Submitted by charmbrood t3_ykwk5e in news
charmbrood OP t1_iuveuqd wrote
Are you constipated?
Actual_Dinner_5977 t1_iuvf1s8 wrote
You'll have to speak with my public affairs officer about that question. I'm not ready to confirm or deny the existence of a bowel movement yet.
[deleted] t1_iuvfhzs wrote
Initial_Umpire3913 t1_iuvg6o7 wrote
At the moment this is my biggest concern in regards to NK, one of these hunks of junk sputtering out over Tokyo and forcing us into open conflict when it takes out some densely packed apartment complex.
They have to realize they’re saber rattling with a broken sword? Even a few successful test doesn’t change that fact in this game.
Now that’s also just my most pressing concern at the moment, there’s a virtual cornucopia of other dumb shit they do and could do to further destabilize the situation.
igneousink t1_iuvggw1 wrote
i think they make medication for inter cuntinental ballistic missiles that don't work?
ILostMyMustache t1_iuvj9de wrote
No ICBMs just spicy BMs
44moon t1_iuvl09o wrote
however if it's in flight for more than 4 hours, you should seek medical help immediately
[deleted] t1_iuvmw1o wrote
moiraio t1_iuvwn3n wrote
I saw this info posted last time but apparently in terms of where they're situation geographically they have to fire missiles over japan to test them long range, so they try their best to go over the narrowest parts of Japan (obviously we're still rightfully pissed off though)
underpants-gnome t1_iuvwxzd wrote
If it burns going in it will burn going out.
[deleted] t1_iuvxlx8 wrote
[deleted] t1_iuvygq0 wrote
ivytea t1_iuw4psq wrote
Why not shoot north and land in China? /s
[deleted] t1_iuw7hh6 wrote
brihamedit t1_iuwcbfo wrote
May be other rogue parties telling nk to showcase missiles before buying them. That's why nk doing these tests? May be other parties trying to practice how to neutralize them.
Conman_in_Chief t1_iuwcs68 wrote
Premature ordnance explosion is also very common
IamSauerKraut t1_iuwemqq wrote
They could launch a few to the NE into the Sea of Okhotsk. Or, Japan could set up a site north of Sapporo and fire a few off Nampo.
Callabrantus t1_iuwfntw wrote
I try to think about baseball so I don't nuke early.
Callabrantus t1_iuwg3iq wrote
Maybe the missing rocket went over the edge of the planet.
GoatSculpture t1_iuwk60p wrote
So when North Korea launches a missle into the ocean does anybody check the debris to make sure they are not just dumping toxic waste or other harmful chemicals?
[deleted] t1_iuwnl3i wrote
[deleted] t1_iuwoten wrote
traegeryyc t1_iuwpafc wrote
I bet someone is recovering them to determine their technology and efficacy.
Frank_chevelle t1_iuww4kb wrote
He was nervous. Happens to the best of us. Never me though.
Initial_Umpire3913 t1_iuwwl5q wrote
They don’t have to fire missiles at all
WickerofJack t1_iuwxok3 wrote
You’re welcome. Continue on with your day.
[deleted] t1_iux06xc wrote
[deleted] t1_iux5jtl wrote
riftwave77 t1_iuxos7d wrote
I'm sure that there is a race for debris. Can get intelligence on how the rockets are assembled from looking at parts
[deleted] t1_iuxp8w0 wrote
[deleted] t1_iuxpbet wrote
TheKingofVTOL t1_iuyf2bc wrote
Aside from…yknow…not shooting icbms to begin with
[deleted] t1_iuyjgqa wrote
[deleted] t1_iuyo86k wrote
Actual_Dinner_5977 t1_iuves89 wrote
To be fair, my ICBMs don't work either, so who am I to criticize?