LordFluffy t1_ius30mt wrote
Conversely, I got more excited.
TheNewGirl_ t1_ius37kh wrote
I started eating fresh pasta
cant go back to old dried spaghetti =(
maxonemaxtwo t1_ius37vp wrote
Just imagine the pastabilities
ReflexImprov t1_ius4cyh wrote
Mmm... month-old pasta...
[deleted] t1_ius4t4m wrote
applejackhero t1_ius5sqz wrote
Finally some real technological progress. Elon Musk wishes he could be this forward thinking
AudibleNod t1_ius61l8 wrote
Weeps in Marconi.
[deleted] t1_ius67nn wrote
Areola_Granola t1_ius79c9 wrote
I lost interest after the first two words
Gr8WallofChinatown t1_ius7lki wrote
Good quality dried bronze pressed semolina pasta is much better
lynivvinyl t1_ius8a2n wrote
But I had so much planned for when it was pasta it's date!
[deleted] t1_iusayez wrote
Ezdagor t1_iusbczq wrote
I thought this was impastable!
samlabun t1_iusbyl4 wrote
Not past-a the experitation date any more!
amendmentforone t1_iuscb0q wrote
Italians - "Listen, you're gonna die. Might as well enjoy pasta as long as you can"
pegothejerk t1_iuscchv wrote
Hey I’m Chris Pratt. I like spaghetti.
wooztheweb t1_iuschfh wrote
The two scientists stand in front of a bowl of 120 day old pasta. Mario tried the last batch, so it was Luigi's turn today.
Luigi recalled with horror the profane vomiting sounds coming from Mario's bathroom the night after the last test. The disturbing red tinge to the toilet bowl the next morning would have frightened normal folks, but Luigi knew it wasn't blood Mario had thrown up, just Mama's tomato sauce (she'd beaten Mario with a wooden spoon for wasting food after he left the bathroom and Luigi could hear his stout brother crying himself to sleep).
Now though. Now it was Luigi's turn. He picked the long noodle up and it was wet and floppy. No discoloration, but they'd been duped before and had learned long ago appearances meant nothing.
"Brother, we need this to work," Mario said with an bit of nervousness in his voice, his hand on Luigi's shoulder. "They are cutting the funding at the end of the week."
Luigi scoffed, still staring at the noodle and muttered, "Fuck it." He tossed it in his mouth and chewed.
What seemed like hours passed, but it was only a few seconds. His shorter brother staring at him with wide eyes and a sweaty brow. "How is it brother? Please! Tell me!"
Luigi looked down for a long time, brow furrowed in concentraion. Chewing a little, Mario noticed a single tear drop off his cheek as he looked back up. "Al motherfucking dente."
Mario's eyes went wide as he exclaimed, "Mama mia! Do you know what this means Luigi!"
"It means our former colleague didn't die in vain, brother! We shall stop by church on the way home tonight and light a candle for Toad."
ghrarhg t1_iuscuyd wrote
Found the Italian.
InSanic13 t1_iusdmlu wrote
Because there are different types of scientists that study different things. The scientists in the article probably don't know much about medicine, so they can't help you with your bone issues.
LordFluffy t1_iusfgke wrote
No, you found the diabetic.
EDIT: It's me. I'm the diabetic.
St4rkW1nt3r t1_iusfinp wrote
I read this as "...researchers find new recipe to extend life by a month with pasta."
My newly developing dyslexia is getting bad.
Ok-Brush5346 t1_iusg3xw wrote
Back when I was a kid, I loved eating...macaroni...
GeraldoDelRivio t1_iusgaok wrote
Dried and fresh pasta are kinda like two separate ingredients. Fresh pasta is NOT just a better version of dry, they have two different textures that are ideal for their respective dishes.
ToadTendo t1_iusjn33 wrote
What the fuck
Hidalgo321 t1_iuslalp wrote
This pasta will last at least a month longer than it would have before
normal_reddit_man t1_iusmojf wrote
I'm calling it right now: this is gonna be a better story than the upcoming Mario movie.
[deleted] t1_iusnf9b wrote
[deleted] t1_iusoezf wrote
thisonesforthetoys t1_iuspelj wrote
So now "Fresh Pasta" at the store can be up to a month old.
IBAZERKERI t1_iuspvgq wrote
100% agree
[deleted] t1_iusq1dv wrote
ToadTendo t1_iusq4ln wrote
This is literally the leaked mario movie script bro...
ObiWan_Jabronii t1_iusqbln wrote
This is the most Italian study ever. It's like if Canadians studied maple syrup and hockey.
sublime_cheese t1_iusqtt7 wrote
In my pasta life, I was a manicotti. What were you?
RepresentativeCut161 t1_iusqygr wrote
I would rather go through unnecessary chemo than have to watch another second of that dude. Its nothing personal hes just simply untalented but is tall and pretty so is untouchable and shoved down your throat at every opportunity. He's anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage yet the same women who shit on anyone even slightly threatening their internet supremacy on platforms like twitter would line up around the block to suck him off just because he was in a show that was caught up in the fame wake generated by the office.... He will come go on at nauseum until he starts to sag and be lost to time..
inotparanoid t1_iusqzv2 wrote
Why is this news not front page?
Kalapuya t1_iuss2r5 wrote
How do you have time for your job?
Kalapuya t1_iuss5ok wrote
Oh, they do.
[deleted] t1_iusshqr wrote
Ahelex t1_iust0vd wrote
It would be something of a revolutionary result if they did do that.
Knowing that your time is up, but you still have a few more things to take care of? Just eat this pasta, and give yourself one more month to get all your things in order before you pass!
pikachus_ghost_uncle t1_iusur2i wrote
Mama Mia pasta kingdom here we come
[deleted] t1_iususp5 wrote
[deleted] t1_iusv05s wrote
[deleted] t1_iuswchu wrote
[deleted] t1_iusx7e5 wrote
StoneRivet t1_iusyqz1 wrote
This is pastastic, so strange it's news worthy, but hey, good on the Italians.
onlycatshere t1_iusyviq wrote
Someone send it to Buitoni please? I've gotten two packages of moldy tortellini in the last year that were not close to being expired. I know it's madness buying the same thing and expecting different results, but when it isn't moldy their chicken prosciutto tortellini is fucking awesome
Luciusvenator t1_iuszhr5 wrote
As an Italian that just got from picking pasta of the spaghetti trees, this lab grown pasta doesn't sit right with me.
[deleted] t1_iut1qux wrote
bigtimesauce t1_iut1x4k wrote
Man fuck Italy, do something useful for once.
thejoeface t1_iut6a4v wrote
I also can’t stand him. The only thing I enjoyed with him in it was Guardians of the Galaxy, and well he’s a playing a selfish asshole, so…
I also couldn’t stand him in the Lego Movie, and I didn’t even know it was him until the credits rolled.
cromwest t1_iut6ft6 wrote
A copypasta about pasta? Mama Mia!
coondingee t1_iut737n wrote
I was trying to teach my fellow dumb Americans how to pronounce manicotti.
Ginger_Anarchy t1_iutb70y wrote
I read it the same way, but for me it wasn't dyslexia and just wishful thinking
FantasyThrowaway321 t1_iutbkfa wrote
[deleted] t1_iutbsw0 wrote
bigbangbilly t1_iutbuvu wrote
That's also what Machiavelli said to Luigi
coondingee t1_iutckv0 wrote
Man-a-got. Nice try
FantasyThrowaway321 t1_iutcoq6 wrote
xauching t1_iutefrj wrote
par meezian
[deleted] t1_iutf7yc wrote
AugustHenceforth t1_iutfpzd wrote
Now that's using your noodle.
Bokth t1_iutfzpd wrote
Shh you're not supposed to tell a
[deleted] t1_iuth1sh wrote
[deleted] t1_iuth4pd wrote
[deleted] t1_iutht85 wrote
ShadyAidyX t1_iutinvy wrote
Don’t get your gnocchi’s in a twist
[deleted] t1_iutiqxf wrote
[deleted] t1_iutkjds wrote
Itdidnt_trickle_down t1_iutnjur wrote
Soon it will have the lifetime of bread in the US.
[deleted] t1_iuto9bj wrote
DrummerGuy06 t1_iutpbgi wrote
Great restaurant, try the spicy tomato oil!
deathjoe4 t1_iutqmyo wrote
I only say his name as Crisp Rat now. People don't even notice half the time.
2Punx2Furious t1_iutqsvc wrote
Almost, but the "i" in this case is read as you would read "e".
fresh_dyl t1_iutskp2 wrote
Or like, if I got paid to study the effects of large repetitive doses of cheese and beer in Wisconsin.
I’m putting in the work, just not getting compensated.
Pays_in_snakes t1_iutuom1 wrote
All the world's foremost pastologists are there
ErictheStone t1_iuturii wrote
Oh boy do we!
[deleted] t1_iutvq7g wrote
Hall-and-Granola t1_iutw30k wrote
It’s ingrained into them
UrbanGhost114 t1_iutx4pu wrote
And the Pastafarian's rejoice!
[deleted] t1_iuu3fcq wrote
Kokodhem t1_iuu5926 wrote
Oh God no!
Nightnite88 t1_iuu5uc5 wrote
1- Rigott
2- Mozarell or Motz
3- brojuut
4- Gabagol
All my north-eastern "italian" friends swear that this is how they are called in Italy. 🤦♂️
kuda-stonk t1_iuuc3ny wrote
Dodging stereotypes I see, well done though... sorry that was incensitive of me... Al Dente
LateBloomerBoomer t1_iuuckcv wrote
Now this is some news I needed to see tonight!
[deleted] t1_iuudo90 wrote
Formergr t1_iuuh4kp wrote
Omg this drives me nuts, thank you.
SoSoUnhelpful t1_iuukh6q wrote
Those mad pasta geniuses!
Colonel17 t1_iuulo5c wrote
It ain't much but it's honest work
Cpt_sneakmouse t1_iuum3r9 wrote
They really used their noodles for this one.
ivytea t1_iuun7bq wrote
It is called cannelloni (lit. "Big Tube") in Italy, no idea how it became "Clean hands" in the US. Maybe one is obliged to clean hands after his tube got big?
[deleted] t1_iuunh24 wrote
Implausibilibuddy t1_iuuogdj wrote
^^Okay ^^that ^^last ^^one ^^is ^^my ^^own ^^because ^^it ^^annoys ^^my ^^girlfriend.
Implausibilibuddy t1_iuuorsz wrote
- Make pasta
- Dry it.
Veryexpensiveggs t1_iuussej wrote
If I ever find myself on a speed date, this is the phrase I’m using.
Manos_Of_Fate t1_iuutnh4 wrote
It only counts as science if you write it down.
BlackEyeRed t1_iuuyemg wrote
If I had to choose between fresh or dry pasta for the rest of my life, it would be dry.
Is that a controversial statement?
[deleted] t1_iuuyrp8 wrote
ErikTheAngry t1_iuv1ja5 wrote
You must follow the scientific method.
It isn't good data until it's confirmed with a high degree of confidence. And the only way to do that is to repeat the experiment again and again, and conclusively get the same results. Then other people who can find no fault in your method repeat the tests and compare their results to yours.
tokes_4_DE t1_iuv9u2i wrote
Alright i get reddit doesnt like him but i looked around and can find zero evidence of him being anti gay marriage. Some posts about being pro life or happy about having a children, but thats about it there.
Also people dunk on him for being a shit actor and yet everyone loves gotg and parks and rec. Not saying im a fan of his overly religious attitude at all, but he gets this weird hatred on reddit more than so many other actors despite not having anything really controversial to say.
Heres james gunns take on the whole weird rabid internet hate on pratt. Id say hes knows him pretty well....
LeaCTrockboys t1_iuvflo3 wrote
This is great news for us at Hulk Hogan's Pastamania revivalists.
Leroyboy152 t1_iuvgi77 wrote
Another use for plastic
[deleted] t1_iuvgoqx wrote
BlackBlizzard t1_iuvqhic wrote
The fact it's only by a month is so funny to me.
somedudeonline93 t1_iuvursl wrote
Canadians do study maple syrup.
Also a relevant SciShow short about how we don’t yet understand the chemistry of maple syrup.
Zelensexual t1_iuvvclm wrote
Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster. His Noodly Appendage will be very pleased indeed. Ramen.
HeatherKathryn t1_iuwcyj5 wrote
Oh my god they got him
Kingdeadmeme t1_iuwju4y wrote
The truly important problems.
Manos_Of_Fate t1_iuwkjwt wrote
All of those things require writing down the results.
[deleted] t1_iuxw063 wrote
[deleted] t1_iuy8e3s wrote
[deleted] t1_iuy9fnx wrote
[deleted] t1_iuy9maq wrote
[deleted] t1_iuya65o wrote
[deleted] t1_iuyacaf wrote
[deleted] t1_iv0xaok wrote
[deleted] t1_iv1v1xt wrote
[deleted] t1_iv365s8 wrote
haroldthehampster t1_iv4j6v1 wrote
Someone’s Italian grandmother js rolling in their grave
TheGunshipLollipop t1_ivfwnef wrote
Yup. Dehydrate the fresh pasta and it lasts much longer. I smell a Nobel prize.
[deleted] t1_ivnrjp1 wrote
Rulare t1_ius2f2l wrote
I was more excited before I got to the pasta part.