hiding t1_is363m4 wrote

Not a problem of not enough ambulances or paramedics to drive them. It's the care crisis causing bed blocking in hospitals. Unfortunately my friend's Dad had a TIA recently and it took about 12 hours to get him into a bed, after several hours in the ambulance waiting to get him into A&E 😥 Luckily he's ok and had great care and attention from the paramedics and staff.


xSciFix t1_is3ayo0 wrote

> Mary Kinsella still hasn't been admitted to hospital 24 hours after the fall in which she broke her hip

Conservatives are great at gutting public services.


razorirr t1_is3gddp wrote

If the person dies on a street because of the government medical system fails them, they don't have to pay out the government pensions that seem to be at risk of crashing and burning? Its the only thing I could come up with.


bihari_baller t1_is3hqxn wrote

Why is the term "pensioner" so common in the UK, to refer to seniors?


Exoddity t1_is3j8s7 wrote

I was in Wales a few years back and my appendix decided it was time to explode. It took 6 hours to get an ambulance (and no cabs around due to it being halloween) and then an additional 6 hours waiting in the ambulance outside the hospital because there were no beds, and then an additional 20-24 hours being shuffled around from bed to bed and ward to ward before I ever saw a doctor, who told me "your appendix needs to come out now" but didn't have anyone available to do it for another 24 hours. The nurses were overworked, underpaid, and had very noticeably reached the "I don't give a shit" mark. Everything was filthy, the sheets smelled, and there were (filled) cardboard bedpans and these weird cardboard sock-shaped piss cups all over the post-op ward, sitting in the sun by the window or lining the walls of the bathroom.

At one point, after the surgery, I noticed I was bleeding pretty bad, and my IV bag (with my pain meds) was leaking onto the floor. I tried using the call button to get a nurse, but no one came. I yelled, I screamed, I tried to get up but could not. Even when I screamed when I heard a nurse walking across the ward, no one came. I finally got my cell phone out, found the number for the hospital front desk and told the person there what was going on and what ward I was in (some welsh word I could barely pronounce) and that finally got a nurse there. The dude sitting in the bed in front of me had been sitting in a puddle of his own piss for hours.

This whole 'starve the beast' shit the Tories love is really working as intended.

edit: Here's a couple pics from the ordeal


Substantial_City4618 t1_is3m3k4 wrote

If your point is that I’m wealthy enough to have electronic device so I can post on Reddit, yeah I do. It doesn’t really change the calculus of the situation as I’m just one guy. I’m talking about society.

Our society is geared towards fucking the poor, pretending most people have a chance or a choice keeps this stupid shit running.


mehwars t1_is3ob8v wrote

Easy there, Thanos.

In all seriousness, I wish you and whatever your true hopes and dreams are well. Life is how you perceive it and what you do with it is what you make it. I’ve known miserable posh idiots and underdogs that took the world by storm


mehwars t1_is3reyh wrote

If that’s how you want to see it.

My point was that people in all societies all throughout history, from hunter gathers to communists and democratic capitalists have divided themselves on bogus reasons. We live in a time and place where you can make your world the best for you. Trite and simple. Maybe. It’s whatever you want to make it


Tentapuss t1_is3rspn wrote

This happened to a friend’s father a couple of months ago. It took nearly 13 hours for an ambulance to show up after a 95 year old man fell and broke his hip. If the options are this or the American system, I’ll take potential bankruptcy every time.


Orlando1701 t1_is3xo0v wrote

Neoliberalism destroys everything it touches.

I’m from the US but vacation in Canada semi-frequently and it’s funny how every time I go north I have multiple conversations about how bad healthcare is in the US.


CyberGrandma69 t1_is417f6 wrote

Just in time for them to propose privatizing it

Tale as old as time. Gut the resource, privatize it when it inevitably crumbles, make big money picking up those contracts. Canadas political grifters are following the same play.


StewofPuppies t1_is49i19 wrote

Holy shit. As shitty as these medical bills are, this is worse than the states. It has only been this bad where I am during like covid. I'm sure ther are hospitals here just as bad if not worse though.


21plankton t1_is4awlm wrote

Britain has multiple problems and its public services are falling apart, chronic underfunding by conservatives leads to a decline in general society and a terrible international reputation. Perhaps this and other crises will be a wake up call. In the US it was the IRS that was starved in a similar way, until it can’t function.


AnselmFox t1_is4b6oo wrote

China’s rail system is a $3 trillion dollar time bomb that is about to cripple their economy… I’m all for high speed rail in the us and massive federal scale mass transit, but China is literally the worst example you could have provided for a model here..


Exoddity t1_is4cbde wrote

This is the result of people in the government trying to wreck government programs in order to show they don't work. The tories there, like the republicans here, are the party of "Government never works. Now hold my beer while I make sure government never works"


MimiMyMy t1_is4mokv wrote

Jesus, I’m surprised you didn’t die from having to wait so long to get your emergency surgery. I’m glad you came through ok. I guess I shouldn’t complain so much the next time I have to wait for services. I’ve never heard of it getting this bad in my area during normal times unless there was some catastrophic event that overload the hospitals.


Mccobsta t1_is4n9va wrote

Why we need to get rid of this shit show of a government and replace them with one that will fund and fix the NHS


Bananasonfire t1_is4qt8d wrote

Okay, think of it this way:

Say you're a widget maker. It costs you $500 to run all the machines you need to make 100 widgets. Next year, due to new widget requirements such as higher complexity or some other factor, the costs to make the same widgets has increased to $700. Your boss, instead of increasing your maintenance budget to $700 to cover the increased cost, only increases your budget to $550, which isn't enough to keep the machines running, and so you can only make, say... 75 widgets.

This happens year on year for over a decade, until the costs for running the machines are actually $2000, but your budget is only $1000, so you can only make 50 widgets. Yes, your budget has gone up every year, but not inline with costs, and as a result, you've actually received a 50% cut in your maintenance budget.


Downtown_Skill t1_is4v97m wrote

I agree with you one hundred percent on picking USA over china, but as someone who has recently met a lot of Americans who lived in china to teach English it was both surprising and not surprising to hear about how little government overreach affected the day to day lives before covid. Obviously china's current system works better than what they had before with Mao and before that was the century of humiliation so their system wasn't great then either. Can't really fault the Chinese for loving the government that at least brought them to the status of second most powerful country in the world and one with some of the highest living standards outside the US and western Europe. But again ideologically I would pick freedom and Liberty over safety and security any day and it seems china has sacrificed a lot of freedoms and liberties for that safety and security. Plus racism and marginalized communities still exist in china and that safety and security part doesn't apply to them.


bacon-squared t1_is4zqbp wrote

Sounds like what you need to do is cut taxes.


LUBE__UP t1_is4zsbr wrote

You realise that private ambulances and hospitals exist in the UK right? I don't know why people have this stupid idea that socialized healthcare means no private options can exist..


Chippopotanuse t1_is52vk5 wrote

Many folks in America avoid medical care because ambulance rides are over $1k the moment you step inside. Even if the ride is 100 feet. And insurance doesn’t cover it. Even though EMT’s are paid barely above minimum wage.

You get what you vote for when it comes to health care.


ShutterBun t1_is5410d wrote

But it'll be free once it gets there, so...


CW1DR5H5I64A t1_is56dow wrote

And the vast majority of people in the US have insurance which covers the exorbitant fees that the hospitals charge. The problem with the system the US has is that benefits are tied to employment. Reddit tends to skew towards a demographic that work lower positions or entry level jobs which means we typically only hear the horror stories.

Most Europeans really don’t understand how the US system works or how much it actually costs the patient out of pocket for care. So I’ll just share my health plan costs to put things in perspective.

Enrollment Fees or Premiums $0 (This is not common, most people pay a few hundred dollars a month in premiums)

Deductible: $336 for my whole family. (I will pay the first $336 during the year before insurance starts to pay. This resets at the start of each year so I am guaranteed to pay at least $336)

Catastrophic Cap

$1,120 (This is the most I will have to pay out of pocket for my families care for covered care during the year.)

Health Plan Costs- primary doctor

Network: $16

Non-network: 20%

Outpatient Visit - Specialty

Network: $28

Non-network: 20%

Urgent Care

Network: $22

Non-network: 20%

Emergency Services

Network: $44

Non-network: 20%

Laboratory and X-Ray

Network: $0

Non-network: 20%



Network: $16

Non-network: 20%

Inpatient: 20%

Ambulatory Surgery (Same Day)

Network: $28

Non-network: 20%

Mental Health (Inpatient)

Network: $67/admission

Non-network: 20%

Mental Health (Outpatient/Partial Hospitalization) - Primary Care

Network: $16

Non-network: 20%

Mental Health (Outpatient/Partial Hospitalization) - Specialty Care

Network: $28

Non-network: 20%

Mental Health (RTF)

Network: $28/day

Non-network: $56/day

Clinical Preventive Services $0

Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, and Medical Supplies

Network: 10%

Non-network: 20%

Home Health Care $0

Hospice Care $0 (Medical equipment and pharmacy are billed separately)

Hospitalization (Inpatient Care)

Network: $67/admission

Non-network: 20%

Immunizations $0

Maternity (Delivery/Inpatient)

Network: $67/admission

Non-network: 20%

Maternity (Delivery/Birthing Center)

Network: $28

Non-network: 20%

Maternity (Home) - Primary

Network: $16

Non-network: 20%

Maternity (Home) - Specialty

Network: $28

Non-network: 20%

Newborn Care

Network: $0

Non-network: 20%

Skilled Nursing

Network: $28/day

Non-network: $56/day


Generic (Tier 1) - Home Delivery $12

Generic (Tier 1) - Retail Network: $14

Non-network: $38 or 20% of total cost, whichever is more

Brand-name (Tier 2) - Home Delivery $34

Brand-name (Tier 2) - Retail Network: $38

Non-network: $38 or 20% of total cost whichever is more

So with my coverage I have the potential to pay a lot if I go out of network (20%) otherwise I’ll typically pay around $20-$30 for services. Luckily I have a major provider which has most doctors in network.


deaddonkey t1_is57e9k wrote

No it isn’t, this is a universal healthcare/public model and the only one dems have ever proposed in the US is single payer insurance model which is what Canada has, and which most experienced doctors would agree is a better model

Anyway universal healthcare services can work all the same but not if the govt resents them and actively tries to sabotage or gut them


Eeekaa t1_is5cfef wrote

I was in A&E over Friday night and Saturday morning and they had a 10 hour wait to be seen.

Not because of the hospital though. I asked the nurse who saw me why the wait was so long and its because the hospital has 250 patients ready to be discharged, but no care homes to discharge them to, so they're just stuck waiting taking up a bed.

The system is overloaded and underfunded and covid and brexit have only made the whole issue worse and the tories don't care about anything but cutting the top end tax rate.


mothboat74 t1_is5citb wrote

This is what you expect to happen. In my plan, it says 100% coverage for preventative services. However after my annual physical I get a bill for $200 because there was a lab fee that is not covered. There is always some bullshit charge they claim is not a part of your covered expenses.


StewofPuppies t1_is5hkjj wrote

And this is where some of thr states that are more expensive and have better policies for healthcsre are better. For example, our state is expensive to live in for the most part but it is easy access to healthcare due to the amount of capital we put into propping up safety nets. I work at a nonprofit and most of my patients are uninsured, undocumented or on the most basic free stuff tied to state not employment.

Florida by all means has as competent Healthcare standards but accessing it is much more difficult for the poor; thus in ranking system Florida drops pretty far in comparison to Jersey.

This doesn't mean people don't get screwed with fees but it tends to be more bearable than others.


CW1DR5H5I64A t1_is64tn2 wrote

The worst is when a hospital or doctors office is in network, but individual doctors are in separate practices within those medical facilities that are out of network. It’s madness


mothboat74 t1_is65bij wrote

Yes!!!!! Your hospital, surgeon, etc is all in network. However the anesthesiologist is out of network so you owe us $3,000. Oh, by the way, none of our anesthesiologist are in any network.


dittybopper_05H t1_is6jtgj wrote

That's pretty sad.

Here in the US, my father, who is retired and has Medicare, also had his appendix go. An ambulance was at his remote home in the country in less than half an hour after he made the phone call, and less than an hour after they got there he was in the local hospital (well, it's about 25 miles away, over backwoods roads), and he had it removed within less than 3 hours of making the phone call to 911.

It was so quick that I didn't learn about it until he called me from the hospital after he'd recovered from his surgery.

My wife has had a number of health issues over the years. One of them was thyroid cancer. Within about a week of the lump in her neck being checked by her doctor, she'd had an ultrasound, a consultation with a specialist, and she was in surgery getting it removed. And this was during Thanksgiving.

Even myself, when I had my lungs filling up with fluid, and couldn't breathe, I went to the local emergency room and I was quickly seen by a doctor and admitted into a room less than an hour after showing up.

Maybe going full socialist with medicine isn't a good idea.


dittybopper_05H t1_is6lghf wrote

Wow. You pay more than I do, for everything. Annual checkups are $0. Other visits are $25. My son's visits are $0, regardless.

I pay $0 for Tier 1 and Tier 2 drugs, and $30 for Tier 3.

For the last 28 years, I've been without health insurance just twice, totaling just a few months, the last two times I was laid off (2000, and 2001). Oh, and for a couple of weeks when I changed jobs almost 2 years ago, because I left in the middle of the month, so the insurance from my old employer lasted to the end of the month and coverage at my new one didn't start until I had been there a month.


CW1DR5H5I64A t1_is6x95o wrote

I feel like most people from outside of the US assume we are all drowning in medical debt and never get to use our healthcare because it’s cost prohibitive. Reality is most people with stable employment have easy access to medical care.

As most things in the US, there is little to no safety net. If you are successful you can thrive, but if you fall on hard times and loose coverage than there is nothing to help you out.


CyberGrandma69 t1_is7qct1 wrote

And yet hilariously the province I live in ia obsessed with the concept of "Wexit"

If we don't bust up these conservative media monopolies we will lose the rights our forebears fought so hard for and will slip even faster into the weird corporate boring cyberpunk dystopia we are headed towards


Substantial_City4618 t1_is7rw9k wrote

It all exists on a spectrum.

Car dominated infrastructure means we are saddled with sprawl, spiraling debt obligations, traffic, and worse city services because cars are inherently inefficient compared to other forms of transportation.

Well designed cities encourage walking and mass transit. They can be used by everybody. It’s inexpensive, efficient and profitable.

Cars are expensive, and only a certain portion of society can really afford them. There is no alternative in many areas in the country. It creates pockets of poor who can’t afford a vehicle, or working poor who scrape by with no savings or safety net. The barrier to entry of a vehicle is thousands, but a bus or train ticket is a couple dollars.


Substantial_City4618 t1_is86cci wrote

Obviously my original comment is dramatic, it has to be because most people have a small attention span and complex issues have to be compressed until they lose all nuance.

Working within the system doesn’t change the system when there are so many monied interests in the status quo, IMO.


dittybopper_05H t1_isa9tgd wrote

You're only partially right.

You are correct in that yeah, if you've got stable employment you've almost certainly got relatively easy access to healthcare. For some, like myself, it's built into my compensation along with my salary and the like.

For the elderly and disabled, we have Medicare. My father is retired, on a fixed income, and he's got Medicare. That's what paid for his ambulance ride and surgery. He paid very little out of pocket.

The distaffbopper is disabled, and is eligible for Medicare, but she hasn't bothered to sign up because she's covered under my insurance, along with the lifterbopper*. If I were to die right now, she could easily switch over to Medicare.

Back before we adopted the lifterbopper, he was a ward of the county, and I couldn't put him on my insurance back then because he was only our foster child. He was covered by Medicaid, which is like Medicare but it's for people with very low or no incomes. It paid for his medications, and even to have tubes put into his ears because he was getting constant ear infections.

Funny story about that, though: Because he was a foundling left under New York's Safe Haven law, he didn't have a name or social security number. Officially, until the adoption, he was known as "Boy Doe". That's who his Medicare card was made out to. But to the doctor's office, he was known by the name that we called him, but that wasn't made official until the adoption and issuance of a foundling birth certificate.

One day I'm at work and the distaffbopper calls me crying because the pharmacist accused her of trying to commit Medicare fraud, because the name on the antibiotic prescription didn't match the name on the Medicare card. He was new, and didn't know about our unique situation. A call to the head pharmacist at his home ended up clearing that one up, and the new guy apologized, but I could see where he was coming from.

Anyhoo, once we adopted him he went on my health insurance.

Oh, and we also lost WIC (I made too much), and Social Services no longer paid for daycare, nor did we get the monthly checks or clothing allowance.

And it was worth every penny that we lost.



*Formerly the littlebopper, he's gotten into weight training. And he's in college, so "littlebopper" doesn't seem to apply anymore. Teenybopper doesn't seem right also.


mehwars t1_isbnxnm wrote

The most organized, efficient, sustainable living environments are open floor box buildings, with an office to the side for the person running it. Why we continue on the reckless path of private domiciles propagates further division and is doomed to end in failure.