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[deleted] t1_iurkmig wrote

Does anyone else feel oddly uncomfortable seeing things being done by an administration to help average everyday people? Like you see this headline, aknowledge that it is a positive gesture, but still walk away a bit uneasy? Like when an abusive narcissist is suddenly gentle and kind, and you want to accept it but just can't seem to get there?


Gnd_flpd t1_iusmmyd wrote

Yeah, you're being down voted and all, but I've often felt dealing with the dems is well, they'll slap your face, but the repubs will hit your face with a closed fist real, real hard.


[deleted] t1_iuswa7x wrote

This statement wasn't intended to be party specific. It just seems like for most of my life every government gesture has been given to everything but people. Ive come to see the government as that narcissist I mentioned. Suddenly the current admin is trying to help with student loans, forgiving bullshit marijuana charges, and now this. It would almost start to change my mind if I didn't know we were just a bit of misinformation and misinterpretation away from heading back the other way.