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[deleted] t1_it01rd8 wrote


lumentec t1_it0299x wrote

They very much do drastically slow the spread of disease chief, including COVID - in addition to reducing the severity of disease when it still occurs.


[deleted] t1_it03ikm wrote



lumentec t1_it057vk wrote

That's incorrect. It's not like in Plague Inc. Lower severity in this context refers to the chance of death from someone who contracts it, which was high early on with COVID, as everyone is aware.

For those who aren't at high risk of death, lower severity means they have a lower viral load, and consequently they are less infectious to others. In fact, since COVID has historically been potentially infectious to others for a few days before significant symptoms are developed, your analogy is even less relevant.


[deleted] t1_it0ald1 wrote



Shpad01nkle t1_it139td wrote

I try to tell people this all the time and most people outside of reddit can understand.

If someone doesn’t feel sick, they are more likely to be less cautious and go outside. Esp if they feel so well they have no idea they are contagious.