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Ragepower529 t1_ixu44ja wrote

2.3% spending over 7% ytd inflate. So spending is actually down


MedicineConscious728 t1_ixu4tyh wrote

Thank you. Also, I’d be interested to know what types of items were sold. I bought necessities today because they were on sale.


JennJayBee t1_ixv6gj9 wrote

I got dog food, some chips, popcorn, hand soap, and a rotisserie chicken.


itstommygun t1_ixue8cj wrote

Spending is up, items purchased is likely down.


Ragepower529 t1_ixuer3r wrote

I mean that’s like saying your business in Venezuela made 100 trillion which is a 10,000% increase then last year.
