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MerryGoWrong t1_iy7zccv wrote

They would have had to, there's no way they could survive that long without water.


EmotionalSuportPenis t1_iy8bfmk wrote

As a rough rule of thumb, a human needs about 1 liter a day at an absolute minimum, assuming you aren't sweating or exerting yourself. That just replaces what you lose through normal metabolic processes.

You could probably do with even less temporarily, but at that point you're just delaying your death because you're still experiencing a net loss of water.

An average human undertaking average activity levels needs 3-4 liters a day to stay healthy, not just alive.


am3l1a t1_iy8dz7l wrote

And how long can you go without sleep?


neryen t1_iy8hr6q wrote

The longest recorded time is 11 days, however there is no known fatal limit.

We become severely impaired and begin microsleeping after 48 hours.


NextTrillion t1_iy953p0 wrote

They could take turns sleeping while the others keep them safe. 4 hours of sleep, 8 hours awake to watch your buddy. Not saying it would be a very comfortable sleep, but they obviously survived (some how)!


vox1028 t1_iybyg7c wrote

i don't think i drink a litre of water each day... what happens if you don't?