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MissaLayla t1_iuva8ft wrote

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


Wise-ask-1967 t1_iuvayw5 wrote

The party was over long ago but no one cares.. we keep screaming but the DJ just turned up the sound system. so... now we either cry in the corner or wait for the shocked pikachu face when the fires can't be put out. It's exhausting and makes me pray for a quick dinosaur type ending vs this.


abbeyeiger t1_iuvci6w wrote

Things are gunna get awkward at glacier national park.


[deleted] t1_iuvcips wrote

Well I don't know what to tell you. Should have turned the tap off while brushing your teeth and limited air conditioning usage to an hour a day during the hot months.


Pisces_Sun t1_iuvct3i wrote

this really is the worst time to be existing


Safety_Drance t1_iuvdnmm wrote

Yeah, your kids are fucked. If you are a kid who's going to have to live through it, sorry man. We had/have a lot of angry assholes who only care about making a quick buck and are gatekeeping the apparatus of change.

It's not your fault, but given human history we're probably pretty justifiable for extinction.


MrMonstrosoone t1_iuvfcpd wrote

if only there was some scientific community that could give us their opinion on this


Shiromi55 t1_iuviprb wrote

Yet people still buy plastic bags, sad times.


undergirltemmie t1_iuvka6a wrote

Clearly the problem and not the massive amount of corporate waste which puts these plastic bags there for small profit, or the ones who dump waste into the ocean because it's cheaper, or the... Wait I see a trend here!

And it MAY just have to do with everyone following the money, and the common person having fck-all control.


McCree114 t1_iuvm812 wrote

But those kids can take comfort in the fact that their future was squandered so grandpa could retire with 3 rental properties to bleed people dry and a garage full of classic muscle cars that he drove 35 mph on the highway because his reflexes were so degraded.


asdaaaaaaaa t1_iuvm8ws wrote

Kind of crazy being alive and aware that by the time I'm out the door, the world will be an incredibly hostile place. Between the changing climate, lack of food/resources, and countries fighting for said resources, it's going to be a very different way of life for many people.


Al_Bundy_14 t1_iuvntgj wrote

Can definitely help with water. Population doesn’t go down. Only up.


TrunksTheMighty t1_iuvosge wrote

I'd say we had a good run, but we didn't. Humanity is a failed civilization. Can't exist without destroying everything around them. Earth will survive and recover, without us. It should just shake us off like a parasite.


Shiromi55 t1_iuvqjhz wrote

I do work retail and I really hate it when a customer buys one item but still NEEDS a plastic bag. I ask them "do you need a plastic bag" and they're like do I have a choice? Yes you do, don't get a plastic bag!... I'd rather have these plastic bags stay here than in your trash after one use. At least we can delay ordering more.


ntgco t1_iuvxtw1 wrote

When the the glaciers are gone, so are the rivers they fed since humanity began.

Millions of villages and towns will run dry.

Hundreds of Millions will search for water.


CritaCorn t1_iuvygyb wrote

  • 11 Million metric tons of plastic go into the ocean each year
  • 2.7 Trillion fish are farmed from the wild each year
  • Globally we deforest around 27 million acers a of forest every year
  • Average Global tempter increases per year by .32F (which is doubled since 1920)
  • Commercial Beekeepers rate of bee lose climbs each year, 32% this year.

And no matter how scary that is, nothing will be done about it


alien_from_Europa t1_iuvyjae wrote

Environmentalpy safe, advanced desalination is going to be the most important technology to develop in the next decade. Clean water from oceans is going to be necessary to prevent a dustbowl when you have no glaciers.


Imaginary_Medium t1_iuvzeqe wrote

Don't forget more pandemics.

The richest people are amassing still more wealth and that seems to be the whole purpose in life we've been handed, in exchange for cheap entertainments. I'm way past tired of that shit.


TheUpperHand t1_iuw0i6g wrote

UN: Humanity continues to charge head-first into "find out" territory.


pierfishmarket t1_iuw2k2g wrote

No worries, electric vehicles will save the day, not


alien_from_Europa t1_iuw3rch wrote

It can be sustainable, but costs are high and they need to be built on 25 acres of land near the shoreline to prevent the possibility of leaking into aquifers. You can make more of them if they're designed like ocean oil refineries that bring water to shore by pipeline, but that would cost even more. However, I can't imagine the costs being a problem by 2050 when facing no glaciers.

The main issue is the brine that is produced at the outflow. It's pretty bad for the environment. Solving that is essential before building thousands of them.


qret t1_iuw3w3e wrote

Fun fact, in order to be less environmentally damaging than a disposable plastic bag, you have to re-use: a paper bag 4 times, a polypropylene bag 14 times, and a cotton bag 173 times.

Since I already have a bag filled with about 100 disposable plastic bags under my sink, I've started keeping a handful in my car and re-using those. I find I can get 10+ uses out of a disposable plastic bag before it gets serious holes, putting the "break even usage" numbers at 40/140/1730. I'm convinced this is actually the most eco-friendly approach and anyone thinking about buying a new reusable bag should first check if they have any disposable plastic bags lying around, and then ask their friends and family if they do. And when those wear out, ask around again. But people don't do this because buying, owning, and lugging around a fancy reusable bag signals some supposed virtue.

Reduce >>> Reuse >>>> Recycle >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Buy some new thing that had to be manufactured for you


Teresa_Count t1_iuw54zh wrote

> and they're like do I have a choice?

Jesus that's scary. The older I get the more I realize how little critical thought people put into any given scenario.

FWIW I'm not the best about plastic bags but I do save and return them. I know that's not ideal but it's better than throwing them out after one use.

But for fuck's sake, if I buy stuff and can carry it fine with my own two arms, I never get bags.


SEND_PUNS_PLZ t1_iuw5r2w wrote

Can we please stop voting this guy into office?


JhymnMusic t1_iuw6vch wrote

I'd bet money it'll be faster than that.


wgp3 t1_iuw6y3j wrote

Well according to the epa, greenhouse gas emissions from transportation accounts for 27% of the total US greenhouse gas emissions. And over the last 30 years that sector has had the biggest increase in absolute terms. So yeah I'd say electric vehicles are a pretty important part of cutting that. Sure, public transport is important as well. But if you think that you can redesign thousands of cities across America, change American attitudes on how they like to travel, and raise enough tax money to fund the redesign faster than evs could saturate the market then I'd say you're wrong. Evs are a much more realistic step that has a large effect. And realistic steps are what matter. Not some idealistic but unrealistic expectations of how things should be.


hauteteacher t1_iuwau0c wrote

My mom reuses plastic bags. I'd be so embarrassed going into the grocery store and she would bring the plastic bags. And sometimes they'd be from an entirely different store. Now, I just don't care knowing how wasteful we humans can be.


chrisms150 t1_iuwctfc wrote

A non zero part of me wants to travel to see it in person


Knowing completely well that my travel is needles and only adding to the carbon that will destroy it... So I probably won't but man I'd love to see it in person


loafatwork t1_iuwdx4y wrote

Once 2050 rolls around, the headlines will be saying "Global warming to melt glaciers by 2070."


Hobbit_Feet45 t1_iuwhg70 wrote

Apples and bananas. What I’m talking about is investing in clean energy futures what Biden is doing is alleviating price gouging on oil right now in the present.


SexyOldHobo t1_iuwi68c wrote

The current administration invited Exxon lobbyists to write the infrastructure legislation that congress passed.

Yeah democrats are “better”, but it’s still just running down the train tracks as opposed to republicans who deny there’s a train


O0O00O000O0000O t1_iuwjvnv wrote

There’s also the first hot war with a world superpower in Europe since WWII and OPEC is cutting production. It’s also a reserve so I don’t know what you think it’s use is supposed to be?


idioma t1_iuwldnd wrote

“There it is, again: that funny feeling.”


sirboddingtons t1_iuwlr5m wrote

I remember talking to a park ranger around the Mt. Rainier area about whether the depleting glaciers on the volcano would increase the accumulation of magma beneath it as the downward pressure of the mountain decreases, he answered that one of the USGS researchers he talked to had suggested that was entirely possible, that it could raise the risk of eruption. Many volcanoes in the world are flanked by significant glacial formations, usually these are some of the more violent erupting volcanoes. If Mt. Rainier was to blow, the resulting lava flows would reach the city of Tacoma, WA within 30 minutes.

I wonder what other secondary and tertiary effects decreasing glaciers could have not just tied to water management issues (pray for those in the Himalayas flow), decreased luminosity causing additional heating, and of course loss of habitat.


RandomnewUser_22 t1_iuwlzp5 wrote

I wonder what it will be like living around year 2100


TokiDokiPanic t1_iuwp8uf wrote

Capitalism/colonialism/imperialism. The worst thing to happen to this planet.


Flatline2962 t1_iuwucl4 wrote

Isn't that like... what all politics are? Doing things so you get re-elected?

I mean, I know the GOP has convinced half the country that good politics is to beat you with a baseball bat, take the money from your wallet and give it to some billionaire, but this argument of "you're just buying votes by doing things that people need" has always confused the fuck out of me as missing the entire point.


Dependent_Yesterday9 t1_iuwvnkg wrote

Karen: Why, Frosty?

Frosty: 'Cause when the thermometer gets all reddish, the temperature goes up. And when the temperature goes up, I start to melt! And when I start to melt, I get all wishy-washy.


bubblegumdrops t1_iuxafkh wrote

Don’t worry, a single person’s carbon emissions isn’t that much. Most anyone who can actually make a big difference is too focused on $$$ to make an effort. So go on vacation because we’re all fucked anyway.


Cimatron85 t1_iuxh673 wrote

I’m weary of anything that gives a domesday date.


[deleted] t1_iuxr485 wrote

And we all use that excuse to not make any changes.

I stopped doing my absolute favorite hobby, flying small aircraft, in large part because I couldn't justify burning fossil fuels (leaded fuel at that) for my personal jollies, no matter how much satisfaction I got from it.

Sure it's just one person but add it up across millions, and more importantly create a culture shift that shames the big polluters to take action, and it would make a difference.


jonatton______yeah t1_iuyl6q1 wrote

It's a wrap. We'll collectively do nothing until it's too late which speaks for itself.

And you know what? We fucking earned it (speaking in aggregate there).


Imaginary_Medium t1_iuywu6u wrote

It sounds very complicated. Thank you for explaining the process. I assume governments or the very rich are the only ones who could do that on a large scale.

I will of course be long dead by 2050, but I still fear for those who come after, having to cope with all that.


ImTheNewishGuy t1_iuz55uz wrote

To add to your scary. That entire area is a magma chain. Rainier is one of the youngest mountains over there. If it goes the others go with it. St Helen's is a long way away and you can see the massiveness of he crater from Camp Muir on Rainer. Imagine Rainier, Adam's, st Helen's and hood all doing that within a short geological time frame. The northwest would be absolutely decimated and it would blow east over the plains and onto the Midwest.

On alighter note St Helen's has the only growing glacier in the world. Just cause the sun doesn't hit he crater that is.


ChucksNorris243 t1_iuz9ymj wrote

Does the math to figure out how old I'll be then if I survive