RubberbandShooter t1_ixkynqk wrote
Reply to comment by chenjia1965 in Brazil's electoral court rejects Bolsonaro election challenge by vitorgrs
Bolsonaro ran on the usual conservative talking points, pushback of corruption, violence, and rescuing of "family values" and Christian tradition. Brazil is a quite socially conservative and religious country, and the governments of PT from 2002 to 2014 became synonymous with a bunch of corruption scandals (look up Mensalão and Operation Car Wash), that tanked the image of the PT party for a lot of people. Bolsonaro then rose up as an "outsider" candidate, promising to not make any concessions to "the system" (even though he spent decades as a congressman who failed to put forward any relevant project), and fight "cultural marxism".
NetEast1518 t1_ixloff2 wrote
Then you put everything he said in a resonation box called social mídia and you have as a result a lot of zombies that answer any argument presented with a loud: "You are a COMUNIST!!!"
Fear is the most feeling humans have, and they worked it very well.
Full-Watercress-7743 t1_ixm2s83 wrote
let me give you some advice: Don't use someone's subjective opinion as the representative of the facts, especially when your parameter comes from the internet.
The president-elect, Lula governed the country during what is perhaps the period with the most cases of corruption in the country's history and was imprisoned until recently. The Brazilian supreme court did what it could to free the ex-convict from his sentence so that he would be able to run for election.
The question arises: Why would they do this? Members of the Supreme Court are appointed by the President. As President-elect Lula's party and its affiliates governed the country for more than 20 years, they nominated most of the ministers.
The reason you think of a third world country when you hear the name of Brazil, or think of samba or women is because during the last 22 years no president has made an effort to improve the country, and in that I am including Bolsonaro. To make matters worse, the Brazilian people are idolatrous and follow any imbecile with a political banner, which is the case of Lula - An illiterate, actively involved in cases of corruption (ministers arrested, money confiscated and returned to Brazil).
FruityFetus t1_ixmttx2 wrote
“Don’t use someone’s subjective opinion as the representative of the facts”. Proceeds to supply subjective opinion.
Full-Watercress-7743 t1_ixmu5vv wrote
Exactly. Divergence is important. If you can point out which points I made are lies, it would contribute to the discussion
FruityFetus t1_ixmvxmx wrote
Why don’t you just source your points instead. I’m not saying they’re wrong, but it’s pretty hypocritical to call out subjectivity while making a bunch of unsourced statements yourself.
Full-Watercress-7743 t1_ixmwncf wrote
I said not to assume as facts. That goes for the other opinions as well as mine. I don't see where the hypocrisy is in that. What I said can be easily found by searching for information about the car wash operation and the list of appointed ministers/government.
As credible as an opinion may seem, it is necessary to do research before assuming it as fact. This is necessary so that we do not fall into false narratives from any of the political sides.
[deleted] t1_ixmgasi wrote
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